In the article, we will consider the main reasons why you feel sick after eating.
Nausea is a heavy feeling, it is felt at the top of the abdomen, and the urge to vomit relentlessly follows it. Throughout our lives, we are faced with this unpleasant sensation more than once. It is due to a number of different factors. If this does not happen systematically, in isolated cases - everything is fine. If you feel sick after eating constantly, then the body is screaming for help. It may indicate obvious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or the presence of other diseases.

Nausea after eating can tell us about the presence in the body of acute or prolonged and chronic ailments. Nervous breakdowns, as well as the phenomenon of post-traumatic stress syndrome, can also become "soil" for activating such unpleasant sensations.
However, nausea and vomiting should not be taken as a harmful process. It is more of a defensive reaction of the body. She appears fromirritation of the digestive system. The section of the brain responsible for the gag reflex receives a warning about disturbances in the functioning of the body associated with poor-quality, bad food or bacteria. The salivary glands instantly activate their own mechanism, and the body prepares for cleansing. Vomiting relieves and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, the condition becomes better. In this case, we are talking about nausea associated with overeating or the abuse of low-quality, fatty foods. Often this unpleasant feeling appears just below the solar plexus, and is accompanied by a feeling of a full stomach. The patient will be able to feel that the food has accumulated in the larynx and is ready to break out any minute. However, it also happens that a person feels sick after eating for a long period. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, it is possible that this will be followed by malfunctions of various organs.
Allergic nausea
Some foods (such as nuts, eggs, shellfish, milk and dairy products) have every chance of "outsmarting" your immune system, and it will mistake them for malicious alien invaders. If you consume any one of these products, the immune system sets in motion processes that incite the body to release histamine and activate allergy symptoms: irritation, itching, swelling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colic, or, more simply, abdominal pain..
Additional signs of an allergic reaction: nettle fever, shortness of breath, shortness of breath.

It is possible to get rid of untidy consequences. Avoid foods that the body perceives as a threat. Be careful what you eat in restaurants and cafes. In some cases, a rigid hypoallergenic diet can help get rid of susceptibility to unnerving foods, but reactions to shellfish, peanuts and other foods can be lifelong.
Why you feel sick after eating is interesting to many.
Nausea due to food poisoning
Incorrect preparation or storage of food can make it a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. Once inside, microorganisms begin to multiply, initiating intoxication with toxic substances of their own vital activity. Symptoms of an intestinal infection are diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. They begin to be felt after 2-3 hours after eating.
The first step is to empty the stomach. It is required to drink a mixture of soda (1 tablespoon in 1.5-2 liters of water) and thus provoke vomiting. You can also press your fingers on the base of the tongue. It is necessary to carry out the procedure several times until the vomit is completely cleared of food fragments.
Next step. You need to use sorbents ("Smecta", activated carbon, "Enterosgel"), they will absorb toxins.

And then replenish the body's water reserves, which suffered from dehydration. Water-s alt balance can help restore specialized rehydration agents ("Regidron") or a regular water-s alt solution. Already afterpoisoning is recommended to stick to the diet.
When a person feels sick after eating, the reason may be different.
Rotavirus infection
Rotavirus infection is expressed by a combination of syndromes: respiratory and intestinal. This ailment was nicknamed "intestinal flu." However, the causative agent of this disease is by no means the influenza virus. Rotaviruses enter the body in different ways. You can become infected: by contact with a sick person, by airborne droplets, or by consuming water and products that already contain the virus.
Often all this is accompanied by high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, sore throat.

It is possible to cope with the consequences of the disease, thanks to the same sorbents and a strict diet. In addition, you should compensate for the water balance and eliminate dairy foods, up to the point until absolute recovery occurs. As a preventive measure, the World He alth Organization recommends vaccination. Often sick after eating during pregnancy.
One of the earliest signs of pregnancy, other than the cessation of the menstrual cycle, is a feeling of nausea. In this case, it is generated by the transformation of the progesterone level and the adaptation of the mother's body to new conditions and the nascent organism inside with an unknown set of chromosomes. As a rule, the process is activated at the end of the first - the beginning of the 2nd month, however, there are lucky ones who have not met toxicosis.
Usually sick during toxicosisin the morning after eating.
But sometimes nausea can bother the fairer sex at any time of the day or night. Eating is no exception. In some cases, the aroma or taste of individual foods is enough to provoke the urge to vomit. At the same time, nausea is a normal condition, it does not harm either mother or baby in any way.
You can notice pregnancy by the sensitivity of the breast and its swelling. Overwork can also often bother the expectant mother.
Toxicosis during pregnancy is not a disease, but in the event that nausea does not bother a woman around the clock, in order to prevent this condition, it is recommended to eliminate fried, fatty, sweet and overly spicy foods. The diet should remain complete and correct.
Even when you feel sick after eating? We will continue to consider the reasons below.
Acid reflux
Heartburn is considered a feature and the main symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, but this deviation can also generate nausea. The disease develops when the muscular valve between the stomach and esophagus does not function well, and stomach acid enters the food tract.
The patient has a burning discomfort in the chest, a feeling of constriction, coughing and sour belching.
Usually throws up immediately after eating.

GERD should be treated under the supervision of a he althcare professional. It is recommended to beware of drinks and foods that increase acidity, to refrain from harmfulhabits, take your doctor's prescription for heartburn, and digestive he alth medications.
Besides the fact that after eating the stomach hurts and feels sick, there may be vomiting, sometimes with blood, bloating, colic, flatulence, diarrhea, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, sore throat, sleep disturbance, delayed menstruation in women, and so next.
Sickness in transport
There are people who are most susceptible to moving around in a vehicle. In case you are also used to facing it, every trip makes you feel sick. Eating before or after eating can cause more nausea.
In order to get rid of her on the road, you can take the following medications as prescribed or recommended by your doctor: painkillers, anticholinergics, antihistamines, antipsychotics and antiemetics. However, do not forget that self-medication is not an option.
Why do you feel sick an hour after eating?
Nervous strain not only affects our feelings, but can also cause physical ailments. Anxiety or prolonged anxiety often causes a person to skip meals or feel ill after eating. Nausea goes away as soon as you realize that the experience is not worth your he alth, and you take control of your feelings.
Symptoms may include muscle pain, fatigue, decreased libido, insomnia, sadness, nervousness.
If stress is preventing you from living a normal life, you can visit an appointment withpsychotherapist. In addition, relaxation techniques, yoga, walking and good sleep can be effective.

What does it mean to be constantly sick after eating?
Gallbladder disease
The gallbladder is located on the right side of the abdomen and supports the body in the absorption of fats. Deviations in his work can affect the absorption of food, as a result of which, after eating it (especially sweet, fatty, fried), a person will feel nausea and pain in the abdomen.
Only a doctor can cure a disease. Especially if complications still occur or the effect of drug treatment is absent, and diets are powerless. It is required to solve this problem with surgery.
There is another reason why you feel sick after eating.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Functional disruption of the gastrointestinal tract can occur due to stress, a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and frequent dietary changes. The most common complaint of IBS patients is nausea after eating. Also, the disease is characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence.
If you feel sick after eating, what to do?
Diet helps get rid of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, the doctor prescribes drug therapy based on the patient's complaints and severe symptoms. These can be benzodiazepines, antidiarrheals, antispasmodics, and others. Effective treatment can be achieved through acupuncture, herbal medicine, the use ofprobiotics.

Prevention of an unpleasant sensation should be focused on eliminating the factors of its occurrence. A he althy lifestyle can help eliminate it.
Experts advise:
- eat small meals every four hours;
- drink enough water to keep your gastrointestinal tract working properly;
- do not consume soda and sugary water, prefer mineral or purified water (comotes and green tea may be useful);
- take outdoor walks after meals (lunch);
- provide the body with systematic loads that will promote a rapid metabolism;
- should refrain from spicy, fried foods, reduce the amount of spices in dishes;
- minimize the consumption of starchy foods;
- refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol;
- if the cause of discomfort is the vestibular apparatus, do not eat before traveling in transport;
- when taking medication, carefully study the instructions, because one of the side effects can be nausea;
- during pregnancy, do not succumb to stress, overexertion;
- if you are allergic to certain foods or external irritants, try to eliminate or protect them;
- observe hygiene, ventilate the house or apartment, as well as the premises at work;
- be sure to watch your weight and not overeat.
How the disease is toleratedmen, women and children?
The stronger sex often overeat and worry about their own he alth much less often - nausea in men is diagnosed quite often. Interest in alcoholic beverages equally leads to morning sickness, and sometimes nausea appears immediately after a feast. Smoking on an empty stomach, in addition, can become a prerequisite for the development of a counter reaction of the body to the influx of toxic elements.
Nausea in women often appears during menstruation, when a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. By producing prostaglandins, the body reduces pain, at the same time, it negatively affects the nervous system and causes uterine contractions. The amount of gastric juice produced decreases, which can cause unpleasant digestive problems. Pregnant women also feel the symptoms of intoxication, which is also considered the result of hormonal changes. It continues until the 13th week and is considered the direct process of carrying a baby. Toxicosis intensifies if a woman is sleep deprived, tired, has a cold.

Vomiting after meals in children is not uncommon. Even their excessive activity can influence this. Energetic games and pronounced emotionality can immediately cause nausea. You need to constantly monitor the child and respond to his complaints. Vomiting is often a symptom of an infectious disease. Poor hygiene also increases the likelihood of ingestionadverse bacteria and the occurrence of poisoning.
Never forget: Nausea is not a concern unless it comes and goes quickly. When a person has this unpleasant feeling for weeks, this is an alarm signal. In this case, you should immediately go to the doctor.
We figured out why you feel sick after eating.