Dizziness is an extremely unpleasant condition. Many in such a situation are simply lost and have no idea what can be done to improve their he alth. There are many folk methods of getting rid of such an ailment, however, pharmaceutical preparations (all kinds of dizziness pills) have a more pronounced, reliable and quick effect. How to choose the right medicine, and what are the most popular and popular remedies?
General information about the phenomenon
Before choosing pills for dizziness, it is necessary to determine the nature of such a phenomenon. First of all, it should be noted that such problems are known to every person to one degree or another, but for the most part, people in adulthood are exposed to it.

Despite the fact that the feeling of rotationin itself is not a disease, it is strongly not recommended to leave it unattended. Be sure to consult with a specialist about the nature of the occurrence of dizziness, because it can be a sign of serious pathologies. Among doctors, there is even a classification of the phenomenon, taking into account its symptoms:
- True. May be accompanied by the urge to vomit and the actual vomiting itself, the person experiences a feeling of rotation, leaving the floor from under the feet, losing balance.
- Non-system. Characterized as a harbinger of fainting. The person turns pale, sweats, weakness is felt, it may darken in the eyes.
- Psychogenic. It consists in a general state of heaviness, a feeling of lightheadedness, reminiscent of alcohol intoxication.
Various diseases cause such conditions, and in each case, the specialist selects an individual treatment plan that brings results.

Where does the treatment begin?
How exactly should you act in an emergency? The main rule is quite simple - do not prescribe dizziness pills to yourself. It is necessary to consult a specialist, namely a neurologist. It is quite possible that you will also need additional consultations, for example, with a therapist, ENT or endocrinologist, so you will have to prepare for long trips to medical institutions. In case of severe discomfort at a particular point in time, it is recommended to call an ambulance service in order to receive prompt appointments and normalize the emergency situation. Once again, it should be recalled: any medications, their dosage, as well as the duration of administration, are determined by the doctor, based on the disease that caused such external manifestations.
Emergency Appointments
Emergency also uses pills for dizziness. Their names are "Diazepam", "Torekan", "Cerukal", "Atropine sulfate". Means are used in a special dosage, self-treatment by this method is also strictly prohibited. With long-term therapy, other means are used, the task of the ambulance specialists is to quickly and effectively stop the stage of an active attack.

Advice from traditional medicine
If you don't know which dizziness pills are recommended for you, don't experiment with controversial drugs. Be sure to consult a doctor, and at first try to normalize the situation with the help of folk recipes. However, for the most part they are not very effective and partially eliminate only the external manifestations of the problem. The most popular products are:
- Ginger root. It is crushed into powder and mixed with warm water. The resulting tincture languishes for 15-20 minutes, and then is considered ready for use. It is recommended to apply 3 times a day.
- Oregano. Crushed inflorescences (2 tablespoons) pour 500 ml of hot water, insist for 8-12 hours. The indicated dose is divided into 4 equal doses.
- Clover (teaa spoonful of inflorescences in a glass of boiling water.) The resulting broth is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. It is recommended to use it 5 times a day, at regular intervals, one tablespoon.
- Hawthorn. For a liter of hot water, take 4 tablespoons of crushed shrub inflorescences. After mixing the components, the drink is infused for about 20 minutes, after which it is ready for use. It is generally accepted that such a remedy has a positive effect on blood vessels.

Dizzy from external causes
Feelings when the ground leaves under your feet can be associated not only with diseases, but also with external factors. For example, a similar condition is relevant for those who get sick in transport. What pills for dizziness and nausea should be taken in this case? So, it is customary to allocate the following drugs suitable for this situation:
- Cholinolytics. For example, Aeron. The principle of action is to reduce the tone of the vagus nerve.
- Psychotropic. For example, "Prazepam". Available strictly by prescription.
- Antihistamines. For example, "Dramina".
- Antiemetics. For example, "Cerukal".
- Homeopathic. For example, "Air-sea".

Circulation problems
What dizziness pills are prescribed for circulatory problems? The most popular are the drugs, the action of whichdirected to:
- Normalization of blood supply.
- Optimization of lymph flow.
- Minimizing the manifestations of hypoxia.
Usually, in such cases, experts prescribe "Vazobral", "Microzer", as well as a number of preparations based on the plant extract of ginkgo biloba.
"Betaserk" for circulatory problems
Dizziness pills "Betaserk" are quite popular. The main indications for their use are in the following pathologies:
- Vestibular disorders.
- Vomiting.
- Dropsy of the inner ear.
- Severe headache.
- Benign vertigo.

According to reviews, "Betaserc" is well tolerated by most patients, its regular intake does not suppress consciousness, reduces the severity of ailments. The drug is approved for use in the elderly, but still has a number of contraindications, including:
- Pregnancy.
- Peptic ulcer in the period of exacerbation.
- Asthma.
- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
"Betaserk" means long-term use during the course of one month. In some cases, the drug is prescribed in combination with antihistamines, but the latter can reduce the positive effect of taking the drug. In addition, possible side effects must be considered.

Treating the consequences of osteochondrosis
Dizziness is often observed with cervical osteochondrosis. Tablets in this case are also prescribed by a doctor after clarifying the cause of the phenomenon. The classic symptoms of an unpleasant illness are:
- Crunch when moving head to side.
- Feeling off balance during seizures.
- Having episodic tinnitus.
- Nausea.
- Increased heartbeat.
Treatment in this case should be systematic. Tablets for dizziness for the elderly and middle-aged should be aimed at dilating the arteries and increasing the tone in the vessels. Such an action favorably affects the blood supply to the brain. In addition, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes and means for optimizing metabolic processes to their patients.
In addition, with osteochondrosis, you must be extremely careful when combining certain drugs. Some medications are known to be incompatible and cause dizziness when taken at the same time.
Advice for seniors
Dizziness pills for the elderly after a stroke are prescribed only by a specialist. Independent study of such a topic and the selection of drugs in most cases only exacerbate the situation, lead to all sorts of complications.
First aid measures that every person of age can take are the wearing of glasses to improve vision, and the use of a hearing aid if necessary. Such specialdevices optimize location and improve coordination.