Today, the use of oxolinic ointment in the nose is one of the most common and popular methods of treating colds, runny nose and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. It is also used to increase the body's defenses. But not all doctors recommend using this drug. Why is the ointment not as harmless as it is commonly thought? Does oxolinic ointment really help with a cold?
Characteristics and description of the drug
Oxolinic ointment in the nose is a popular remedy for colds, which is used by adults and children during the season of infectious colds. Today, this drug has acquired a large number of myths and misconceptions.
According to the instructions for use, oxolinic ointment for children and adults contains oxolin, paraffin and mineral oil. One gram of ointment may contain 0, 25 or 3% oxolin (tetraoxo-tetrahydronaphthalene). The drug is placed in tubes with a capacity10 or 30 grams.

Oxolinic ointment from what helps? The instructions indicate that the drug is used to treat and prevent such pathologies:
- viral rhinitis;
- flu;
- diseases of the skin and organs of vision of viral origin;
- herpetic eruptions;
- shingles;
- warts;
- Dühring's dermatitis;
- molluscum contagiosum;
- scaly versicolor.
The drug belongs to antiviral and antimicrobial agents. But according to medical data, oxolin is a remedy that has unproven effectiveness. The drug is used only in the countries of the former USSR, it is not registered in other states.
More about the composition
Antiviral oxolin nasal ointment is the subject of many discussions, as many consider the drug to be ineffective and useless. Many advise paying attention to the composition of this drug.
So, the drug contains tetraoxo-tetrahydronaphthalene (oxolin), which acts as an irritant that makes a person sneeze. It also dries out the mucous epithelium of the nose, making it unhe althy. Sometimes dryness provokes the development of nosebleeds, especially when used in childhood and old age. Therefore, some doctors answer the question of whether it is possible to smear oxolin ointment on the nose of a baby in the negative.
Paraffin and mineral oil or petroleum jelly, which are also part of the preparation, on the contrary,help moisturize the nasal mucosa. But they make it sticky, so dust particles and even pathogens of viral infections can easily stick to the mucous epithelium. It can be concluded that the medicine does not protect against viruses.

Medication action
Oxolin manufacturers claim that this substance has a virucidal effect, it can block the process of binding viruses to the surface of membranes, which stops them from entering he althy cells. Therefore, they can no longer spread and reproduce in the cells of the body.
Oxolinic ointment has different indications, due to the sensitivity to oxolin of adenoviruses, herpes viruses, herpes zoster, infectious warts and molluscum contagiosum, conjunctivitis pathogens.
The drug is non-toxic, the active substance does not accumulate in the body. The ointment does not have an irritating effect, provided it is used in prescribed dosages, as well as the integrity of the skin and mucous epithelium.
According to the instructions for use of oxolinic ointment for children and adults, when applied to the skin, only 5% of the drug is absorbed into the blood, and when applied to the mucous epithelium - 20%. During the day, oxolin is completely excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Thus, the use of the drug provides an increase in local immunity and the creation of an obstacle topenetration of viruses into the body.
Ointment "Oxolinic" for the nose: instructions
In medical practice, two concentrations of ointment are used - 0, 25 or 3%. Each of them is used to treat different diseases.
0, 25% ointment is used as a prophylaxis during the epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as well as for the prevention of viral conjunctivitis. In this concentration, oxolinic ointment is used in the nose, as well as for the treatment of the organs of vision. It is applied to the mucous membranes of the nose or under the eyelid for suspected conjunctivitis two or three times a day. The amount of the drug should be such that it evenly covers the mucous epithelium with a thin layer. The course of prevention is one month. Before smearing the nose with oxolin ointment, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages.
But the drug cannot eliminate an already progressive disease, the manufacturer claims that it is effective only as a prophylactic.
Oxolinic ointment (3%) is used for the treatment of skin diseases. It is applied to the skin for the treatment of warts, lichen, mollusk. The amount of the drug should be such that it evenly covers the affected area with a thin layer. Use the medication two or three times a day for two or three months.

Many doctors say that there are more effective drugs for the treatment of skin diseases.
When oxolinic ointment is put into the nose, tingling may occur and a small amount of mucus may be released. Suchthe phenomena do not require discontinuation of the drug, they pass on their own within two minutes.
Use restrictions
Like all medications, the ointment has some contraindications:
- High susceptibility to drug components.
- Prone to allergic reactions.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Presence of injuries and wounds on the skin and mucous membranes.
The drug can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. But it is necessary to use the minimum dosage of the medicine.
According to the instructions, the use of the ointment during the period of the influenza epidemic and SARS is advisable for pregnant women, it is also recommended to use it for those who have placenta previa, bleeding disorders. According to numerous reviews, this drug has been used in such cases for decades.
There is no data on the use of the drug in childhood, but many use the ointment to prevent SARS and influenza in children.
The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, so the drug can be used while driving a car or other mechanisms.
With the simultaneous use of adrenomimetics, overdrying of the nasal mucosa is possible.

Development of side effects
Usually the drug is well tolerated by patients. It is necessary to study the information on how often to smear the nose with oxolin ointment in order to prevent the development of undesirable consequences. When using medicationburning of the mucous epithelium is possible. If the medicine gets on the damaged skin, burning and irritation also appear. Sometimes the following side effects may develop:
- rhinorrhea;
- discoloration of mucous membranes.
If negative symptoms appear, do not use the medication anymore, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
In medical practice, no cases of drug overdose have been recorded. Theoretically, exceeding the permissible doses can lead to the following symptoms:
- irritation at the site of application of the ointment;
- rhinorrhea.
If these signs occur, wash off with warm water. If the ointment enters the stomach, you need to contact the clinic. It is also recommended to wash the stomach, take a sorbent. Therapy is symptomatic.
Disadvantages of medication
Many people know what oxolin ointment helps from. But, despite the popularity of the drug, he has many critics, whose arguments are well founded. The main disadvantage of the drug is its unproven effectiveness. This medication is used only in the countries of the former Soviet Union, it has no analogues. Nevertheless, the ointment is popular and is sold out annually in the country's pharmacies.
Also, opponents of this medication focus on the fact that viruses enter the human body not only through the nose, but also through the oral cavity, so the drug cannot prevent the development of SARS and influenza.

The use of medicines against skin diseases is considered to be inappropriate, since warts and other pathologies are successfully treated with other medicines, as well as celandine and laser, and herpes and lichen are eliminated by more advanced drugs.
Some doctors compare the effectiveness of the ointment with the placebo effect. In addition, oxolin is an inducer of interferon - proteins produced in response to the attack of viruses, thanks to which the body resists infections.
According to the instructions, the drug causes the body to synthesize interferon. But the mechanism of its synthesis is quite complicated, with some types of herpes, these proteins can only do harm. Virus-affected cells, when interacting with oxolin, will try to produce interferon, but to no avail. Under the influence of the drug, they will try again, meanwhile the disease will progress and may lead to the development of complications.
In many states, interferon inducers are banned for use. According to WHO, with prolonged use of such substances, resistance to them is formed. Over time, even the simplest of surgeries, such as a caesarean section, can endanger a person's life.
Appearance of the drug and storage features
Oxalin Ointment is available in tubes:
- 0, 25% ointment in the amount of 10 grams.
- 3% medicine - 30 grams.
Ointment should normally be milky in color, sometimes with a yellow tint. If it is stored for a long time, it acquires a pink tint. When appliedon the skin, it may become bluish. After applying the drug, a greasy trace remains on the skin, it is not completely absorbed.
Store the medication in a dry, dark place where the air temperature is not more than ten degrees. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, but it is forbidden to freeze. When storing a medicine for a long time in a room in the summer, it is not recommended to use the medicine during the cold season. The shelf life is three years from the date of issue, then the medicine must be disposed of.
What to look out for?
Many confuse oxolin, which is part of the ointment, with oxolinic acid. The latter is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it is part of medicines for the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system. Do not confuse these two substances, as they are completely different.

Cost and purchase of medication
You can buy Oxolinic ointment at any pharmacy in the post-Soviet countries. In other states, such a drug is not produced or sold. It is released without a doctor's prescription. The cost of the medicine is about thirty rubles per tube of ointment 0.25%. For 3%, the ointment will have to pay about three hundred rubles.
Many doctors say that oxolinic ointment in the nose is a drug of the last century. Nevertheless, it is constantly sold out in the country's pharmacies during the cold season. Medicine cannot confirm the benefits of this medication, it has no analogues. But doctors recommend the use of other drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect, whichhave proven their effectiveness. These include:
- "Albucid" and "Tobrex" from viral conjunctivitis.
- "Feserol" and "Verrukatsid" from warts.
- "Interferon" and "Amoxiclav" from viral rhinitis.
Vaccination is recommended to prevent influenza. You can also take "Amixin" or "Immunal" for prophylactic purposes.
Most doctors do not recommend the use of the drug, as it has not been tested, its effectiveness has not been proven. However, a large number of people claim the opposite. They constantly use the medicine during the season of colds and flu epidemics. They also use the drug to treat children by lubricating their nasal passages when they go outside.

This drug was released for the first time in the 70s of the last century, since then its popularity has not waned. The ointment continues to be used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. Its cost is relatively low. Recently, the drug is rarely used in the treatment of skin pathologies of viral origin.