Oxolinic ointment is a well-known remedy that is used for colds. Many users believe that this drug is effective, but some believe that it either does not help or is completely dangerous to he alth. Is it so? In what cases is oxolinic ointment still used?

Oxolinic ointment for herpes helps, and this is due to its composition. This agent has antiviral activity, it blocks the binding zones of the virus with the surface of the cell membrane, and prevents the virus from entering the cells. When the ointment is applied to the skin, only five percent of the product is absorbed, and if it is applied to the mucous membranes, then twenty percent. The agent is excreted by the kidneys during the day, without cumulating in the body.

Indications for use
In what cases is oxolin ointment prescribed? For herpes, it is often recommended for use. She will also help with:
- flu prevention;
- viral rhinitis;
- dermatoses withviral etiology;
- vesicular lichen simplex;
- shingles;
- warts;
- molluscum contagiosum;
- dermatitis;
- scaly;
- viral eye lesions.
If you don’t know how to treat herpes on the body, then you should turn to this particular ointment.

Oxolinic ointment for herpes on the body should be used, as it is as safe as possible. It contains oxolin. Sold in tubes of 10 and 30 g.
How to use the ointment?
The product is usually lubricated with a damaged surface two to three times a day. Apply a small amount to the fingertip and rub in slowly. It makes no sense to apply a thick layer, the result will not be better from this. Oxolinic ointment is good because it is effective and as safe as possible, it does not irritate the skin, does not provoke the occurrence of additional inflammation in a he althy area. The drug is absorbed into the blood, but in small quantities. However, before using oxolin, you should consult your doctor.
For the treatment of viral rhinitis and the prevention of influenza, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal mucosa twice a day with 0.25% ointment. To remove warts on the body, the product is applied to the affected skin two to three times a day for two weeks. Sometimes therapy is extended for 2 months. After applying the ointment to the wart, wax paper must be applied on top. Oxolinic ointment for herpes will help if you follow the instructions for use and the recommendations of a specialist.

What is herpes?
Herpes is an infectious disease caused by Herpesviridae pathogens. The most common is herpes of the first and second types. The first appears on the face, and the second on the genitals. Symptoms of herpes are unpleasant tingling sensations, after which painful red vesicles appear on the lips, on the nasal mucosa, skin or genitals, more often they are grouped. Recognizing the virus by such symptoms is very easy. If a person’s immunity is weak, then swelling of the mucous or skin may be added to such symptoms.
How to treat herpes on the body? It all depends on the extent of the damage. Sometimes Acyclovir or oxolinic ointment helps in the initial stages, but sometimes more serious treatment is required. When the disease goes into remission, adaptogens, immunomodulators, and other drugs are prescribed. Be sure to carry out vaccine therapy.
The cause of the disease is a virus that enters the body upon contact with the source. The causative agent passes through open mucous membranes from a sick person to a he althy one. The virus makes its way deep into the body, to the nerve endings, and then infects the cells. In most cases, the herpes virus passes quickly, without appearing for a long time. It resumes in its original place when immunity is weakened. The cause may be an infectious disease, often pregnancy. Also at risk are people with HIV infection; categories of persons who work in hazardous work.
What is the prevention of this virus? For herpespenis, that is, in the genital area, it is necessary to protect yourself during intimacy, or completely exclude it during therapy. In remission, mandatory protection with condoms, treatment and prevention of both partners.
In order not to provoke the appearance of herpes on the head or other parts of the body, it is important to maintain immunity, not to overcool, maintain hygiene, drink vitamins, adhere to proper nutrition.

Contraindications and adverse reactions
Oxolinic ointment (users recommend it for herpes) has practically no contraindications for use and adverse reactions. Do not use it in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance and auxiliary components. It can cause a burning sensation at the site of application, rhinorrhea, dermatitis. Sometimes stains skin blue but washes off easily.

A big plus of oxolinic ointment is that it is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. It blocks the activity of the herpes virus, prevents the spread of infection. The ointment has more effective antiviral analogues according to indications, but not in composition. What other drugs can I turn to?
- "Viferon". It is an antiviral and antibacterial drug, which is produced in the form of an ointment, gel, suppositories. It contains tocopherol, ascorbic acid, so it can be considered a more effective drug compared to oxolinic ointment."Viferon" perfectly copes with the inflammatory process, is a powerful antioxidant, heals wounds, has an immunomodulatory effect, moisturizes the mucous membrane.
- "Pinosol". The drug is produced in the form of a gel and ointment. This is a combination product that contains plant and synthetic components. The composition contains eucalyptus and pine oil. It is important to note that the concentration of active ingredients in the ointment is greater than in the gel. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain and discomfort, constricts blood vessels. It is an antiseptic, promotes tissue regeneration.
- "Doctor Mom". The ointment contains a large number of useful components that are endowed with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Perfectly eliminate pain, relieve swelling. This ointment should not be applied to the nasal mucosa due to irritating ingredients.
- Balm "Gold Star". A well-known remedy, which includes vegetable oils, has an irritating effect, so the balm is recommended for nasal congestion. Apply it on the wings of the nose, but not on the mucous membranes.
- Thuja oil. The composition contains only the oil of the same name, but its effectiveness is high in relation to the fight against viruses. It has a pleasant aroma. The tool has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves swelling, tones, prevents the appearance of herpes. It can be used as a preventive measure. Perfectly moisturizes mucous membranes and disinfects.

Judging by the reviews, oxolinic ointment cannot be called the most effective remedy for herpes. However, as a preventive measure and at the initial stages of the disease, its use is appropriate. Oxolinic ointment for herpes (this is indicated in the instructions) of the first and second types is an ideal remedy. What do users write in their reviews? The advantages of oxolinic ointment include:
- no smell;
- cheap price;
- suitable drug for allergy sufferers;
- convenient packaging;
- small effect in the treatment of SARS;
- virus prevention;
- with a runny nose relieves the condition;
- has a good antiviral effect;
- restricts exposure to viruses for a while;
- harmlessness.
Oxolinic ointment also has disadvantages. Users think that:
- the tool is inconvenient to use;
- Storage open for a short time without refrigeration;
- does not 100% protect against disease;
- does not always help;
- may aggravate symptoms of SARS and herpes;
- colors the skin;
- burning sensation if there are wounds.
Despite the merits of the ointment, many still believe that it does not bring results. In individual cases, it can lead to the spread of the herpes virus to he althy areas of the mucous membrane or skin.