Umbilical cord entanglement: causes and consequences. Why does the umbilical cord wrap around the fetus?

Umbilical cord entanglement: causes and consequences. Why does the umbilical cord wrap around the fetus?
Umbilical cord entanglement: causes and consequences. Why does the umbilical cord wrap around the fetus?

Nature is so laid down that a close relationship between a child and mother begins in the womb. The baby receives nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. The arteries of the umbilical cord remove decay products and carbon dioxide. Sometimes the baby behaves so actively that it literally “gets entangled” in the umbilical cord. And then it forms loops that can wrap around the neck or other parts of the body one or more times. It is important and interesting to know why fetal cord entanglement occurs, how to avoid it and what to do if the problem has already arisen.

Fetal cord entanglement: what is it?

entanglement of the umbilical cord
entanglement of the umbilical cord

Umbilical cord entanglement is a fairly common pathology that obstetricians and gynecologists diagnose in the last stages of pregnancy. Often the baby "solves" the problem on his own and gets out of the umbilical cord, but in some cases the help of an obstetrician is needed. How and why the entanglement of the umbilical cord occurs, the causes of this pathology should be known to every pregnant woman. In some cases, the occurrence of pathology is provoked by the expectant mother, so she is obliged to monitor her he alth andwell-being.

Causes for the development of pathology

According to statistics, 20% of pregnancies are accompanied by the umbilical cord entwining the baby. It is important for the expectant mother to know the reasons for the entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus and, if possible, avoid exposure to provoking factors. There are folk signs that say that it is impossible to sew, knit, weave or actively engage in gymnastics during pregnancy. To believe it or not is the business of every expectant mother, but we must remember that these are just fictions of our ancestors.

umbilical cord around the neck
umbilical cord around the neck

Doctors obstetricians-gynecologists call the factors that cause the development of deviations. Cord entanglement can result in:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • stress and overwork;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • malnutrition of the mother;
  • long umbilical cord.

When registering with a antenatal clinic and for nine months, doctors identify the risks of developing various pathologies and strictly monitor the he alth of the mother and fetus. If a woman is at risk, then she needs to regularly visit an obstetrician and follow all his instructions.

Among other pathologies during pregnancy, one of the most common is cord entanglement. Causes, provoking factors are well studied and doctors successfully take such births.

How is the entwining of the fetus?

why does the umbilical cord of the fetus occur
why does the umbilical cord of the fetus occur

The most common cause of cord entanglement is baby hyperactivity. The child may lack oxygen, nutrients andsubstances and it actively moves in the womb in search of food. If the expectant mother abuses coffee, black tea, alcohol, cigarettes, then the child needs more oxygen, which he tries to get. Frequent stress leads to an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood of both the mother and the child, which becomes the reason for the activity of the baby.

With polyhydramnios, the baby has too much room to move, so he can so easily get tangled in the umbilical cord and even tighten its loops more tightly. The long umbilical cord is also much easier to tangle and form dangerous loops around the baby's neck and body.

Wrapping the umbilical cord around the neck

The most dangerous for the he alth of the fetus is the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. In this case, during childbirth, the loop can tighten and lead to dire consequences. Modern medicine has reached such a level that this pathology is successfully treated and the child is born absolutely he althy. It is important for expectant mothers to regularly undergo all examinations, conduct ultrasound diagnostics and be under the supervision of a doctor.

Single cord entanglement

The most "simple" is a single entanglement with the umbilical cord - one loop is formed around the child's neck, from which the baby often "gets out" on its own. During childbirth, the entanglement is easy to loosen and remove once. This type of pathology occurs most often and rarely brings problems to a woman in labor and a child.

Multiple cord wraps

Twisting, in which two or more loops are formed on the baby's neck, is called multiple. Most often doctorsa double entanglement is fixed, but there may be three or even four loops of the umbilical cord. This type of pathology is more difficult for doctors to correct during natural childbirth, so a caesarean section is performed.

Consequences of cord entanglement

causes of entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus
causes of entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus

The entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck leads to the fact that the fetus often experiences oxygen starvation, it has microtraumas of the cervical vertebrae. In the future, a child born with entanglement is prone to frequent and severe headaches, fatigue, and hypertension. There are also problems with intrauterine development and nutrition of the fetus: a clamped umbilical cord conducts less nutrients and removes waste carbon dioxide worse.

Such children are prescribed special treatment, which consists of massage, physiotherapy, and medication. It is important to seek help from a pediatrician, a neurologist in time and start treatment, then the chances of a full recovery increase.

single entanglement of the umbilical cord
single entanglement of the umbilical cord

Twisting around other parts of the body is less common and less dangerous to the fetus. More often the legs are twisted, less often the arms of the child. In this case, it is even easier for the baby to get out, so it is rarely possible to fix the entanglement of the umbilical cord on ultrasound diagnostics. The reasons for "hugging" are the same as listed above.

The most dangerous is the umbilical cord around the neck. The consequences of this pathology can stay with the child for life and lead to many serious diseases: hypertension, migraine, dropsy of the brain,osteochondrosis, mental retardation.

Obstetric care for entanglement

In the vast majority of cases, cord-entangled pregnancies end successfully, and childbirth proceeds naturally. Childbirth in such women proceeds without complications, the child and mother feel well and, like others, are discharged home in a few days. The only difference is that during delivery, the mother is under enhanced medical supervision using Doppler or ultrasound equipment.

After the birth of the fetal head, the obstetrician manually releases the baby's neck from the umbilical cord loop and labor continues. Only with a tight or multiple entanglement, a caesarean section is selected already in the process of childbirth or in advance. In some cases, this is the only way to have a he althy baby and avoid future problems.

entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck consequences
entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck consequences

It is important for a pregnant woman to take care of the he alth of her unborn child. It will be useful for a future mother to know how the umbilical cord entangles, the causes and consequences of this pathology. It doesn't matter how the birth went. It is important that the baby is born he althy, and that mommy has the strength to care for the newborn.
