Proper general patient care is one of the most important factors influencing his speedy recovery. Carrying out a set of measures aimed at restoring and maintaining the strength of the patient, it is possible to prevent possible complications, and quickly return him to a full life. General patient care in the therapeutic clinic is provided by nurses who provide both physical and psychosocial support. This is why general care is synonymous with nursing.

Basics of General Nursing
The complexity of care lies in the fact that each patient is individual, he has his own habits and character. Sometimes the patient is not able to think clearly and give an account of his actions and deeds. This makes it necessary for the caregiver to have skills such as patience, vigilance, compassion, the ability to think clearly in an unusual situation.
General therapeutic care is essential for all patientsregardless of the type of their disease. This concerns, as a rule, the satisfaction of the natural needs of the body: the patient needs food, drink, personal hygiene. It is very important to help the patient to be active. A light stretch in bed or a short walk will have a positive impact on both physical and mental he alth. No less important are the conditions in which the patient stays: silence, clean linen, respect for oneself and one's needs.

Basic rules
There are several general rules for patient care. About them further.
First of all, the care provided to the patient should depend on the instructions of the attending physician. The patient may not be able to get out of bed, or may not have significant restrictions in movement. This or that regimen prescribed by the doctor determines the amount of care required. However, even those who are able to take care of themselves need it.
Ideally, patients should be in a bright room, isolated from noise, have fresh air. Even such basic amenities as comfortable temperature, silence, abundance of light and clean air have a beneficial effect on the body, regardless of the type of disease.
Cleanliness is the key to he alth. Cleaning of the room in which the patient is located should be carried out at least twice a day to avoid accumulation of dust. The patient's bedding and underwear should also be kept clean. You need to change it so as not to createunnecessary pain and tension for the patient.
Washing is essential every morning and evening. If there are no restrictions from the doctor, then the patient is allowed to wash in the shower or in the bath. Bedridden patients should be wiped daily with wet swabs, paying special attention to places where diaper rash often occurs: armpits, groin, skin folds.
An organism depleted by disease needs a constant supply of nutrients. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins must be supplied in a balanced amount at the same time, as it is necessary to follow the diet. Many diseases require a special diet or a special diet prescribed by a doctor.
Another important rule is to monitor the patient's condition. The doctor should be aware of the changes that occur with the patient: well-being, activity, psycho-emotional state, color of natural secretions. Timely detection of deviations will allow them to be eliminated faster, preventing the development of complications.

Psychological help
Another general principle of caring for a sick person requires knowledge not only in medicine, but also in psychology: illness is stress, and people endure it differently, sometimes becoming capricious and irritable or withdrawn and uncommunicative. The emotional state in the process of recovery plays a significant role, therefore, caregivers must observe medical ethics - a respectful attitude towards the patient, an interest in a speedy recovery. Properly built dialogue and a good attitude will allowset the patient in a positive way.

What is a hospital?
Patients are cared for in the hospital. A hospital is a medical institution where patients stay for a long time, there are all the necessary conditions for this.

Types of hospitals
The following types of hospitals are usually distinguished:
- daytime - allows you to perform procedures that cannot be performed at home, but at the same time does not require long-term hospitalization;
- round-the-clock - necessary for treatment under the constant supervision of doctors;
- surgical - designed to recover patients after surgery;
- at home - created at inpatient medical facilities, whose doctors provide all the necessary medical care to a patient at home.
Profiles of hospitals
Hospitals also differ in profile, depending on the treatment of which diseases they specialize in. This determines the level of qualification of doctors and medical personnel, the equipment of the medical institution with everything necessary to fulfill its task. According to the profile in a broad sense, there are two types of hospitals:
- multi-profile - work with different types of diseases;
- monoprofile or specialized - are engaged in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with certain pathologies.
What medical departments are there?
Each medical institution in its structureis divided into departments, among which the main one is medical. Medical departments also differ in profile: general and specialized. General departments usually provide therapeutic and surgical care, while specialized departments work with diseases of a particular body system. In addition, there is a reception and diagnostic department, a laboratory.

General and specialized care - application algorithms
By specialization, not only inpatient medical institutions differ, but also the types of care provided. In addition to general patient care, there is also specialized care for patients with a specific disease. If the first is designed to create comfortable conditions and ensure vital processes, then the second is aimed directly at treating the disease. He althcare workers caring for the patient must have a wide range of skills and knowledge necessary for the rehabilitation of the patient.
Patient care is carried out according to a clear algorithm. First of all, a diagnosis of the state of he alth is carried out, and then the caregiver determines what needs the ward is unable to satisfy on his own, what is the degree of these difficulties. Based on this, the patient's response to his illness and condition is revealed, the so-called "nursing diagnosis" is made, which includes a list of existing and potential physiological, psychological problems of the patient associated with the disease.
The next step is planning - for each problema goal and a care plan are formed. Within the limits of their abilities and competence, the medical staff sets realistic and achievable goals for the short or long term. They should be accessible to the patient for understanding, set out in simple language without complex terms. Throughout the time spent in the hospital, care is provided, specialized procedures necessary for recovery are performed. Due to the fact that the state of the ward is changeable, it is important to track changes and make adjustments to the developed plan.
A correct diagnosis and prescribed treatment is only half of the recovery. Fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions, observance of hygiene and dietary standards, a favorable emotional background play an equally important role. The combination of general and specialized care will greatly speed up the recovery process of the ward, and prevent possible complications.