Gingivitis: home treatment, symptoms and possible causes

Gingivitis: home treatment, symptoms and possible causes
Gingivitis: home treatment, symptoms and possible causes

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that requires complex medical treatment. If not started in a timely manner, it can lead to mouth ulcers and other complications. However, first things first.

Causes of disease

There can be many reasons for the development of gingivitis, but the most common ones are:

  • Smoking (it weakens tooth enamel and causes it to darken).
  • Medicated treatment (this includes cold medicines, as well as antidepressants, because they reduce the production of saliva, which contributes to more active reproduction of bacteria).
  • Incorrect or non-observance of oral hygiene rules. We must not forget that you need to brush your teeth twice a day, and also rinse after eating. It is obligatory to visit the dentist at least 2 times a year, and preferably every 3 months.
  • Incorrect treatment of other dental diseases. Dental problems, if self-treated, can lead to other diseases or complications.
  • The presence of diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, the presence of fungal organisms or infections in the body. The cause of the appearance of gingivitis can also be abrupt changes in hormonal levels. Also, the cause may be injury to the mucous membrane or burns on it.
  • Weakened immune system (possibly another disease).
  • Lack of calcium.
  • Vitamin B deficiency.

General symptoms

Symptoms and treatment of gingivitis may differ depending on individual cases, but there are similarities between all of them:

  • Pain in the gums.
  • Bleeding even with light pressure on the gums.
  • Smell from the mouth that disappears after just a few hours of brushing.
  • Gums a little red and permanently swollen.
gingivitis symptoms and treatment
gingivitis symptoms and treatment

Gingivitis forms

Treatment of the disease may differ depending directly on its form. Dentists distinguish the following classification:

  • Catarrhal gingivitis. This form is considered the easiest, and with it the teeth do not begin to loosen even after a long time.
  • Hypertrophic gingivitis. Treatment of this type of disease is more difficult because it is a severe form. Symptoms include headache, loss of appetite, bad breath, reddened gums, and fever.
  • Ulcer-necrotic. Treatment of ulcerative gingivitis is slow, as this form of the disease is characterized by the fact that it manifests itself sluggishly. The patient, as a rule, almost completely refuses to eat due to too bad a condition, which significantly complicates the treatment.
  • Atrophic gingivitis. In this case, the patient has a decrease in the size of the gums.
  • Marginal or marginal gingivitis. The main symptom of this form is that a small tubercle forms on the gum, in which pus accumulates. With this form, damage to the interdental papillae occurs, as well as damage to the gums.
gingivitis symptoms in adults
gingivitis symptoms in adults

How is gingivitis different from other gum disease?

Symptoms (and treatment for gingivitis, including ulcers) can be similar to other oral diseases. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the dentition, as well as to study all the symptoms.

Such diseases include periodontitis, which is a complication of advanced gingivitis. The main difference here can be considered only loosening of the teeth, as well as the destruction of bone tissue. Periodontitis is also characterized by bleeding gums and the formation of periodontal pockets.

treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis
treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis

Periodontosis can also be confused with gingivitis. However, its consequences are somewhat different. Periodontal disease leads to the destruction of the alveolar process, as well as to the exposure of the tooth neck. The gap between the teeth can be seen with a professional cleaning.

Gingivitis is also often confused with stomatitis. However, they differ in the localization of inflammation. After all, if atgingivitis, only the gum becomes inflamed, then with stomatitis, inflammation spreads to the entire mucous membrane, palate and cheeks, they swell and turn red.

Gingivitis and pregnancy: is there a link?

Treatment of the disease during pregnancy is different from the treatment of gingivitis in other adults. During pregnancy, there are drastic changes in the hormonal background of the girl, which leads to a weakening of the periodontium. This leads to an increased risk of oral disease.

Gingivitis is often found in women in the second trimester of pregnancy, even if they carefully try to monitor their oral hygiene. During this period of time, the gums begin to swell, redden and even bleed.

Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to treat gingivitis during pregnancy, because after the birth of a child, the disease supposedly will go away on its own. In fact, this opinion is erroneous, because after gingivitis simply becomes chronic. And the symptoms become less noticeable.

Treatment of gingivitis can be avoided by regular visits to the dentist during pregnancy and removal of tartar if necessary. Dentists recommend using dental floss and an irrigator to reduce the risk of any oral disease.

gingivitis home treatment
gingivitis home treatment

With regard to drug treatment, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required. Many drugs can be banned because they will be unsafe for life andchild development. As a treatment for gingivitis at home, rinses are prescribed for pregnant girls. The complex of treatment also includes the intake of vitamin and mineral components, as well as the removal of dental plaque as a preventive measure.

Treatment in other cases

If the disease was detected at an early stage, recovery can be achieved as quickly as possible. With proper treatment, recovery will occur in one to two weeks. But there are nuances here. The treatment of gingivitis in adults and the symptoms of the disease may vary from case to case. Many factors play a role here, including: the age of the patient, the severity of the form of gingivitis, the form of the disease itself, as well as the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, the filling may need to be replaced. This happens if the gingivitis is caused by an overhanging filling.

gingivitis symptoms
gingivitis symptoms

Each patient is assigned to receive vitamin complexes. Indeed, with gingivitis, a weakening of the immune system is often observed, whose work must be quickly restored. Patients with severe forms of the disease are additionally prescribed a course of antibiotics to avoid complications during treatment.

Mistakes in treatment

The first step to getting rid of gingivitis is usually to schedule a professional dental cleaning. It will help remove light plaque on them, as well as get rid of hard stone. It is at this stage that a large number of patients feel significant relief. Symptoms become less noticeable, and as a result, the patient refuses further treatment. It's actuallyin fact, is a mistake, because in this case, relapses of the disease are possible.

A common mistake is also that the patient during the course of treatment does not follow oral hygiene and does not follow the basic recommendations. This can significantly slow down the healing process. Typically, the periodontist gives the patient detailed advice on how to properly care for the oral cavity.

Treatment of disease at home

Treatment of gingivitis in adults can be done additionally and at home. In order to get rid of itching and other unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use gels and ointments. They must be applied to the gum to protect it from external irritants.

Toothpastes with an anti-inflammatory effect, preferably those containing medicinal herbs (such as chamomile), will also help speed up the treatment. They will help the patient to get rid of bleeding gums, and speed up the treatment a little.

Please note: it is strictly not recommended to use whitening toothpastes during the treatment period, because they only irritate the gums more due to the presence of abrasive particles in them.

Gingivitis in children

Symptoms and treatment of this disease in children differ from adults. For example, if gingivitis is diagnosed in a child under one year old, he will simply become too capricious and will cry more often. Treatment for gingivitis in children will depend on the cause of the condition. In addition to all the factors already listed, babies also have additional ones. Among them, for example,too much or too little stress on the teeth, malocclusion, uneven growth of teeth, improper brushing of teeth or lowered immunity due to acute respiratory diseases.

ulcerative gingivitis treatment
ulcerative gingivitis treatment

Treatment of gingivitis in children can be avoided if brushing occurs with adults (the first few years of a child's life) to supervise and teach the child to brush properly. It is also recommended to regularly show the child to the doctor and carefully monitor the manifestation of symptoms of gingivitis in children. Treatment is best started as early as possible.

How to eat right with gingivitis

Nutrition for these diseases should include many new foods that will ease the course of the disease. These include the following:

  • Fruit. Pears and apples, the composition of which will help speed up the healing process of the gums, as well as blackberries, raspberries and currants. They can boost your immunity. Citrus fruits, which contain vitamin C, will also be useful, because this will help strengthen blood vessels and reduce bleeding.
  • Vegetables, including carrots, cabbage and zucchini, which are rich in fiber.

It is also recommended to significantly reduce the amount of flour, sweets and potatoes in the food taken. After all, these products form a large amount of plaque on the teeth.

How to prevent gingivitis?

As far as nutrition is concerned, the diet should be rich in hard fruits or vegetables, which will help to regularly clean plaque from the teeth. Latestneed to be cleaned at least twice a day, they should be smooth after this procedure. It is recommended to use a medium hard brush. It will not allow you to significantly injure the gum.

gingivitis in children symptoms and treatment
gingivitis in children symptoms and treatment

It is recommended to visit the dentist at least once every six months, as well as to carry out professional cleaning, which will get rid of tartar and plaque. This will help to diagnose any diseases of the oral cavity in a timely manner and prescribe the correct treatment. As mentioned above, regular use of dental floss will also not be superfluous. It's good practice to practice good oral hygiene throughout the day.


So, we found out the main symptoms, causes and methods of treatment of this disease. Do not delay with the elimination of such a disease as gingivitis. If the symptoms are mild, do not think that gingivitis has passed. Soon it may develop into a different, more serious stage.
