A runny nose during colds brings a lot of difficulties and inconveniences: there are difficulties in breathing and eating, itching interferes, inflammation of the mucous membrane appears. This condition causes headaches and increases irritability. If an adult person blows his nose well enough to make himself feel better, then children under three to five years old will not be able to perform such a procedure. How can I help my baby clear his nose? Use baby nasal aspirators. What are these devices, how to use them and how to choose the right device - you will learn about all this from this article.

Aspirator - what is it?
The nasal aspirator is a device that can safely "suck" mucus from the nostrils of a child with a runny nose. Immediately after a properly performed procedure, the baby's nasal breathing normalizes, discomfort disappears during meals, and sleep improves. In addition, the cleansing of the nasal passages is the prevention of the development of complications of the common cold, such as tonsillitis, otitis media,sinusitis.
If the doctor has prescribed any nasal preparations for the treatment of the child, then after clearing the passages of mucus with the help of an aspirator, the medicine will work much more effectively. Manufacturers have developed various nasal aspirators for children. What is the peculiarity of each of them, what advantages and disadvantages they have, we will consider below.

Syringe Aspirator
A syringe-shaped nasal aspirator is also called a "rubber bulb". This is the simplest and most affordable nasal cleansing device. The price of such a device is about 50-60 rubles. They come with a solid rubber or silicone spout, with removable plastic nozzles. It is better to choose an aspirator-syringe with a wide silicone nose - this shape will prevent deep traumatic penetration into the nasal passage. The device can be used not only during illness, but also for daily hygiene.
This type of aspirator is easy to use. Click on the rubber "pear" to release the air. Then place its tip into the baby's nostril and loosen it gradually, thus sucking out the mucus. Repeat with the second nostril.
This type of aspirator is produced by the following brands: "Nubi", "Malyatko", "Chikko". Often, the kit comes with an additional nozzle for cleaning the ears and a special solution for washing the nose. Despite the above advantages that such a nasal aspirator has, mothers' reviews indicate its low effectiveness in treating the common cold.

Mechanical aspirator
The nasal aspirator in the form of a tube is called mechanical. Its principle of operation is that one end of the tube is inserted into the baby's nose, and on the other hand, the adult sucks out the mucus by mechanical force. The advantage of this type of aspirator is the ability to control the force of suction, preventing injury to the small nose. A special filter will protect the spread of infection between an adult and a child. This children's nasal aspirator is much more expensive than the "rubber bulb", its price ranges from 250 to 500 rubles.
Mechanical aspirators are NoseFrida, Otrivin, Atopita, Physiomer. This type of children's nasal device is popular with consumers. Mothers explain their choice by the convenience, efficiency and relatively low cost of the device.

Electronic aspirators
The use of electronic devices to suck mucus from the nose is simple. It is necessary to place the tip in the nasal passage of the child and press the start button of the device. Some models are equipped with such an additional function as aerosol spraying. In addition, nozzles for both children and adults are often included in the package, which is an undeniable advantage in terms of the practicality and economy of the device. In most cases, electronic devices run on batteries, sometimes on the mains or batteries. But they also have a significant drawback: for such a nasal aspirator, the price canreach up to 5000 rubles. It should also be noted that the efficiency of the device depends on its power. Therefore, pay special attention to this indicator when choosing an electronic type nasal cleaner for children.
Cocklin Electronic Aspirator
"Koklin" - a nasal aspirator, which is equipped with various additional features. The device is made in South Korea, therefore reliability and quality are guaranteed. Several models of aspirator have been developed:
- "Cocklin Original" is the only device in a number of this brand that is used not only to cleanse the cavity of the nasal passages, but also to moisturize the eyes. This device cleans the passages from mucus, and also pre-irrigates them with a special antiseptic solution. The kit includes a spray nozzle (for irrigation), adult and children's nozzles for the aspirator. The device is battery operated. The charger is also included in the set. The battery charges in 8-12 hours.
- "Cocklin New" differs from the previous model in improved silicone nozzles and increased by 20% the power of the device. Recommended for children over one month old.
- Deluxe Cocklin is the latest model of this manufacturer's nasal aspirator. Advanced nozzles can be used to treat a runny nose in infants. In addition, the power of the device has been significantly increased and the time for fully charging the battery has been significantly reduced (up to 6 hours).
Consumer feedback suggests that the first two models were not very effective in coping with the deliveredtask due to insufficient power of the device. The latest model of the series is characterized by high efficiency, economy and ease of use. Quickly became in demand in the market and won the trust of consumers such an electronic children's nasal aspirator. The price of "Deluxe Cocklin" is 5000-6000 rubles.

Clean Nose Aspirator
Nasal device "Clean nose" - electronic aspirator. It is compact, safe for the treatment of a child. Runs on two batteries. They are convenient to use on the road. A feature of this nasal device model are the built-in melodies (there are 12 in total) - they distract the baby from the unpleasant nose cleaning procedure.
Vacuum aspirators
Aspirators, the principle of operation of which is the vacuum suction of mucus from the nose, are considered the most effective. In a short time, the device will help clear the baby's nasal passages. To use it, you need a household vacuum cleaner - it is he who creates the effect of vacuum. To use, you need to connect the nasal aspirator to a vacuum cleaner set at a power of 800-1800 watts. Parents often refuse to purchase this type of device, motivating their choice with too much power of the device, non-compact dimensions, and noise during operation. But only a vacuum nasal aspirator can cope with severe nasal congestion. The price of such a device ranges from 600 rubles to several thousand.
Clean Nose Aspirator
Given the negative feedback from parents about the vacuum form of the nasal device, manufacturersdeveloped a completely innovative invention - the children's aspirator "Clean Nose". Its peculiarity is that it can be modified from a conventional mechanical device into a vacuum aspirator. Another advantage is the presence of a special nozzle with a latch for newborns in the kit for the device. This device can be used by children and adults. Consumers are also attracted by the value for money. Such a device costs about 500 rubles.

Features of the use of aspirators
To use the pediatric nasal aspirator safely and effectively, there are a few guidelines to follow:
- It is necessary to clean the nose with the device only after washing the passages with special solutions. This makes the mucus thinner and easier to remove with an aspirator.
- The child must be in a sitting or reclining position during the procedure.
- After each use of the device, all parts in contact with the nose or mouth should be thoroughly washed with soapy water.
- Keep the device out of the reach of children, as the aspirator has small parts.
- The device is contraindicated in case of frequent nosebleeds, neoplasms in the oropharynx or complete obstruction of the nasal passages.

The right nasal aspirator will be an indispensable helper for the whole family for a long time. Moms talk about the quick recovery of babies when using the device. In addition, it is noted that children who receive regular preventive procedures using a nasal aspirator are much less likely to get sick.