Filler in the nasolacrimal trough: review and description of drugs, features of the procedure, possible complications, before and after photos, reviews

Filler in the nasolacrimal trough: review and description of drugs, features of the procedure, possible complications, before and after photos, reviews
Filler in the nasolacrimal trough: review and description of drugs, features of the procedure, possible complications, before and after photos, reviews

Unfortunately, facial skin changes are inevitable. Sooner or later, a girl or a guy will have folds, wrinkles, which require measures to eliminate them. In the central zone there is a nasolacrimal groove. Over time, it leads to the fact that the skin of the lower eyelid begins to sag. You can forget about this problem for a while thanks to the use of contour plastics. It involves the introduction of a gel based on hyaluronic acid under the skin.

The article describes which nasolacrimal trough fillers are used, how the procedure is performed, and how effective it is. In addition, complications after the procedure will be presented.

nasolacrimal sulcus correction with fillers
nasolacrimal sulcus correction with fillers

Causes of creases

The skin of the face becomes imperfect over time - this is normal. This is due to the peculiarities of mimic muscles. Some group of eye muscles is attached to the lower edge of the orbital foramen. Over time, the ligaments begin to stretch, and the skin loses firmness and elasticity. Because of this, thereskin fold.

Such a process is accelerated by constant fatigue, sudden weight loss, bad habits, constant sleep deprivation, poor skin care, diseases of the endocrine system.

If a person can put his lifestyle in order, start eating well and taking care of his skin, then you can easily slow down the process of wrinkling, but sooner or later it will appear. If a person has noticed the first signs of aging, then you need to contact a beautician.

Benefits of fillers

To date, contour plastic surgery has gained immense popularity. Because of this, plastic surgery has become relegated to the background. Thanks to the use of fillers in the nasolacrimal sulcus (reviews on the procedure will be described below), you can regain youth and a fresh appearance without surgery.

nasolacrimal sulcus correction with fillers reviews
nasolacrimal sulcus correction with fillers reviews

What benefits do cosmetologists highlight?

Fillers even out the skin of the face, filling all wrinkles of any depth, the skin becomes elastic, it shrinks to a normal state after stretching. Due to the fact that the fillers have hyaluronic acid, an allergic reaction does not occur. Because of this, they will not be rejected by the body. If the dosage is optimal, then the filler will not move under the skin and will be invisible. The effect lasts from 3 months to a year. During this time, hyaluronate is consumed by the body and absorbed naturally. Thanks to the gel, the skin has excellent nourishment, which leads to an increase in the production of collagen and elastin. If athe result of the patient is not satisfied, you can enter a special drug that will accelerate the resorption of the filler. This method of rejuvenation does not affect facial expressions and does not change facial features, unlike Botox or other procedures.

The speed with which the filler will dissolve in the nasolacrimal sulcus depends on the characteristics of the organism. If the skin is dry, then it will use a lot of hyaluronate to regenerate. Because of this, the filler will quickly dissolve. In order for the effect to be long-lasting, it is necessary to do mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid before the procedure.

Reviews about the correction of nasolacrimal trough fillers are most often positive. Patients are satisfied with the effect and are advised to choose a proven certified clinic. If there are any problems, then they are probably caused by the beautician's mistake.

Fillers for correction

Today, there are a large number of drugs that can restore facial skin. There are products that are made on the basis of silicone. They are insoluble in the body. Biosynthetic fillers are similar in composition to the body. Sometimes subcutaneous fat taken from the patient is used for the procedure.

Let's take a look at the five highest quality fillers in the nasolacrimal trough. A photo of the effect after applying one of the drugs is presented below:

  • Princess. The filler is plastic, does not create clots. When it is created, a special technology is used that gives the gel a uniform structure. It is viscous, so it does not spread. The drug is created by an Austrian manufacturer. In the company's lineup, most of the fillers are made fromhyaluronic acid, some additionally added lidocaine.
  • Radiesse. It provokes the creation of new collagen fibers. Composed of calcium hydroxyapatite. Due to this, the action of the gel lasts up to 18 months. Assign this composition, as a rule, to allergy sufferers. The rest of the mass consists of distilled water. The gel was created by an American company, but at the moment the rights to its production belong to a German concern.
  • "Juvederm 24". Thanks to the gel, you can create a clear contour, as the consistency of the drug is dense. The composition of the product includes hyaluron in high concentration. This acid is of non-animal origin, so it does not cause side effects after resorption. A tool with an index of 24 allows you to even out wrinkles, correct shallow mimic depressions.
  • "Ivor". Elastic, the product is based on hyaluronic acid. It is produced by microbiological fermentation. Due to this, the substance is fully compatible with human tissues. The cost of the drug ranges from 3 thousand to 7 thousand rubles. To eliminate the nasolacrimal sulcus, the Classic series is used. Such a gel is viscous and has a sufficient acid content.
  • Teosyal RHA 4. Its use does not affect the work of the facial muscles. It was created relatively recently on the basis of hyaluron. Some formulations have added lidocaine. This gel does not cause allergies, it is not capable of migration and is easily leveled under the skin.

If you are not sure which drug should be used, then it is betterconsider inserting a soluble filler into the nasolacrimal trough. If the procedure does not lead to the desired result, then you can use medical products that will help the gel dissolve quickly. In the case when the filler is made of silicone, after an unsuccessful attempt to rejuvenate the face, an operation will have to be performed.

You can buy fillers for 1000-15000 rubles. There are those gels that cost about 30 thousand rubles. The most expensive are new developments, which include collagen and hyaluron. But if all other funds can be bought on their own, then these are sold only to doctors.

filler filler nasolacrimal trough
filler filler nasolacrimal trough

Composition of fillers

Today, fillers in the nasolacrimal trough, which are made of silicone, are practically not used anymore. Such drugs allow you to deal with the problem at a time, but if used incorrectly, a bad result or complications, you will have to do an operation to get rid of the gel.

That is why doctors use only those products that are based on hyaluronic acid. Their persistence ranges from several months to several years. Collagen is often added to the gel. It allows you to quickly remove swelling.

Thanks to this natural composition of preparations, it is possible to minimize the consequences and avoid severe trauma to the skin. However, before the procedure, it is better to check for drug intolerance. Otherwise, the insertion of fillers into the nasolacrimal grooves will lead to serious consequences. To maintain the relief of the skin, you will have to do the procedure several times a day.year.

How is the procedure performed?

The introduction of the filler into the nasolacrimal trough does not require prior preparation. 10 days before the procedure, you do not need to use aggressive cosmetic products and sunbathe - this is the only requirement. If a person has increased fragility of blood vessels, which makes bruising easy, then this should be told to the doctor. He will prescribe a remedy that must be drunk during the week. As a rule, doctors recommend taking photos before and after, so that the specialist can assess the situation: whether the vessels have recovered.

If the correction of the nasolacrimal trough with fillers, reviews of which are positive, does not affect other areas, then the procedure will not take more than 10 minutes. However, preliminary preparation and waiting for the effects of anesthetics should also be added to this time. Therefore, the hospital stay will take about 2 hours.

How exactly is the procedure carried out? First, the cosmetologist will discuss with the patient, describe what results should be expected. After the examination is carried out, the doctor will choose the filler. For this zone, you need one that has an average gel density. Therefore, it is important that the preparation has about 20 mg of hyaluronate. Next, the skin is cleansed of impurities and cosmetics. Otherwise, you can make a tattoo of the skin due to the ingress of dyes under it. The area to be corrected is outlined with a special pencil. This is necessary so that during the procedure, due to edema, you do not go astray and do not process the wrong area. After that, a local anesthetic is applied. Special creams are used. Remedy startsact after half an hour. Injections are made along the previously marked line. The gel is introduced in a small amount, then it is distributed in the fold with the help of zigzag movements. In some clinics, a cannula is used instead of a needle, as this method is considered slightly traumatic. Next, the master massages the gel a little to shape the gel and smooth out the transition points. This completes the procedure for filling the nasolacrimal trough with filler.

Some manufacturers add lidocaine to the gel. In this case, the step of using an anesthetic cream is skipped. But you need to keep in mind that the injection is done without anesthesia, since lidocaine acts after the injection. If a girl is afraid of injections, then you should ask the doctor to change the drug.

After the procedure, the doctor will make a special soothing mask. This way you can avoid inflammation. Next, the master will tell you exactly how to care for the skin. After that, the procedure for correcting the nasolacrimal sulcus with fillers is considered completed.

The final result can be assessed only after a week and a half. This is due to the fact that after contouring the epidermis may not respond very well. In order to bring the skin to the ideal, doctors recommend going to them again after a couple of weeks. The specialist will assess the situation and, if necessary, correct it.

nasolacrimal trough fillers reviews
nasolacrimal trough fillers reviews


Fillers in the nasolacrimal sulcus immediately after the procedure cause discomfort, but you should not be afraid of them. Under the eyes there will be bruises, rednessand swelling. However, this is a normal skin reaction. In this place, the skin has many vessels that cannot be damaged during manipulations. Further recommendations should be followed in the coming week.

You should not drink a lot of liquid, as hyaluronate will absorb moisture and swelling will increase. Because of this, applying a moisturizer to this area is also not worth it. No need to go to the solarium or be under open sunlight. Otherwise, spots on the skin may appear. It is best to sleep on your back with a pillow under your head. It is better not to use decorative cosmetics, you need to wash your face with cool water. It is not worth massaging the filler; moreover, it is better not to touch the injection site. Visiting the sauna and any thermal procedures are prohibited. If there are bruises, then you can use creams that help the hematomas dissolve.

A photo of the correction of the nasolacrimal sulcus with fillers (an example is presented in the article) should be taken before and after the procedure in the same light, in the same position, hairstyle and with the same facial expression.


If a person wants to make a facial skin correction, then you need to know about all the complications that the procedure can bring. Only after a detailed study of all the subtleties should you agree to the procedure.

Sometimes the gel can compress blood vessels. It is not always possible to see all the capillaries before the procedure, respectively, it is difficult to bypass them. In addition, if hyaluronate begins to absorb moisture, it can compress the vessels later. This will cause swelling. There is no need to carry out any therapeutic measures, as thisthe complication resolves on its own.

If the wrong type of gel was used that suits the nasolacrimal area, then the filler probably migrates a little. The doctor himself must decide which filler is best for the nasolacrimal trough, but do not forget to ask about the concentration of acid in it. And it is desirable to do this before the procedure itself.

Hypercorrection occurs if the gel is injected in excess. With a smile or surprise, the filler will be very noticeable. In this case, you need to go to the salon and ask for Longidaza injections. They will help the gel dissolve a little faster. The same preparation is also suitable if the filler has migrated.

If there are nodules under the skin or scars, then the filler was injected incorrectly. Even the best drugs should be installed intradermally. In the event that the injection was made deeper, then a scar may appear during resorption. Most likely, there will be no changes on the surface of the skin, but the formation will be noticeable to the touch.

Most of the unwanted complications are due to the incorrect work of the wizard. The procedure for introducing a filler into the nasolacrimal sulcus, which patients leave positive feedback on, is quite complicated, so you need to choose a professional master who has extensive experience. It is better to give preference to a more expensive clinic, but with a good reputation. Do not forget to read the reviews about the institution in order to understand what awaits in the future.

fillers in the nasolacrimal trough photo
fillers in the nasolacrimal trough photo

Price for the procedure

Cost forThe procedure may vary depending on several factors. Among them, it is necessary to note the dose of the drug, the drug itself and the venue. As a result, taking into account all the nuances, the final cost varies from 7 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.


Most doctors are against interventions that are done only to correct the appearance. And yet, there are many people who want to do contour plastic surgery, so you should listen to doctors, at least on the issue of contraindications. Correction of the nasolacrimal trough with fillers is prohibited in case of:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • diseases associated with the work of the endocrine and autoimmune systems;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • inflammation of the skin in the area where the filler was planned to be inserted;
  • susceptibility to keloid scarring;
  • presence of other fillers in the problem area;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • oncology;
  • drug intolerance;
  • taking those medicines that thin the blood (aspirin is also on this list).

It is not advised to do the procedure for those who have recently performed any kind of peeling, mechanical, chemical or laser, did hair removal or photorejuvenation. Contouring is best performed at that time of the year when the activity of the sun is not very high. In the summer-spring period, even with proper skin care, age spots can be accidentally caused.

best fillers for nasolacrimal trough
best fillers for nasolacrimal trough


Thosepatients who visited a professional doctor and properly cared for their skin after the procedure do not complain about the result. What is noted from the positive? The fact that the procedure is not particularly painful requires not so much time, and most importantly, it reduces the nasolacrimal sulcus. And the latter concerns not only the length, but also the relief.

Among the shortcomings, patients note the high cost of the procedure, swelling of the face and bruising the next day after it. However, undesirable consequences are not found in all people, since everyone is strictly individual.

How to understand if the appearance has improved after the introduction of fillers into the nasolacrimal trough? Photographs must be taken before and after the procedure. This will help determine its effectiveness.

When using a cannula, which injures the skin much less than a needle, discomfort is experienced. After anesthesia at the stage of preparation for the procedure, the puncture is practically not felt. However, progress can feel quite painful.

As a rule, the skin is smoothed, the drug is no longer palpable, and the bruises resolve closer to the 10th day after the procedure. Sometimes after two weeks an additional correction is made. The drug is injected below the nasolacrimal to prevent the occurrence of other furrows. As a rule, this is done with a needle, bruising is not formed.

nasolacrimal trough filler
nasolacrimal trough filler


Many plastic surgeons and cosmetologists note that the insertion of a filler into the nasolacrimal sulcus is one of the best methods of getting rid of the signs of aging. If the doctor is a professional whocorrectly selects the drug and performs the procedure, the result, of course, will please. What helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the introduction of fillers into the nasolacrimal trough? The before and after photos presented in the article show the effectiveness of the procedure.
