Unsuccessful blepharoplasty: causes, description with photo, results before and after

Unsuccessful blepharoplasty: causes, description with photo, results before and after
Unsuccessful blepharoplasty: causes, description with photo, results before and after

Plastic surgery doesn't always end well. Complications can appear even without obvious prerequisites, under a certain set of circumstances. Sometimes you can correct unpleasant consequences with the help of repeated surgical intervention, most often paid. In some cases, complications remain with the patient for life and cannot be corrected. Failed blepharoplasty is a procedure where the patient is not satisfied with the results. A person who dreams of changing his appearance for the better may end up with something completely different from what he expected. It is important to discuss in advance with the surgeon the result you want to get, and determine the likely risks for each case individually.

What is the essence of the operation of blepharoplasty

The skin around the eyes differs from the rest of the body in a special anatomical structure. Here it is thinner and more delicate. The circular muscles of the eye are located immediately below it and are responsible for the mobility of the eyelids. Over time, muscle tissue losestone. In this area, the skin ages earlier than the rest, so already after 30 years, the first pronounced age-related changes can be observed. They manifest:

  • in loss of elasticity;
  • fat deposits (bags) around the eyes;
  • sagging.

Thanks to a special corrective operation, you can quickly get rid of the listed age-related or congenital problems, normalize intraocular pressure, and also improve peripheral vision.

complications after surgery
complications after surgery

Blepharoplasty is lower and upper - depending on the area of the procedure. When correcting the lower eyelid, fatty tissue can either be removed or simply redistributed to thereby even out the skin and fill the furrows under the eyes. This type of surgery is very popular among both men and women, as it allows you to remove obvious signs of aging and rejuvenate a person by 10-15 years. In addition, such an intervention is considered minimally invasive when compared with a facelift.

Before the operation, the doctor marks the part of the body that will be worked out. Then you need to introduce an anesthetic - and you can deal with the removal of excess tissue. At the end of the operation, the plastic surgeon necessarily imposes neat cosmetic sutures. In some cases, the procedure can be supplemented with laser peeling in order to eliminate dead epidermis and get rid of cosmetic defects by starting regeneration processes.

What problems does blepharoplasty solve

Such surgery allows you to rejuvenate the patient, remove deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes, stop the flabbiness of the skin around the eyes. Blepharoplasty helps to get rid of a tired look, tone the eye muscles. The indications for such an operation are the following conditions:

  • eye asymmetry;
  • congenital drooping eyelid;
  • eye cut that interferes with adequate vision or simply does not please the person from the aesthetic side;
  • protruding eyes;
  • presence of fatty hernias above or below the eye;
  • excessive skin on upper and/or lower eyelids;
  • eyelid inversion, etc.
drooping eyelid
drooping eyelid

In addition to rejuvenation, blepharoplasty also solves other problems:

  1. Gives you the ability to change the size and shape of the eyes, make the cut more rounded.
  2. Remove the negative effects of injury or birth defects.

Causes of failed blepharoplasty

An operation can fail for three main reasons. The first is the individual characteristics of the patient. A person may have an allergy, a close location of blood vessels, or an unforeseen reaction of the body that manifested itself in the process of scar formation. The second reason is the patient's irresponsible attitude to rehabilitation and non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations. And the third reason is surgical risks. It must be understood that any surgical intervention is primarily a trauma, especially when it comes to thin skin around the eyes. And a lot depends on how youwill lead the body during the healing period of cuts.

Also, the cause of unsuccessful blepharoplasty can be a doctor's mistake. Young inexperienced specialists sometimes overestimate their capabilities, forgetting that such an operation requires extreme accuracy and the most technically complex manipulations. This does not mean at all that only a person of age can be a good doctor. It is necessary to pay attention to the professional competence of the doctor, his experience, the number of successful operations, the presence or absence of unsuccessful ones. There should be a sense of trust in the doctor, confidence in the positive outcome of the intervention.

But it also happens that the reason for unsuccessful blepharoplasty of the lower or upper eyelids is the overestimated expectations of the patient himself. This is a psychological point that is important to discuss with the doctor at the stage of planning the operation. Do not place too high hopes on such a procedure, you need to realistically evaluate the possible changes in appearance, which probably may not be as dramatic as we would like.

What are the complications after unsuccessful blepharoplasty

It is possible to say that the operation was unsuccessful only after a few weeks. You should not draw conclusions about the blepharoplasty performed in the first days, because at first the face will be covered with swelling and bruising. But still, you need to visit a doctor so that he can identify deviations from the norm in a timely manner.

Scarring problems

If the patient has a predisposition to keloid scarring, excessiverough scars at the site of incisions, scars. If such neoplasms are small in size, then in most cases they resolve on their own, in other cases, one more surgical intervention will have to be resorted to.

Blepharoptosis after unsuccessful appearance correction

Potosis, a drooping of the upper eyelid that prevents a person from opening their eyes, can result from a failed upper eyelid blepharoplasty. The complication is manifested by swelling and should pass quickly. If the patient sees such a pathological manifestation for several weeks, then the surgeon made a mistake during the operation, damaging the muscles or ligaments. You can remove the defect during a second operation.

Lagophthalmos as a complication after surgery

This is the name of the violation of the process of closing the eyelid. This complication as a result of unsuccessful blepharoplasty surgery is clearly visible in the photo.

failed blepharoplasty
failed blepharoplasty

This defect is provoked by the removal of an excessive amount of skin during surgery. Also, the problem may occur if the second operation was carried out too quickly after the first.

As a result of lagophthalmos, the process of normal hydration of the cornea is disrupted, due to which it can lose its transparency and even provoke blindness in the patient. It is for this reason that it is very important to carry out a second operation to correct such a defect.

Lower eyelid eversion

Unpleasant consequence of surgical intervention may be the eversion of the lower eyelid, the eyewhich also cannot close properly. Such a result of an unsuccessful blepharoplasty operation (see photo above) is eliminated by gymnastics, special massages or repeated surgery with skin grafting.

inversion of the lower eyelid
inversion of the lower eyelid

Seam separation

The problem occurs due to improper suturing after surgery, due to severe swelling or due to infection. Elimination of the defect is possible after re-suturing, but you need to be prepared that such a manipulation may result in the formation of an even rougher scar.

Cyst as a mild complication

A neoplasm on the tissues of the eyelids can form in the area next to the suture. It is possible to eliminate the cyst only through surgical intervention, but the operation does not affect the results of blepharoplasty itself. That is why these complications are not classified as severe.

Asymmetric eyes

Asymmetry can occur as a result of improper suturing by a doctor or due to a violation of the adequate process of scarring of tissues. Also, the reason for such a result of an unsuccessful blepharoplasty operation, shown in the photo, can be the inattentive attitude of the doctor to the already present asymmetry, congenital. The operation in this case may enhance the existing effect, if it is not taken into account.

before and after surgery
before and after surgery

How to fix the results of a failed intervention

In case of aesthetic complications after unsuccessful blepharoplasty surgery, when it comes to e.g. eyelid drooping, asymmetry, etc., it is necessary toit is mandatory to consult with a plastic surgeon, an ophthalmologist regarding further actions. In most cases, a second operation will be necessary to eliminate complications. Now it is even more important to be as careful as possible when choosing a doctor, clinic.

If we are talking about medical complications, in this case, the choice of treatment tactics will be based on how strongly the pathological process is started and what became its provocateur. For example, infection can be eliminated with antibiotics, sutures can be removed by repeated application, etc.

How to avoid unwanted consequences

How good the result will be after surgery depends largely on the surgeon. To prevent unsuccessful upper blepharoplasty, you need to find a doctor with experience, high qualifications and a degree of professionalism. It is worth paying attention to patient reviews, but at the same time understand that today, reviews on the Internet are far from always true.

failed blepharoplasty
failed blepharoplasty

To exclude the possibility of unsuccessful blepharoplasty of the lower or upper eyelids, strict adherence to all doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period will help:

  1. Never rub or scratch your eyes after blepharoplasty, try to avoid injury, do not wear lenses for several weeks.
  2. Perform hygiene very carefully.
  3. Sleep on a high pillow for the first few days.
  4. Do not exert too much pressure onvision.
  5. No make-up.
  6. Minimize the amount of physical activity.
  7. Avoid physical overexertion.
  8. Do not allow emotional outbursts, nervous breakdowns.
  9. Refuse alcohol.
  10. Stay out in the sun for 3-4 weeks without sunglasses.

How to choose the right medical specialist and clinic

The risk of unsuccessful blepharoplasty results increases if the patient tries to save money on the procedure and chooses a dubious doctor or clinic. It is very important to make sure the qualifications of the doctor even before the decision is made to have plastic surgery with him.

consequences of the operation
consequences of the operation

The services of really good medical specialists are rarely cheap, so in order not to pay twice, it is strongly not recommended to try to save in this case at the expense of beauty and he alth. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor for a portfolio for a consultation. Experienced surgeons will always tell you where you can see examples of their work, show you the feedback of their patients.

If a specialist does not inform the patient in advance about possible complications, and also does not require mandatory detailed diagnostics in order to determine contraindications, this should alert.

unsuccessful blepharoplasty procedure
unsuccessful blepharoplasty procedure

Unsuccessful blepharoplasty (before and after photos allow you to evaluate the results of the operation) is not uncommon. You can protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences,by following the above recommendations. Also, do not be lazy to visit your doctor after the operation, during the rehabilitation period. So you can protect yourself and prevent the development of complications due to an unsuccessful operation.
