Digestive problems: causes, symptoms and treatment. Diseases of the digestive system

Digestive problems: causes, symptoms and treatment. Diseases of the digestive system
Digestive problems: causes, symptoms and treatment. Diseases of the digestive system

Even young children are familiar with disorders of the digestive system. Adults face this problem quite often. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with overeating or eating stale foods. Unfortunately, no one is immune from digestive disorders. In some cases, they are associated with the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Digestive problems are indicated by symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and changes in stool. Such manifestations are associated with both acute inflammatory processes and chronic diseases. If you experience symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, you should consult a doctor.

digestive problems
digestive problems

How does the normal digestive process work?

As you know, the digestive system consists of many interconnected organs. It begins in the oral cavity and passes through the entire body, ending in the anus. Normally, all stages of the digestion process are carried out sequentially. First the food getsinto the oral cavity. There it is crushed with the help of teeth. In addition, there is an enzyme in the mouth - salivary amylase, which is involved in the breakdown of food. As a result, a lump of crushed products is formed - chyme. It passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach cavity. Here the chyme is treated with hydrochloric acid. The result is the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The pancreas produces enzymes that enter the lumen of the duodenum. They provide further breakdown of organic matter.

The work of the digestive system is not only the grinding of food eaten. Thanks to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, useful substances penetrate into the bloodstream. The absorption of amino acids, fats and glucose occurs in the small intestine. From there, nutrients enter the vascular system and are carried throughout the body. The large intestine absorbs fluid and vitamins. There is also the formation of fecal masses. Intestinal peristalsis contributes to their promotion and excretion.

diseases of the digestive system
diseases of the digestive system

Digestive problems: causes of disorders

Violation of any stage of the digestive process leads to the development of disorders. It can develop for various reasons. In most cases, the penetration of bacterial or viral agents leads to disruption of the digestive tract. Pathogens begin to multiply rapidly and damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. This, in turn, leads to an inflammatory response. As a result, the digestion process slows down oris violated. Causes of GI upset include:

  1. Inflammatory diseases: gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, enteritis and colitis.
  2. Chronic destructive lesions of the digestive tract. These include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
  3. Neoplasms that can develop from any organ of the digestive system.
  4. Gastrointestinal obstruction.
  5. Violation of the innervation of the digestive system.
  6. Parasitic infestations.
  7. Malnutrition.
  8. Bad habits. Alcohol damages the pancreas and liver. Smoking is one of the factors that provoke the development of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Injuries.

To find out why the disorder arose, it is necessary to be examined. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic procedures will help determine the source of the pathology.

causes digestive problems
causes digestive problems

Causes of digestive disorders in children

In childhood, digestive problems are common. They may be related to various factors. Among them are hereditary anomalies, improper feeding, helminthic invasions, infectious pathologies, etc. In some cases, urgent surgical care is required to fix the problem. Causes of indigestion in children include:

  1. Hereditary disorders of the exocrine glands - cystic fibrosis.
  2. Anomalies in the development of the digestive tract.
  3. Spasm or stenosis of the pyloric stomach.
  4. Feeding an overly thick food to a young child.
  5. Poisoning from stale or spoiled food.
  6. Infection with various pathogenic bacteria that enter the digestive tract with food.
  7. Worm infestations.

Only a doctor can find out: why there was a problem with digestion in children. Some pathologies can be fatal, so they require urgent medical attention.

stages of the digestive process
stages of the digestive process

Varieties of diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the digestive system are classified according to the cause of occurrence, the source of the development of the pathological condition, the methods of necessary treatment. There are surgical and therapeutic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In the first case, recovery can only be achieved with the help of surgery. Therapeutic diseases are treated with medications.

Surgical pathologies of the digestive system include:

  1. Acute appendicitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the appendix of the caecum.
  2. Calculous cholecystitis. It is characterized by the formation of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder.
  3. Acute intestinal obstruction caused by various causes. Most often, stagnation of fecal masses occurs when the digestive tract is obstructed by a tumor formation, parasites or calculi. In children, pathologies such as intussusception, megacolon, cystic fibrosis, Hirschsprung disease lead to intestinal obstruction.
  4. Peritonitis - inflammationperitoneum.
  5. Acute pancreatitis.

Therapeutic diseases of the digestive system are acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines and poisoning. Injuries can be classified into both groups, depending on the severity and nature of the injury.

work of the digestive system
work of the digestive system

Digestive problems: symptoms

Pathologies of the digestive system can be manifested by a syndrome of gastric or intestinal dyspepsia, pain in the abdomen and changes in the nature of the stool. In some cases, phenomena of intoxication of the body are observed. Symptoms of stomach pathologies include: pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting after eating. Similar clinical manifestations are observed in cholecystitis. The difference is that patients with inflammation of the gallbladder complain of pain in the right upper abdomen and a bitter taste in the mouth. Intestinal dyspepsia is characterized by a change in stool consistency (diarrhea, less often constipation) and flatulence. Unpleasant sensations can be in the navel, in the right or left side of the abdomen.

In acute surgical pathologies, the intensity of pain is stronger, there is a delay in gas discharge, an increase in body temperature. Often patients are forced to lie down or take a forced position to relieve the condition.

digestive problems in children
digestive problems in children

Diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diagnosis of pathologies of the digestive system is based on clinical data and additional studies. First of all, patients shouldtake a general blood and urine test. If you suspect inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, it is necessary to determine the level of indicators such as bilirubin, ALT and AST, amylase. You should also take feces for analysis.

To instrumental studies include radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and FGDS. In some cases, additional diagnostics are required.

Which doctor should I see?

What to do if there are problems with digestion, which doctor will help? Gastrointestinal diseases are treated by a gastroenterologist. However, before making an appointment with him, it is worth undergoing an examination, which is prescribed by a therapist or pediatrician. In the event of acute pain in the abdomen, emergency care should be called to exclude surgical pathologies that require immediate surgical intervention.

Treatment of pathologies of the digestive system

The method of treatment is determined after the diagnosis. In infectious and inflammatory pathologies, antibiotic therapy is required. Use the medicines "Ciprofloxacin", "Cefazolin", "Metranidazole". For the treatment of enzyme deficiency, drugs "Mezim", "Pancreatin" are used. Anti-inflammatory and antisecretory agents are also used.

Surgical treatment consists in eliminating intestinal obstruction, removing stones, tumor formations, suturing an ulcer, etc.

Prevention of digestive disorders

digestive problems which doctor
digestive problems which doctor

So that digestive problems do not reoccur, measures must be takenprevention. These include:

  1. Following a diet.
  2. Meticulous food handling.
  3. Washing hands.
  4. Quit smoking and alcohol.

If you experience discomfort in the abdomen, stool disorders or nausea, it is worth getting an examination and finding out the cause of the problem.
