Everyone heard that antibacterial drugs should not be taken simultaneously with “hot” drinks. However, not everyone knows what caused this ban. Therefore, the question arises: “Why can not drink alcohol with antibiotics?”.

There are several reasons for not allowing these actions. Firstly, there is a group of drugs that, in combination with alcohol, give the so-called “Antabuse” effect. The patient may experience such unpleasant sensations as chills, vomiting, nausea, convulsions, etc. If taking antibiotics of a certain group is combined with drinking, even in small quantities, then these symptoms may well occur. Moreover, in some cases, such a mixture leads to death.

Secondly, it should be noted that both alcohol and drugs have a rather detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys. And if these substances are combined with each other, then the effect increases inrepeatedly. Therefore, those who are worried about their he alth or have problems associated with these organs should not abuse this mixture.
Another reason why you should not drink alcohol with antibiotics is that alcohol enhances the effect of some drugs, while others, on the contrary, reduces. These drugs begin to act effectively only after their active substance accumulates in the body in the required amount. Therefore, they are recommended to be consumed at the same time, with an equal interval between doses. If you drink alcohol, it blocks the effect of the drug. Consequently, the desired medicinal effect will not be achieved, and the course of therapy will have to be repeated, which will give an additional burden on the body.
From the above it follows that alcohol is incompatible with antibiotics. Another group of drugs that are not used simultaneously with drinking are painkillers. Doctors generally do not recommend getting involved in such drugs, as they greatly affect the liver. And if you add alcohol to this, even in small quantities, then you can imagine what kind of “stress” this organ will experience.

These reasons why you should not drink alcohol with antibiotics are the main ones. Of course, the doctor, prescribing any medicine, should warn you about the consequences of such a combination. Therefore, when gathering for a birthday or other celebration, you should consider whether it is worth drinking strong drinks if you are undergoing antibiotic therapy.
It is worth noting thatThere are drugs that are specifically combined with alcohol. They are prescribed by narcologists. In this case, after taking the pills, a person is given a certain amount of booze. After that, he experiences symptoms such as dizziness, fever, nausea, etc. Usually, some coding methods are based on this.
Answering the question of why you should not drink alcohol with antibiotics, it is important to note that the consequences of such a combination are unlikely to please anyone. Therefore, you should take care of your he alth.