Taylor's deformity: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, prevention

Taylor's deformity: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, prevention
Taylor's deformity: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, prevention

Taylor's deformity or "tailor's foot" - deviations in the area of the fifth metatarsal bone. As a result of this pathology, a bump appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the little toe of the foot. This type of pathology is no less common than changes in the thumb area, but the symptoms are much more severe.

The name of the disease was given several centuries ago. This was due to the fact that the deformation most often appeared in tailors, who sat cross-legged throughout the working day. As a result, they rested the outer edges of their feet on the floor, and they had "bumps" near the little finger, which brought a lot of inconvenience.

Schmidt syndrome
Schmidt syndrome

Possible causes of pathology

Taylor's deformity very often occurs against the background of a genetic predisposition. However, a change in the architecture of the leg bones can occur against the background of the presence of flat feet or microtraumas. A possible reason may be the wrong load on the legs, wearing tight shoes.

In medical practice, there are three main reasons:

Name Features

Characteristic for improperly fused bones of the foot. In this case, there is only one way out - corrective osteotomy, that is, a fracture of improperly fused bones.

Structural or innate Occurs against the background of weak tendons, in such cases, the ligamentous apparatus is simply unable to hold the bones in the correct position. In such situations, it is very dangerous to wear narrow shoes, which lead to severe deformities.
Functional Most often occurs against the background of instability of the 5th ray of the foot. It can also be an uncompensated varus form of the foot or a congenital defect of the metatarsal bones, weakness of the tendons.


Taylor's deformity is characterized by redness in the area of the fifth toe. Puffiness may appear and a lump may form, constant pains torment.

Intensification of symptoms is typical in the process and after wearing tight shoes, up to the development of the inflammatory process. Although some patients report that it is difficult for them to move even in loose shoes.

For many patients, such deformities are primarily a cosmetic defect, moreover, with this disease it is quite difficult to find shoes.

doctor's examination
doctor's examination


Typically no difficulty in making a diagnosis if there isTaylor deformity does not occur. After all, changes in bone tissue are visible to the naked eye. On palpation, the specialist may detect a thickening of the metatarsal head or problems in the capsule near the joint.

X-ray examination

In any case, even if after the examination it was possible to detect problems in the area of the fifth toe, the patient is sent for an X-ray examination. This type of examination allows you to determine the need for a Taylor deformity operation and the degree of bone damage, in particular:

  • to what extent deviations in the side corners;
  • presence or absence of fractures, by the way, which the patient might not even know about;
  • is the metatarsal head enlarged;
  • angle between 4th and 5th fingers;
  • is there arthrosis of the joints.
syndrome diagnosis
syndrome diagnosis

Evaluation criteria

The fundamental criterion for assessing the patient's condition is the index of the angle between the fingers. Ideally, the distance between the 2nd and 5th beam should be 14-18 degrees, and between the 4th and 5th - 7-9 degrees. If there are deviations from the norm, then we can talk about the presence of the disease.

The second evaluation criterion is the shape of the metatarsal head. Normal deviations should not exceed 2-3 degrees, in the presence of pathology, the angle can reach 8-9 degrees.

cooling for pain relief
cooling for pain relief

Treatment measures

Treatment of Taylor's deformity in not very advanced cases begins with non-surgical techniques. BeforeIn total, pains are stopped and the inflammatory process is removed. In the future, the doctor helps the patient to choose the right shoes, which should have a wide toe. Orthopedic shoe inserts may also be recommended to reduce friction around the fifth toe.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended to reduce pain. Also, pain can be relieved with the help of cold, wrapping the leg in the evening with a towel with ice packs. This procedure cannot be longer than 20 minutes. In some cases, a blockade can be performed, that is, anesthetic injections are administered into the periarticular region. In such cases, corticosteroids are used.


According to reviews, the Taylor deformation operation allows you to get rid of the problem once and for all. The essence of the surgical intervention is that the exostosis is removed, which is formed on the head of the fifth metatarsal bone. After removal, the bone itself is cut and displaced to the place where it should be. Fragments are fixed with a screw.

After such an operation, there is no long-term rehabilitation, as a rule, the patient rises to his feet already on the second day. At the same time, he does not need immobilization or additional support structures for movement.

In the first months after the operation, special shoes will be required to take the pressure off the front of the foot. Full walking is already possible at 4-6 weeks after surgery.

preparation for surgery
preparation for surgery

Modern techniques

To datein the treatment of Taylor varus deformity, there are a number of possible surgical procedures, the choice of which depends on the degree of curvature, the patient's physical activity and age.

In addition to exostosectomies, that is, removal of the growth, a distal osteotomy can be performed. This operation is indicated in the presence of type I and II curvature.

In the presence of type II or III curvature, an osteotomy is performed. And proximal osteotomy is performed for type IV and V types of curvature.

Orthopedic inserts in shoes
Orthopedic inserts in shoes


Despite the fact that in most cases the deformation occurs against the background of a genetic predisposition, the disease can still occur under the influence of certain factors. The right choice of shoes is of great importance. Looking at the photo with Taylor's deformation, it becomes clear that narrow shoes are not suitable for such people, and wearing heels is not recommended. You can wear a low platform. Shoes should not press on the vessels and joints on the legs, allow you to properly distribute the load on the entire foot.

If there is a suspicion that the deformation may occur, then you can do gymnastics for the feet, but only on a regular basis. Your family doctor or orthopedist will tell you about such exercises. As a preventive measure, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces can be used.

And most importantly, if you suddenly notice redness or a bump in the area of the little toe of the foot, be sure to consult a doctor to prevent the development of deformity and not decide whether or not to decide onsurgery.
