Spinal cord cancer: symptoms, early diagnosis methods, stages, treatment methods, prognosis

Spinal cord cancer: symptoms, early diagnosis methods, stages, treatment methods, prognosis
Spinal cord cancer: symptoms, early diagnosis methods, stages, treatment methods, prognosis

This article will look at the symptoms and signs of spinal cord cancer.

The human spinal cord provides hematopoiesis in the body. It is responsible for the formation of blood cells, the formation of the required number of leukocytes, that is, it is this organ that plays a leading role in the functioning of the immune system. It is quite obvious why the diagnosis of spinal cord cancer sounds like a death sentence for the patient. However, the possibilities of modern medicine often make it possible to delay the "execution of the sentence" for quite a long time, and sometimes completely cure this disease. It all depends on the stage of the cancer and the timely treatment started.

spinal cord cancer
spinal cord cancer

Description of pathology

Spinal cord cancer is a collective concept that includes primary tumors whose cells grow in the spinal cord. We are talking about malignant and benign formations. Secondary tumors are the result of the development and spread of a tumor formed in another organ, that is, in this casetalk about metastases that have reached the spinal cord. As statistics proves, the primary tumor most often has a malignant character. Next, consider the symptoms and signs of spinal cord cancer.

Main symptoms

Only early detection of the disease gives a chance for recovery or at least the ability to stop the growth of the tumor. The difficulty lies in the asymptomatic course of the pathology at first. The first signs of brain cancer can be difficult to recognize. When the formation becomes crowded in the occupied space, it begins to affect neighboring organs, interfering with the flow of lymph. At this point, certain symptoms begin to appear. Unfortunately, malignant neoplasms usually grow very quickly. Still, it makes sense to talk about certain early-stage spinal cord cancer symptoms:

  • The appearance of back pain, especially if they become permanent. You need to understand that such pain does not necessarily mean cancer, it can be of a completely different nature, but still remains a good reason to consult a specialist for examination, especially when you observe the concomitant symptoms of cancer indicated below.
  • Coordination problems occur.

What other signs of spinal cord cancer are possible?

  • Presence of general weakness of the body along with loss of appetite and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Occurrence of problems with the genitourinary system.
  • The appearance of a change in sensation in the legs. These are the earliest symptoms of brain (spinal) cancer. Andchanges can be very different: some patients feel chills, while others feel pain. In more severe situations, we can even talk about paralysis.
  • Allergy on the skin, especially if the person has not previously been allergic. The intensity of the manifestation of allergic reactions can be different, in any case, in combination with the above symptoms, this is a good reason to be sure to undergo an examination.

Symptoms and manifestations of spinal cord cancer should not go unnoticed.

Examination offered by modern medicine includes neurological testing, x-rays, electroencephalograms, and so on. If the patient during the examination reveals reasons for concern, then he is prescribed a biopsy, the results of which make the final diagnosis, namely, determine the nature of the tumor, the degree of danger that the pathological formation poses to the patient.

How many live with spinal cord cancer, we will tell below.

stages of brain cancer
stages of brain cancer

Characterization of commonly observed tumors

Neurinomas are the most common of the primary tumors in this disease. They can grow from the spinal nerve anywhere. Most often, they develop from the posterior roots, so the first symptom is radicular pain. This type of tumor is characterized by slow growth. Sometimes the correct diagnosis is made several years after the onset of pain. With this type of tumor, symptoms of spinal cord compression may occur at an early stage. The tumor sometimes penetrates through the intervertebral foramen extravertebral, taking the form of an hourglass.

Meningiomas are intradural tumors that rank second in frequency among the primary formations of the spinal cord. Most often they are localized in the thoracic region of the spinal cord, such tumors grow slowly. The symptoms of compression usually build up over several years.

Astrocytomas are the most common intramedullary tumors of the spinal cord. These occur in the region of the cauda equina. According to clinical symptoms, these tumors are difficult to distinguish from extramedullary ones. Gliomas, in turn, grow slowly, accompanied by a gradual progression of neurological symptoms.

Metastatic spinal cord injury

In patients with spinal cord cancer, direct hematogenous metastasis to extradural adipose tissue is sometimes noted. Therefore, metastases that affect the spinal cord are almost always located in the extradural space. The sources of metastasis include multiple myeloma along with lymphomas, sarcomas, cancer of the lung, breast, prostate and kidneys. How do metastases manifest themselves in spinal cord cancer?

how long do spinal cord cancers live
how long do spinal cord cancers live

As part of the clinical manifestations, there is constant pain, which is localized in the back. The processes of compression of the spinal cord, as a rule, begin with weakness in the legs or numbness. Difficulty urinating in combination with imperative urges can be replaced by a paradoxical imperceptibleischuria. The neurological impairment usually progresses rapidly, and absolute paraplegia may develop within a few days.

Stages of tumor development

Spinal cord cancer progresses through three stages:

  • Through neurological. Initially, such neurological symptoms appear as mild local paraparesis of the muscles along with a sensory disturbance of the conduction type and intermittent pain in the spine. This stage can last for many years (and in the presence of a benign neoplasm, even fifteen years). People may not even attach importance to these signs and be unaware of the presence of a tumor.
  • The second stage of brain cancer occurs when the size of education increases. Because of this, on the one hand, sensitivity disorders may occur in combination with radicular pain, and on the other hand, conductive symptoms are likely along with partial paralysis of the leg muscles. This stage is sometimes absent, so very often the third comes immediately.
  • The third stage of spinal cord cancer is the paraparesis stage. Against its background, patients have motor and, in addition, sensory disorders along with autonomic and pelvic dysfunctions. Also, the pain syndrome can become more pronounced, and at the same time constant and will only increase further. Against the background of all this, limbs are paralyzed in pairs, and sometimes even completely. Spasmodic trembling due to increased muscle tone can be traced in the legs at times. These spasms are very painful. In the area of tumor development, there may beskin hypothermia. Complete paraplegia occurs after about three months (in the presence of malignant tumors) and after two years in benign neoplasms. With this stage of cancer, people usually live for about six months.

Early diagnosis methods

As part of early diagnosis, patients are scheduled to perform a number of the following tests:

  • Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging. This procedure is required to obtain an image of the spine, nerves and spinal cord. In order to improve the visualization of the neoplasm, a dye is used.
  • Computed tomography. This test provides an accurate image of the spine.
  • Myelogram is performed using a contrast agent, which is a special preparation that is injected into the spine. Use this procedure to determine pinched nerves.
  • Taking a biopsy in the diagnosis of this type of cancer plays a decisive role. This measure allows you to find out whether the neoplasm is malignant or non-pathological. The result is obtained by examining a tissue sample of the formation under a microscope.
spinal cord cancer symptoms and signs
spinal cord cancer symptoms and signs

Now let's move on to the treatment of this serious disease and find out what therapies are currently used to combat it.

Methods of treatment and possibilities of modern medicine

So, if a person notices characteristic symptoms and, turning to a specialist, receives confirmation of the diagnosis, thenan absolutely logical question arises: how to cure spinal cord cancer?

Treatment of this disease is prescribed only after passing a full examination, when the position of the neoplasm along with its size, nature, degree of negative effect on he alth and tumor growth rate will be clearly defined.

In any case, the basic goal of therapy is to remove the tumor completely. Surgical intervention is not always possible, since there is a high risk of hurting nearby nerves during the removal of the formation. When deciding to prescribe one or another type of treatment, the doctor must take into account a huge number of various factors, starting with the age of the patient, his physical well-being, ending with the assessment of the nature and prevalence of the neoplasm.

brain cancer first sign
brain cancer first sign

What is the treatment?

Typically, the treatment for this disease involves the following:

  • Surgical intervention. With the help of modern technology today, doctors can get close to a neoplasm located in the most inaccessible places. During the operation, using electrodes, specialists have the opportunity to examine the nerves, which will minimize the risk that nearby nerves will be affected during the removal of the tumor. In addition, modern doctors have an ultrasonic aspirator at their disposal, which destroys the formation and removes useless tissue remnants. Unfortunately, through surgerynot all formations can be removed. For example, if a patient has a large ependymoma localized in the vertebral end section, then it is better to refuse a scalpel, since a large number of nerve endings are located here. In this regard, it is simply impossible to eliminate the neoplasm and not touch a single nerve. When the diagnosis is made, after the surgical removal of the formation, the patient must undergo a cycle of X-ray therapy. Such a measure will reduce pain and the total number of neuropathological symptoms, and, in addition, will restrain the growth of education.
  • Radiotherapy. Usually, the radiation technique is used immediately after surgery in order to eliminate tissue remnants that were not eliminated during the operation. It is also often the only way to destroy inoperable tumors. Often, radiation therapy is prescribed to patients in the case of a metastatic tumor, when surgery can entail serious risks for the patient.
  • Carrying out chemotherapy. Despite the fact that this technique has gained great popularity in the treatment of many cancer pathologies, in the case of formations in the spinal cord, chemotherapy is practically not used. It is sometimes prescribed as an addition to the radiation technique. After the surgical operation, the patient is prescribed a rehabilitation course, since many patients in the postoperative period may encounter problems with impaired sensitivity. The effectiveness of rehabilitation directly depends on how the tumor was removed, as well as onat what stage(s) the patient was diagnosed with this type of cancer. It also matters how clearly the neoplasm was limited.
spinal cord cancer symptoms
spinal cord cancer symptoms


The recovery period after tumor removal usually includes three stages:

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to reduce the patient's pain as much as possible, at the same time eliminating changes in posture.
  • The second stage involves the elimination of household restrictions for the patient along with the improvement of his general well-being. A comprehensive restoration of the patient's movements is also carried out.
  • At the third stage, the efforts of doctors are directed to strengthening the musculoskeletal system. It is at this stage that restrictions on physical activity are lifted.

Rehabilitation period additionally involves the use of drugs along with massage and physiotherapy. Also, the patient is prescribed therapeutic exercises and sanatorium treatment. During the rehabilitation period, the patient is not allowed to lift weights, gain weight. Avoid stress and hypothermia.

How long do people live with symptoms of spinal cord cancer?

early stage brain cancer
early stage brain cancer


A positive prognosis in the presence of this type of oncology is possible only if the pathology is detected early and the course of therapy is started in a timely manner. Survival of patients in the first five years immediately after removal of the tumor in such a case is one hundred percent.

In case the illnesswas discovered at a later date, the life expectancy is only four years. The percentage of survivors in this situation is between seven and twenty-five percent. But there are victims in a state of disability.

It is important to note: in order not to be in sad statistics, you must always be attentive to your body, undergo annual examinations with a doctor, and at the slightest suspicion of a pathology, it is necessary to conduct a complete diagnosis. Medical procedures should be carried out immediately from the moment of detection of oncology.

We looked at the symptoms of spinal cord cancer. How many people live with this pathology is also described above.
