Abdominal ultrasound: reviews, examination features, diagnostic methods, indications, contraindications, conclusions and recommendations of doctors

Abdominal ultrasound: reviews, examination features, diagnostic methods, indications, contraindications, conclusions and recommendations of doctors
Abdominal ultrasound: reviews, examination features, diagnostic methods, indications, contraindications, conclusions and recommendations of doctors

Ultrasound today is one of the informative, safe diagnostic methods. With its help, you can detect a number of diseases even at the earliest stages of development. There are several main types of ultrasound. They may require some training, have a number of features. How is an abdominal ultrasound done? Feedback from patients and doctors will be reviewed below.

When is an ultrasound done?

Abdominal ultrasound reviews
Abdominal ultrasound reviews

Considering the reviews of abdominal ultrasound that doctors leave, it can be noted that this is an informative examination, based on the data of which a diagnosis can be made. This procedure allows you to examine several or one organ located in the peritoneum using ultrasound. This procedure may be required if the patient has certain complaints:

  • after eating constantlythere is a feeling of heaviness on the right;
  • periodically occur pain attacks in the right side;
  • lack of appetite;
  • there is an unpleasant belching, nausea;
  • recurring pain in the lumbar region;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • temperature rises intermittently for no apparent reason;
  • there are signs of hepatitis, bitterness in the mouth;
  • there are problems in the hormonal system;
  • digestive disorders, girdle pain in the abdomen;
  • there are symptoms of intoxication of the body.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for an adult or a child is prescribed by a doctor of the appropriate speci alty. It is also worth considering that people who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, such an examination should be carried out at regular intervals. In this case, the pancreas is examined.

Today, the presented procedure is carried out by almost all medical institutions of the corresponding profile. The cost of diagnostics is quite acceptable. It depends on the pricing policy of a particular clinic, as well as the list of organs that need to be examined.

The advantage of ultrasound is its safety. The body is not exposed to harmful radiation. The entire procedure takes 20 minutes. Modern equipment allows you to get clear images that show even small details. For this reason, if you suspect the development of a particular disease, as well as to control the state of the body in certain diagnosed diseases, doctors prescribesubmitted study.

What does the ultrasound show?

Adults, if certain symptoms occur, are prescribed the presented examination. According to reviews, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of a child can also be done without problems. The procedure is painless. The baby does not have to lie down without the slightest movement while the doctor is diagnosing. This makes the process much easier.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for a child reviews
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for a child reviews

With the help of a special scanner, the doctor sends an ultrasonic wave that is reflected from the tissues. It is received by the equipment and displayed on the monitor screen. The picture the doctor sees is black and white. It is displayed in real time. This is a section of the organ being examined. According to reviews, a good abdominal ultrasound doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the condition of the following organs:

  • gall bladder;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • spleen;
  • genitourinary system;
  • vessels.

It is worth noting that the study of the gastrointestinal tract using the presented technique is impossible to perform. There is a lot of gas in these organs. Also, the dense walls of the stomach do not allow to examine the internal space of the organ.

However, according to reviews, abdominal ultrasound is an informative procedure. Examination of these organs can reveal cysts and other neoplasms, diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, kidney or gallstones, cholecystitis, and previous mononucleosis. Many diseases in chronic andthe doctor will be able to identify the acute form during an ultrasound scan. The study also, among other things, allows you to see injuries to internal organs, if any.

Reviews of medical centers

Where to do an abdominal ultrasound? Reviews of different clinics allow you to make the right decision. In almost every city in our country there are medical institutions in which the presented procedure is performed. The cost of their services can vary greatly. It varies from 1000 to 3000 rubles. When choosing a clinic, you should ask which organs will be examined during the procedure.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs reviews
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs reviews

If you wish, you can sign up for an ultrasound of only one organ of the peritoneum. The cost of such a procedure varies from 500 to 1000 rubles.

According to reviews, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in "Invitro" is carried out very high quality and in depth. The cost of such a procedure in this medical institution in the summer of 2018 is 2100 rubles. There are more than 600 departments of the presented clinic in Moscow. For this reason, many patients seek diagnostics here. The clinic provides a home examination service.

rub.) and others. The doctor examines the full range of abdominal organs, which helps to identify diseases at an early stage of development.

If the cost of ultrasound is 1000-1500 rubles, then ratherIn total, only the hepatobiliary system will be examined. This question needs to be clarified before signing up for the examination. It is also worth considering that the cost of the procedure may vary due to the features of the equipment. If it is outdated, and the clinic uses it in the diagnosis, the result may be less informative. In the event of a dispute, it will be necessary to undergo an examination using the most modern equipment. Only it can provide an accurate result.

Feedback on the procedure

Some patients are interested in how and who did the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Feedback on such a procedure can be negative if the procedure is performed by a doctor with insufficient work experience or skill level. Therefore, it is worth enrolling only in trusted medical centers. The procedure is quite complicated. To take into account all the features of a particular organ, the doctor must correctly interpret the resulting image. Otherwise, serious errors are possible, which do not allow to start timely and correct treatment.

Adult abdominal ultrasound
Adult abdominal ultrasound

According to doctors' opinions, abdominal ultrasound will be informative if two-dimensional as well as three-dimensional picture is studied during the examination. It is displayed in real time on the screen, so you can track the movement of organs.

When entering the ultrasound room, the patient must undress to the waist. Next, you need to lie down on the couch. The doctor will tell you whether to turn on one side or on your back. If a kidney examination is performed, the patient is turned overon the stomach. Next, a special gel is applied to the skin. It is made on a water basis, absolutely harmless to the body. The gel fills the air gap between the sensor and the skin surface. So ultrasound can better penetrate the body.

Periodically, the doctor asks the patient to hold their breath for a few seconds. This is necessary in order to better consider the body. The examination can last from 20 to 60 minutes. It depends on the list of examined organs, as well as each specific case.

You can conduct such an examination at any time of the day. The result does not depend on it. Most often, the patient is recorded for an ultrasound scan in the morning or in the afternoon. If the examination is carried out in the evening, you can have a snack until 11 am. However, it should be just a light snack. Some preparation is required before the procedure.

Features of preparation

The presented diagnostic technique requires the preparation of the patient for an abdominal ultrasound. The doctor must explain how it is carried out. Be sure to pay attention to food. Three days before the procedure, the patient must adhere to a certain diet. This is necessary in order to avoid increased gas formation. If the patient has bloating, the diagnosis becomes difficult. The result may be inaccurate because of this. This situation requires a re-examination.

Where to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity reviews
Where to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity reviews

Preparation for the study of the abdominal cavity on ultrasound begins in threedays. Foods that can cause increased flatulence, bloating are removed from the diet. These include legumes (peas, beans), bread, as well as flour and sweet products. Also, do not eat raw vegetables and fruits. Fiber can cause gas. In no case should you eat raw, stewed, sauerkraut. This product also causes flatulence.

It is necessary to exclude milk and products based on it from the diet. It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited. If it is difficult for a person to give up nicotine, you need to at least reduce the intake of this substance in the body. On the day of the procedure, smoking is completely prohibited. Alcohol affects the work of almost all internal organs. Therefore, its consumption even in small quantities (in the form of beer, low-alcohol drinks, etc.) is prohibited. You also need to give up chewing gum.

The patient is given a reminder for an abdominal ultrasound. It contains a list of allowed and prohibited foods. You can eat lean meats and fish. And they are steamed. It is allowed to use baked apples, cereals from cereals that have been cooked in water. You should stick to fractional nutrition. Under no circumstances should you overeat. Portions should be small. If you are hungry, it is better to increase the number of meals.

Immediately before the examination, you can eat no later than 6 hours. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. During the preparation, you need to drink enough clean water without gas or additives. Its quantityshould be at least 1.5 liters per day. Unsweetened tea is also allowed.

Special food

Preparation for an abdominal ultrasound examination may be slightly different for certain categories of patients. This includes children, pregnant women, and patients with diabetes. A sparing diet is prescribed for them.

Thus, on the day of the examination, people with diabetes are allowed to eat a light breakfast. It consists of lightly sugared tea and a couple of crackers.

According to reviews, abdominal ultrasound is more difficult for a child than for adults. Especially if it is a baby who is breastfed. In this case, you need to sign up for the procedure in accordance with the child's daily routine. He can eat 3-3.5 hours before the examination. Therefore, you will need to skip one meal. You can feed the baby immediately after the procedure. If this rule is neglected, it will not be possible to examine some organs, such as the gallbladder and pancreas.

If the child is over 2 years old, you can take a break between meals for 4 hours. Some children find it hard to go so long without food. Therefore, before the examination, it is allowed to drink some water.

Pregnant women always undergo a similar diagnosis in the morning. For them, a sparing diet is prescribed. If the expectant mother can tolerate it, it is better not to eat 2.5-3 hours before the ultrasound.


Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink medicinal drugs before an abdominal ultrasounddrugs. In this regard, you need to consult with your doctor. Some medicines the patient must drink with a certain regularity. Therefore, they cannot be abandoned even before the examination. However, the doctor will be able to tell you at what time it is better to take the medicine so that it does not interfere with the ultrasound.

Image"Festal" is a good remedy
Image"Festal" is a good remedy

Some patients require medication to improve digestion and also eliminate flatulence. In some cases (not every patient) one of the following drugs is prescribed:

  • "Festal";
  • "Mezim Forte";
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Smekta".

Earlier, before the presented procedure, patients were prescribed activated charcoal. Now this remedy is considered less effective. Therefore, they refused to take it before an ultrasound scan a few years ago. It is worth considering that these drugs have contraindications. Therefore, they are prescribed only by the attending physician.

If the patient has problems in the gastrointestinal tract, he should take care of bowel cleansing before the procedure. It must be empty when performing an ultrasound. Your doctor may prescribe laxatives. They are drunk 12 hours before the examination. You can also use rectal suppositories. If a few hours before the ultrasound, the intestines are still not cleared, the patient should be given an enema.

It is worth noting that before the examination, you should not take drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin or no-shpu (as well as theiranalogues).

Other preparation features

Preparation for an abdominal ultrasound, according to reviews, may include not only proper nutrition and medication. If kidney function will be checked, you need to pay attention to the drinking regimen. Every day during the preparation you need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water. However, this must be done before the examination.

Ultrasound of the urinary system is performed only with a full bladder. Therefore, in the morning you need to drink enough clean water without gas. Weak tea without sugar is also suitable. But juice, compote should be abandoned. This is necessary in order to avoid gas in the intestines.

Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder reveals inflammation in these organs, as well as the presence of sand or stones. If present, the doctor also determines the size of the stones. This allows you to determine the method of treatment.

It is extremely important to inform the doctor before the ultrasound if other examinations were performed in the next few days. So, colonoscopy, FGDS, gastrography and irrigoscopy can affect the reliability of the ultrasound result.

The doctor who conducts the examination cannot be an ordinary therapist. Ultrasound can be done by a qualified medical specialist. He is also required to have certain experience in carrying out the presented procedure. The doctor performs an ultrasound using a special apparatus. It's an echotomoscope. It is a modern equipment that is installed in large medical diagnostic centers.

Only with proper preparation, andAlso, using modern equipment, you can get a reliable examination result. Of course, you can do an ultrasound at least every day without harm to he alth. However, this service is not free. Therefore, if you do not want to be tested again, it is better to properly prepare for it.

Survey result

Reviews on abdominal ultrasound, which are left by doctors, speak of the high information content of the presented technique. It allows you to identify a number of different pathologies that develop in the internal organs.

Abdominal ultrasound drink
Abdominal ultrasound drink

So, the doctor will be able to see on the image that is displayed on the screen, the presence of a chronic inflammatory process. This allows us to say that the patient has pancreatitis or chronic cholecystitis. Inflammation in the acute stage of development will also be visible on ultrasound. If the disease is in remission, it is also determined using the presented examination.

In addition, the presented procedure allows you to estimate the size of organs, as well as their structure. Thanks to this, diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or bends are determined. On the image that is displayed by the scanner, neoplasms will be visible. The doctor will be able to determine if they are filled with fluid, if they have metastases. This suggests whether a benign or malignant neoplasm is developing in the organ.

Ultrasound shows solid fractions that are in the organs. Therefore, the presence of gallstones can be determined.

Injuries to organs, their displacement anddeformations are also clearly visible on the monitor screen. If a person has been subjected to mechanical shock, the degree of damage to internal organs will be clearly visible on ultrasound. With the help of this examination, hematomas, abscesses, tissue ruptures, hemorrhages, etc. are visible.

What else do you need to know about abdominal ultrasound?

It is worth noting that most medical clinics have new, modern equipment, which is distinguished by high accuracy diagnostics. To get a reliable result, the patient must properly prepare for the procedure. However, the result may be inaccurate if the person cannot lie still during the examination. In this case, the picture may be blurry. In this case, the examination may be delayed.

If a person is severely obese, the doctor will also not be able to perform a high-quality diagnosis of his internal organs. Ultrasound does not pass well through adipose tissue. In this case, you will need to resort to other diagnostic methods.

After the examination, the patient receives a form with a list of the parameters of each organ, its features. It doesn't take long to fill out the form. Usually it is filled in by a nurse, to whom the doctor dictates the relevant parameters of the organs on ultrasound. Pictures of pathologies can be taken, if any are present in the body.

Having considered how abdominal ultrasound is performed, reviews of this procedure, we can conclude that the presented method is highly informative. But it requires proper preparation.
