Sometimes after a sleepless night people go to work or study. Someone had a good time in a trendy club or enjoyed romance with their girlfriend, and some were disturbed by the crying of a child or the scandal of neighbors. In any case, there are times when you just can not sleep! What to do? To stay awake, follow the tips in this article.

Tip one
Work - that's what to do not want to sleep! If you get distracted by doing something, then you will be busy and will not think about sleep. It is advisable to move more, and even better - to be in the fresh air. If you constantly sit at the computer, then there is a high probability that you will still fall asleep.
Tip two
Once again, let's remind you about fresh air, it saturates the body with oxygen, the general condition improves, the work of the brain accelerates, and you don't want to sleep so much. If it is not possible to walk down the street, then in order not to fall asleep, at least open the window, colleagues will not argue, especially in the summer.
Tip three
What is the first thing that comes to mind after the question “what to do so that you don’t wantsleep? . That's right, this decision is to drink natural fresh ground coffee or strong tea, they will help to cope with drowsiness. These drinks contain substances that invigorate the body, and a person wants to sleep much less. But abuse and frequent use of this method can harm your he alth, be careful.

Tip four
Try to communicate more, especially with fun and interesting people. Move more and keep yourself busy.
Tip Five
Despite the availability and effectiveness of energy drinks, try to avoid them. It is especially harmful to mix them with alcohol. Eat less, otherwise the desire to sleep will become simply irresistible. If you can't live without food, then at least eat it in small portions.
Tip six
What to do if you want to sleep? An excellent invigorating remedy is massage, especially of the fingers. This area is responsible for the head and neck. Finger massage raises vitality and improves blood circulation. Also useful will be the effect on the auricles, lobes. Such a massage will give strength, energy and invigorate you.
Tip Seven
Aromatherapy will help you cheer up. Use lavender oil, it helps with overwork. To quickly switch attention, improve brain activity and during heavy loads, tea tree aromas are useful. Grapefruit and lemon oils with their freshness will cheer you up and relieve depression.

If fatigue overcame you, and there is still a lot of work, then a lemon will help you. Grate the peel, wrap with gauze and rub on the forehead and temples. You can also massage with cut lemon peel. You will see, courage will return to you. We hope the tips in this article help.
Best advice
What to do to not want to sleep? The answer is very simple: you just need to lie down and sleep. Do not torture your body, ask for a day off or agree with your boss about a little rest. I wish you he alth, strength and vigor.