There is no such person in the whole world who would never take pills and would not suffer from any disease. One of the most common means is the drug "No-Shpa". What is he from? Some people take pills and do not think about whether they have chosen the right medicine. But this is a very important question, because any medication can both help the body and harm it. We are all used to thinking that No-Shpa medicine can be drunk with any spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. But for what diseases can it still be used?

The drug "No-Shpa" from what?
According to statistics, this medicine is one of the most popular. In Russia, it is used by a huge number of people. Usually it is prescribed by doctors in the presence of spasms and pain. Especially for women, No-Shpa medicine can be used for severe cramps during menstruation. If the tablets do not help or cause some side effects, then the use of "No-Shpa" in ampoules is possible. Thus, the active substance enters the body in a different way and reduces pain.
Indications for use
To have youthere was no longer a question about what diseases you can take No-Shpa medicine for, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main indications for use:

1. Treatment of gallstone disease.
2. Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract.
3. With chronic gastritis, chronic and acute pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, colitis.
4. Can be used even for constipation or flatulence.
5. Great for irritable bowel syndrome.
Here are the main indications for taking No-Shpa medicine. From what it is used, you already know.
Some information about the drug
The active ingredient in it is drotaverine, which is a myotropic antispasmodic. It is drotaverine that helps reduce spasms by acting on smooth muscles. "No-Shpa" is a very effective and useful drug, even during pregnancy it can be used. It does not have a harmful effect on the fetus - teratogenic or embryotoxic. But still, the dosage should be determined by the doctor in order to eliminate the possible risk to the fetus and determine the benefits for the mother.

How does the mixture of drugs "No-shpa" - "Analgin" - "Suprastin" work?
Often, doctors use No-Shpa not in its pure form, but in combination with other drugs, such as, for example, Analgin and Suprastin. Such a mixture of drugs is used for high fever, it is prescribed if the usualantipyretics do not help, and the temperature does not go astray. Analgin in this mixture successfully reduces it, the "No-shpa" remedy relieves spasm, the drug "Suprastin" has an anti-inflammatory effect. Quite often, this method of lowering the temperature is used by doctors in the ambulance or in hospitals. Such a mixture is also called lytic. The dosage is determined only by the doctor.
You should always have No-Shpa in your first aid kit. What is he from? The medicine will always help you with pain and spasms, will not let the disease spoil your mood, as it will quickly cope with the symptoms. Stay he althy!