Good old drug "Analgin": what helps and when it harms. Indications and contraindications for use, other characteristics of the drug

Good old drug "Analgin": what helps and when it harms. Indications and contraindications for use, other characteristics of the drug
Good old drug "Analgin": what helps and when it harms. Indications and contraindications for use, other characteristics of the drug

The drug “Analgin” is a medicine familiar to everyone since childhood, because they were treated with everything from headaches to toothaches. And now this remedy is very popular, although in many foreign countries the drug "Analgin" is prohibited.

What is the drug "Analgin"?

analgin from what helps
analgin from what helps

The drug's name means "no pain". The medicine "Analgin" is used by many to eliminate headaches, toothaches and other types of pain. The drug is one of those unique remedies that, without affecting the human psyche, can significantly anesthetize, reduce inflammation. In addition, it is able to lower the temperature and significantly improve well-being. Many consider the tablet of the drug "Analgin" to be an ideal remedy for getting rid of pain. What does it help and what does it not? It is impossible to immediately answer these questions, because even the opinions of medical professionals on this matter are different.

Drug“Analgin”: helper or enemy?

analgin for children from temperature
analgin for children from temperature

Proven fact: the drug "Analgin" from toothache helps quite effectively. At the same time, it is important for each person to remember that it is necessary to identify the initial cause of such an ailment, to cure or remove an aching tooth, and not to use this medicine in kilograms. Self-administration of this drug can only aggravate the situation, create the illusion of improving well-being, so timely contacting medical professionals is extremely important. By the way, the drug "Analgin" is also known under the name "Metamizol sodium". This is the active ingredient in this product. In addition to the name accepted in global practice, there are hundreds more synonyms, but it is not at all necessary to know them, because in the CIS countries the most popular name for the medicine is “Analgin”. It is produced mainly in tablets and solutions for injection, as it dissolves very well in water. The drug "Spazdolzin" is also popular - this is also metamizole sodium. It is available in the form of suppositories, tablets, capsules, as well as a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration. By the way, the drug "Analgin" itself can also be purchased in candles. They are for children and adults. They give the medicine "Analgin" to children from temperature most often in this form, because this application is the safest for the body of a small child.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug "Analgin"

analgin from the head
analgin from the head

Although many have long been familiar with the remedy“Analgin”, from which it helps, is not known to everyone. Few know the full list of its indications for use. The most popular is the use of the drug if necessary, pain relief, lowering the temperature, as well as for anti-inflammatory purposes. A contraindication to the use of this medication may be individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition, including auxiliary ones. As a result, allergic reactions, skin rashes may occur. When using the drug "Analgin" in the form of an injection, even anaphylactic shock is possible. Also, the drug can negatively affect the circulatory system, but this is possible only with its long-term use. If you use, for example, the medicine "Analgin" for fever, then side effects most often do not appear.

Side effects and detailed contraindications to the use of the drug in question

analgin from temperature
analgin from temperature

The drug is contraindicated in the following categories of patients:

  • with caution and only after consulting a doctor, it is worth using the remedy for those who have problems with hematopoiesis;
  • also you can not use it for violations of the kidneys and liver;
  • during pregnancy, the use of the drug "Analgin" is better to exclude or limit as a last resort.

Children can be given this medicine only after prior agreement with the doctor. Elderly people are accustomed to using the drug "Analgin" "from the head" daily, but such an amount of metamizole sodium (the active substance of thisdrugs) can have a negative effect on the body as a whole, so in these cases you should also be careful about the dosage of the drug.

The drug "Analgin" in combination with other drugs

analgin for toothache
analgin for toothache

Remember that many preparations contain metamizole sodium, the main active ingredient of Analgin. What helps this component? Its simultaneous use with other components helps to effectively get rid of inflammatory processes, reduce fever, reduce spasms and pain. Such combined preparations are very popular and are in great demand among consumers. They, in particular, are the drugs "Tempalgin", "Baralgin", "Maksigan", "Spazgan" and others. When using them, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and learn in detail about the side effects of these drugs and possible complications.

Conclusions and Conclusion

So, what does the drug “Analgin” help with? Many people ask this question and use the remedy to eliminate some he alth problems. But it should be remembered that the use of this medication only temporarily alleviates the state of he alth, and does not heal the body. In addition, using the drug "Analgin" in large doses, a person is able to cause irreparable harm to his he alth, and not achieve positive results. This is a symptomatic drug that should be drunk from time to time when a number of ailments occur. In any case, the disease itself cannot be cured with this medicine, thereforeit is imperative to contact a medical institution to identify the causes of pain. It is not recommended to delay treatment using Analgin for pain relief. Remember that this drug, like any other similar remedy, should not be taken without a reason.
