Let's talk about angioedema. Symptoms of this allergic reaction and first aid

Let's talk about angioedema. Symptoms of this allergic reaction and first aid
Let's talk about angioedema. Symptoms of this allergic reaction and first aid

Quincke's edema is a very serious allergic reaction. It starts suddenly and develops very rapidly. It is very important to provide first aid to a person in time. And in any case, you need to call a team of doctors. What is this swelling, how does it manifest itself and how to help the patient?

Everyone knows that allergies are terrible. It can turn a person's life into torment. Tearing, constant discomfort in the nose and throughout the body, sneezing, small pimples on the skin itch and itch - this is how an allergic reaction often manifests itself. But compared to Quincke's edema, these are flowers. What is this swelling? Now we will tell you in detail. You need to know about it in order to help yourself or another person in time.

How does Quincke's edema manifest?

Quincke's edema symptoms photo
Quincke's edema symptoms photo

Any allergic reaction should not be overlooked and ignored. And it is especially necessary to urgently take action if Quincke's edema has appeared. Each of us will notice the first symptoms even without a doctor. Edema appears suddenly and veryquickly covers the entire body. Literally in 5-15 minutes, the patient begins to swell and inflate some part of the body. More often, the first signs of edema appear on the face and in the area of the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, which affects the respiratory tract. Less commonly, such an allergic reaction is localized in the gastrointestinal tract, on the genitals. Are you wondering what a person with Quincke's edema looks like? Symptoms (photos of them can be easily found in he alth magazines) will help to clearly demonstrate what is happening. Patients say that they did not feel any pain at the time of swelling. They only felt a strong tension of the skin and an unpleasant itch in the genital area, eyes, nose. Quincke's edema appears suddenly and in most cases also goes unnoticed. Usually, after a day, the patient does not see a trace of yesterday's illness. But you should not think that in this state you can not seek help from a medical institution, but wait at home for the swelling to pass. This is, at the very least, reckless. Quincke's edema has very unpleasant consequences in some cases. Are symptoms (first aid in this case vital and necessary) appearing in the airways, and this is preventing the natural flow of air into the lungs? It is necessary to call an ambulance and take antiallergic medicine before the arrival of doctors. It is also dangerous if the edema appears in the genitourinary system. This can lead to a delay in the natural excretion of urine and intoxication of the body.

Symptoms in more detail

Quincke's edema symptoms first aid
Quincke's edema symptoms first aid

As mentioned above, the face suddenly swells andmucous areas of the body, if Quincke's edema begins. There are other symptoms of this allergic reaction. For example, there is a very strong itching in the anus, eyeballs. I want to constantly scratch these places. Literally immediately, the eyes begin to hurt, there is a desire to close them. They demand darkness, and light causes discomfort. The general condition of the patient with edema is weak, although pain is not felt. If the respiratory organs are swollen, it seems that there is not enough air in the lungs. Often there is clouding of the mind in patients, they cannot clearly tell what exactly they feel. In any case, if you suspect that Quincke's edema is starting, the symptoms clearly indicate this allergic reaction, call an ambulance immediately.

First aid for allergic edema

If Quincke's edema has begun, you can't do without an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, the patient must take an antihistamine. It is also important to constantly drink plenty of water and take a diuretic at the same time. And remember that you can not refuse treatment in a hospital with Quincke's edema.
