Low heart rate: reasons for what to do at home

Low heart rate: reasons for what to do at home
Low heart rate: reasons for what to do at home

Low pulse is a physiological condition caused by a natural decrease in heart rate as a result of the development of complex vascular pathology, infection in the body, changes in the functioning of the heart muscle. Only a competent specialist will tell you what to do.

why low heart rate
why low heart rate

Low heart rate: causes

The pulse changes depending on the state of the person. A low pulse indicates a heart rhythm disorder. Bradycardia is observed in people of all ages. Doctors identify several causes of low heart rate that affect the decrease in heart rate:

  • Hypertension, endocarditis, myocarditis;
  • Malnutrition and diet;
  • Stress;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Long exposure to cold water;
  • Mistake of medicines;
  • Frequent change of weather conditions;
  • High blood calcium levels;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Organophosphate poisoning;
  • Congenital heart changes.

What is a low heart rate?

Indicators of the normal heart rate in adults and children are different:

  • Newborn babies are the norm 140.
  • Pensioners – 65.
  • Children under seven years old - pulse up to 100.

The dying heart rate can reach 160 beats per minute. In children after the age of seven, the frequency of heart beats per minute decreases. Upon reaching adulthood, blood pressure normalizes to 80 beats per minute. Low blood pressure is considered when the number of heartbeats is 50-55. When the pulse decreases due to physiological reasons, they do not pay attention to it. In cases of a decrease in heart rate for no apparent reason, they turn to the clinic for an examination by a cardiologist.

Least hits

The lowest human heart rate can be in the range of 40 beats per minute. In this case, there is a strong oxygen starvation. A pulse below 40 beats per minute can lead to cardiac arrest. The reasons for a sharp drop in the pulse can be heavy blood loss, postoperative conditions, severe heart disease. Also, severe intoxication of the body and psycho-emotional shocks can lead to low heart rate. Such a condition requires immediate medical examination and, if necessary, urgent hospitalization, as it poses a threat to life.

low heart rate what to do at home
low heart rate what to do at home


In medicine, there are many cases when a low pulse practically did not manifest itself in a person, sincethis may be influenced by the physiological characteristics of the organism. It is worth noting that you should not worry too much, since this condition will not pose any danger to the patient. Usually, a decrease in heart rate appears as a result of impaired functioning of the heart, and usually it manifests itself in the form of dizziness or fainting, which indicates the development of oxygen starvation of the brain. In addition, the patient may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue.

With the unreasonable and sudden appearance of the above symptoms, the patient may develop bradycardia, the dangerous complications of which are repeated fainting, and in some cases cardiac arrest. As soon as the patient begins to be disturbed by the symptoms of a low pulse, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible in order to avoid quite serious and dangerous consequences!

Low temperature

Low temperature and low pulse are observed in the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Depressive states.
  4. Endocrine diseases, including diabetes.
  5. Liver disease.
  6. This condition may accompany pregnancy.

Often, a combination of these symptoms occurs in athletes who have exceeded the load allowed for their body. If the temperature and pulse are below normal, then in any case this is a sign of a violation of the circulatory system and an imbalance in the processes of thermoregulation. Before there will bethe diagnosis is established, it is necessary to provide the patient with rest and warmth. You can give him weak tea to drink.

low pulse at normal pressure
low pulse at normal pressure


With a low pulse, the head hurts due to the fact that oxygen began to flow poorly to all organs, including the brain. The pain is not sharp, aching, dull, sometimes a manifestation of brief pulsations. Headache attacks begin after a strong nervous tension. It can also cause excessive mental stress. Symptoms of a headache attack with low blood pressure:

  1. Pale face.
  2. Infrequent pulse that is difficult to feel.

Suffer from this disease people with a low threshold of sensitivity, overly emotional, unstable to stressful situations. If a headache occurs, it is recommended to sleep on a low pillow so that it is in close contact with the neck.

Low pressure

The causes of low blood pressure and low heart rate in a person are very different, and they need to be considered in great detail. These phenomena can either be a physiological feature of the organism, or indicate a life-threatening condition. If the person is he althy, low blood pressure will not cause a low pulse, but otherwise the patient needs emergency care. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate, as taking certain medications can further reduce the pulse. This is especially true for beta-blockers, which should only be taken after seeing a specialist!

low heart ratedo at home
low heart ratedo at home

Normal pressure

A low pulse at normal pressure can be observed in case of severe overwork, with various pathologies in the myocardium, including an inflammatory one, as well as with an increase in intracranial pressure. The causes of this symptomatology can also be diseases of the thyroid gland, in particular hypothyroidism. The use of narcotic drugs, cardiac glycosides and psychotropic substances leads to a decrease in the pulse rate. To correct this condition, you need to establish the cause and find out what to do with a low pulse. Before visiting a doctor, the patient should avoid physical activity.

High pressure

If a person's blood pressure rises, in some cases he may notice the appearance of a low pulse. This usually indicates the development of heart failure or other equally dangerous conditions and pathologies. It is very important to know that doctors categorically prohibit the use of drugs that are usually prescribed when heart failure is detected.

When using drugs that increase the pulse, an increase in pressure may occur. If, at high pressure, the patient's pulse rate decreases only once, this is not at all a reason to look for a pathology in himself. But if, after a 2-3-fold measurement of pressure and pulse, the indicators have not changed, we can talk about the beginning of a pathological process.


Low heart rate in pregnant women is not common. Symptoms may include nausea, frequent dizziness, fainting spells, difficulty breathing. Andif this is revealed, then you need to look for the cause of such a feature. There are various options here. The main reasons may be:

  1. Chronic diseases of the circulatory or endocrine systems.
  2. Not enough potassium in the body.
  3. Disorders of the nervous system.

You can keep your pulse normal in the following ways:

  1. Walking outside.
  2. He althy and proper nutrition.
  3. Daily gymnastics.
  4. Seek medical advice.
  5. low blood pressure and low heart rate causes
    low blood pressure and low heart rate causes

Bradycardia in a child

Causes of bradycardia (low heart rate) in a child:

  1. Arterial hypertension.
  2. Undernutrition, eating out of order, skipping one or two stages of eating.
  3. Pain syndrome.
  4. Using medicines taken incorrectly, not prescribed by a doctor, or in violation of the rules for taking.
  5. Long exposure to cold water (pool, sea, river, shower).
  6. Stressful situation.
  7. Intense physical activity without rest breaks.
  8. Oxygen starvation with a sedentary lifestyle.

When a child has a decrease in heart rate (pulse reference), it must be taken to a cardiologist for examination.

Why is a low heart rate dangerous?

If a decrease in heart rate begins to occur with small deviations from the desired norm, then a person may not worry, as this is not dangerous. But if a person has a pulsebegins to decline to a low mark of 40 beats / min, then the person is under serious threat. The threat is great, because there is a huge chance that the heart can stop, or suddenly and often will lose consciousness because oxygen deficiency can occur in the body. And this can also affect the high risk of injury in a fall. Also, with a decrease in heart rate, a person may experience symptoms such as fatigue, increased sweating, migraine and dizziness.

Drugs for low heart rate

Treatment of insufficient pulsation is carried out strictly in a hospital with the use of many drugs. These include:

  1. "Atropine" - helps to eliminate the consequences of poisoning with s alts of heavy metals, stimulates the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers, normalizes blood flow, has a general anti-inflammatory effect. Administered intravenously every 3 hours.
  2. "Alupent" - has a significant effect in the treatment of bradycardia, "angina pectoris", normalizes the functioning of the lungs and bronchi, improves the blood supply to the respiratory system. It is used in combination with a chloride compound or in a pure tablet form of 20 mg.
  3. "Isoproterenol" - this drug improves hematopoiesis, increases blood pressure and eliminates the negative effects of low heart rate - hypoxia. It is prescribed for the treatment of complex vascular diseases of the brain, lung tissue, as well as for the correction of pre-infarction conditions. Has a significant effect on the cardiovascular systemtreatment of "angina pectoris", bradycardia. It has a general tonic effect in the presence of frequent attacks of epilepsy. Applied by infusion.
  4. low blood pressure and low heart rate
    low blood pressure and low heart rate

Folk remedies

If you have a low heart rate, what to do at home? This question interests many. If the pulse rate has decreased, then there are the following folk remedies to raise it to the optimal level:

  1. The most common way is to drink green tea and strong, but cold coffee, as these are the drinks that contain caffeine. It contracts the heart muscle. If the problem occurs frequently, then drink coffee or tea in the morning every day.
  2. Chocolate. He must solve the problem very quickly. And you need to use only dark chocolate.
  3. Physical exercise. They are applied if the pulse has dropped to fifty beats per minute. The most effective exercise is running.
  4. The next way to be the most enjoyable is taking a hot bath. Essential oil can be added to the water.
  5. Compresses from mustard plasters. Mustard must be applied for ten or fifteen minutes on the back of the head. This will encourage blood flow to the heart.
  6. Earlobe massage. Also, the method helps to eliminate pain in the heart.
  7. Walnut tincture. To prepare it, you need four lemons, sesame oil, half a kilogram of nuts, sugar and water. Finely chop the lemons into a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Next, pour it all into the previously mixed walnuts, oilsesame and sugar. It must be taken three times a day. The dose of application is one spoon.
  8. Pepper. Spicy food increases the frequency of contraction of the heart muscles. Therefore, this is the best option to quickly raise the pulse.
low heart rate causes
low heart rate causes

Before carrying out any treatment, a specialist consultation is necessary. He will establish why the patient's pulse is low, and select effective drugs to overcome the pathology.
