Potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, properties and reviews

Potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, properties and reviews
Potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, properties and reviews

Potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids is a very effective tool in combating pain, itching and other symptoms of this unpleasant disease. Traditional medicine involves the use of several simple options for the use of potassium permanganate as an external remedy for existing inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins. To use potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids, you must strictly follow the recipe for the preparation of folk remedies. You should also take into account the contraindications for the use of this substance.

Manganese solution
Manganese solution

Healing properties

The use of potassium permanganate in hemorrhoids is not denied by traditional medicine. This substance has a disinfecting and antiseptic effect, and a solution of potassium permanganate can improve the patient's condition, as well as prevent the spread of an increase in hemorrhoids.

Potassium permanganate is a purple powder, which consists of small crystals. For the use of potassium permanganate for hemorrhoidsmust be diluted in water. The solution is able to provide the following healing effects:

  1. Relieve swelling, itching and pain.
  2. Treat anal fissures.
  3. Relieve inflammation.
  4. Normalize blood circulation in the anorectal region.
Inflammation in hemorrhoids
Inflammation in hemorrhoids

Instructions for use

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate is carried out in different ways. To do this, you can use sitz baths, microclysters, as well as other methods of using this substance. During the preparation of the therapeutic agent, it is imperative to observe the dosage. Only a pink solution is used, as a dark liquid can cause burns. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is not recommended to prepare the drug in advance, since the manganese solution is able to maintain its healing properties only for 1 hour.

Use of manganese solution for cracks

Container with manganese solution
Container with manganese solution

Ulcers, wounds, and cracks are formed with external and internal hemorrhoids. Small external cracks cause soreness, burning, and bleeding. Internal - can cause bleeding. If there is a slight lesion of the anus, then you can use sitz baths, washing, lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate. If a patient is diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids, then a microclyster can be done to heal cracks.


Rose water in the sink
Rose water in the sink

Most commonsitz baths are used in which potassium permanganate is diluted. Such procedures can not only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also cleanse the rectum and the anus area from pathogenic microflora.

Before treating hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate at home, it is advisable to buy a special medical bath. However, a simple basin can also be used for procedures. But the size of the container should be such that the patient can sit comfortably in it.

Preparing a healing composition based on manganese is very simple. To do this, pour ten liters of water into the container, it is advisable to use filtered water. Such an amount of powder is dissolved in the liquid so that the solution becomes a pale pink hue. It is necessary to ensure that all the crystals are completely dissolved in water.

How to use potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids? It is necessary to sit in the bath, lowering the inflamed area into it. In this position, you need to spend about a quarter of an hour. This time will be quite enough even if there is an exacerbation of the disease.

At the end of the procedure, the anal area should be wiped with a cotton towel, and then smeared with sea buckthorn oil. If there is no such oil, then you can use any fat cream. Thanks to this, you can quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Manganese solution photo
Manganese solution photo

Potassium permanganate helps with hemorrhoids if the procedure is repeated three times a day. Of course, after several baths there will be no improvement, but gradually the patient will feel much better.better. It is necessary to do such baths until the inflammation is completely gone.

You can prepare the solution with both cold and warm water. A warm solution is best used to heal cracks in the anus. These procedures are recommended to be carried out before going to bed. Cold baths will tone the muscles in the anal area. They are best done during the daytime.


Answering the question of whether potassium permanganate helps with hemorrhoids, we can say that lotions are very effective. Many prefer to use this method of treatment due to the fact that it is more convenient than baths.

To do this, you also need to make a solution, the shade of which should be pale pink. However, lotions require a much smaller volume of liquid. The medicinal composition is prepared in any small container.

To get a more effective result from potassium permanganate lotions for hemorrhoids, you must empty your intestines before the procedure, and also perform hygiene procedures with cool water. After that, moisten a small cotton napkin in the prepared solution, wring it out slightly and apply it to the affected area for fifteen minutes. As a rule, the pain goes away after the first use of lotions. Over time, other symptoms of the disease also disappear.


two bottles
two bottles

No matter at what stage of development hemorrhoids are observed, you must always remember about the hygiene of the anus. It is necessary to wash at least twice a day, and after emptying it should be done without fail. For hygiene purposes, you can prepare a weak solution based on potassium permanganate.


Microclysters for hemorrhoids are not done to cleanse the intestines, but to treat the disease. Therefore, before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. The specialist should recommend how many microclysters should be administered per day, and he will also determine the duration of the therapeutic course. The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before doing a microclyster, you need to defecate. If this cannot be done naturally, then you will have to resort to a cleansing enema, for which you need to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs. You can also use plain boiled water.
  2. After defecation, the anus should be rinsed well with cool water.
  3. Next, dilute potassium permanganate in water at a ratio of 0.02% of the substance per liter of water. The solution should turn out to be a light pink hue.
  4. After that, the ready-made solution should be drawn into the syringe. To facilitate insertion, the anus and the tip of the syringe can be lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly. It is necessary to release air from it, and then insert its tip three centimeters directly into the rectum. If you feel pain, you need to change your position. During the introduction of the solution, sudden movements should be avoided so as not to accidentally injure the diseased area, and also not to provokebleeding.
  5. The solution inside the rectum should be about five minutes. After that, it is necessary to empty the intestines.
  6. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to take a bath or wipe the anus with a damp cotton cloth.
  7. The anus at the end should be greased with a fat cream.

Contraindications for use

Frightened Patient
Frightened Patient

Treatment procedures using potassium permanganate solution are not recommended for patients who have an individual intolerance to this substance.

As for the use of potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, in this case it is not recommended to take only baths. Lotions and washings for pregnant women will not harm in any way. However, before using the solution, you should consult a specialist.

If there is inflammation in the pelvic organs, then it is necessary to refuse to take baths with a cool solution of potassium permanganate. In case of thrombosis, it is also forbidden to carry out procedures with a hot drug.

Patient testimonials

Many patients who suffer from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids note that more effective remedies in the fight against this disease are those that are prepared at home based on potassium permanganate. In this case, lotions are considered the most effective. The first results are already visible after several treatments.

People who have been diagnosed with the initial stage of external hemorrhoids say that potassium permanganate was able to completelystop the development of the pathological process. In the third and fourth stages of this disease, the remedy is used only as an aid.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that hemorrhoids is a very unpleasant disease in which the patient experiences pain, burning, and itching in the anus. To overcome this disease in the early stages, you can use traditional medicine recipes using a solution of manganese. However, it is imperative to take into account contraindications to the use of this substance.
