Hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis: reviews. Treatment with leeches

Hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis: reviews. Treatment with leeches
Hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis: reviews. Treatment with leeches

Today we will tell you what is such a procedure as hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis. Reviews about it, contraindications are presented in the article. We will also determine why this method of treating the spine received such a name. We will also find out where it is better to undergo therapy and how medical leeches have a positive effect on problem areas in the cervical spine.

hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis reviews
hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis reviews

Where does the name come from?

What does the word "hirudotherapy" mean? From the Latin language hirudo is translated as "leech". Treatment of this type of annelids with osteochondrosis of the cervical region gives a good result, provided that all the rules are followed.

The action of leeches on a sore spine

During the treatment procedure, these representatives of annelids bite through the skin and begin tosuck out blood. Along with this, hirudin, which is found in the saliva of leeches, enters the human body. Thanks to this substance, the blood does not clot, the vessels dilate, blood clots, if any, dissolve. As a result, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and biochemical processes are accelerated. All this has an excellent effect on the cervical spine.

Carrying out a medical event

A hirudotherapy session goes like this: leeches are determined on problem areas in the neck, which must first be rubbed a little until slight redness occurs. The procedure can last from 40 to 80 minutes. The leech itself chooses the problem area, it knows where to land: where the body temperature is higher, and rightly so. After the time has elapsed, the ringed worm either falls off on its own, or a specialist removes it. In general, a leech bite is absolutely painless. After the procedure, the bite site may bleed a little, but this is normal.

Hirudotherapy session is carried out 1 time in 2 or 3 days. The course of treatment can be from 4 to 10 sessions, depending on the severity of the disease, but usually everything is limited to 5 or 6 procedures.

leeches photo
leeches photo

What results to expect?

Hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis produces the following therapeutic effect:

- Pain decreases and soon disappears.

- Blood begins to circulate better through the vessels.

- Spinal nerve inflammation resolves.

- Normalizes metabolism in intervertebral discs, vertebrae, as well as in adjacentmuscles.

- Psycho-emotional stress passes.

- Increases the body's defenses.

- Sleep is normalizing.

- Improves blood circulation in the brain.

- Headaches and dizziness are eliminated.

hirudotherapy center
hirudotherapy center


Leeches, photos of which are given in the article, may not be useful for all patients. Hirudotherapy is contraindicated in such situations:

- When pregnant.

- If there are malignant tumors.

- If you are allergic to leech saliva.

- With blood diseases: anemia and hemophilia.

- For hypotension.

- For nervous and mental disorders.

- With physical exhaustion of the body.

- With individual intolerance.

- With any acute inflammatory processes in the body.

As you can see, hirudotherapy is not useful in all cases. The use of leeches is possible only after consulting a specialist.

hirudotherapy session
hirudotherapy session

Where can I get a healing session?

There are many private centers and offices where you can treat spinal diseases with leeches in Russia. Do not list all of them. Every day there are more and more of them, they appear like mushrooms after rain. A popular institution in Moscow where healing sessions with leeches are successfully carried out is the FitaMedical hirudotherapy center. This institution is located at the address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, 40/1, near the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station. The specialists of this center remind clients thatBefore starting a treatment course with leeches, you need to make an appointment with the doctor for a consultation. There are 3 ways to do this:

  1. Call the clinic by phone.
  2. Personal contact at the above address.
  3. Sign up on the clinic website.

The cost of hirudotherapy services at the FitaMedical center is as follows:

- Initial consultation with a specialist - 500 rubles

- One session of hirudotherapy (up to 5 leeches) – 1500 R.

- From 6 leeches and more - 1500 plus 150 rubles for each leech

hirudotherapy using leeches
hirudotherapy using leeches

Existing risks

People should know that medicinal leeches are completely sterile. They are grown in special laboratory conditions at clinics. In addition, they are used only 1 time during their life. After all, after the procedure, the leeches are eliminated. Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid of contracting any infection through these representatives of annelids. But if you are not performing the procedure in a clinic, but with a friend in an apartment who also grows leeches, then there is no question of any safety.

Positive evaluations of people

Hirudotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine reviews of patients are mostly positive. Patients who have been treated in a good clinic by an experienced specialist note that these black annelid worms really helped with the disease, namely:

- Dulled excruciating pain in the spine.

- Calmed the nervous system.

- Improvedcirculation.

Patients write on the forums that the leech does not bring pain when bitten. And the procedure itself, according to people, gives a lot of positive emotions, even more than other methods of therapy, such as acupuncture or massage.

hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis
hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis

Negative ratings of people

Unfortunately, such treatment as hirudotherapy is not always positive for osteochondrosis of the cervical region. There are situations when people remain dissatisfied with this method of treating diseases of the intervertebral discs. Negative ratings are associated with such points:

1. Unpleasant sensations when the leech crawls. Some people write that these annelids are slippery, wet, cold and disgusted by the fact that they are on the neck.

2. Bleeding. Patients write that after the procedure, the blood can run for several hours, you even have to put on a sterile bandage or apply and periodically change the patch.

3. Scars after the procedure. Some patients note that after six months or even a year, their scars have not gone away - traces of treatment of osteochondrosis with leeches.

4. High cost. Medical leeches, photos of which do not make a good impression on everyone, are an expensive pleasure, and many people cannot afford to pay for such treatment. On average, you have to pay 150 rubles for each leech. And if you need several of these annelids, plus a total of 10 sessions will be needed to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis, then calculate how much this will costtherapy.

I don't understand why some people write positive reviews and others negative? In fact, everything is quite simple. The unsatisfied results of treatment are those people who sought help from dubious specialists who do not even have a license to conduct such treatment. And those who liked it went straight to trusted organizations, though they paid more, but the result was better.

There is only one conclusion: it is necessary to deal with such a problem as cervical osteochondrosis in those clinics that have a license for hirudotherapy. It is also advisable to ask the doctor how many such procedures he has already performed and what were their results. After all, your he alth is only in your hands. And if you take it seriously, then you can quickly and easily overcome any disease.


From this article, the reader learned a lot of interesting information regarding such a medical procedure as hirudotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis. Reviews, results of therapy, restrictions in carrying out are now known to you. We found out that there are both supporters and opponents of this method of restoring a sick spine. But if a person does not save money and begins to turn to good clinics, then he will feel a positive result - a quick relief of pain, an improvement in overall he alth.
