"Pharingospray": reviews, composition, indications for use

"Pharingospray": reviews, composition, indications for use
"Pharingospray": reviews, composition, indications for use

Faryngosprey is an original product based on a combination of natural oils that create a special protective layer on the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth in order to maintain its moisture and elasticity. It effectively eliminates the feeling of discomfort and soreness in the throat, facilitates the process of swallowing. Reviews of Faringospray will be presented at the end of the article.


The action of this drug is due to the medicinal properties of the substances present in its composition. They are:

reviews instructions
reviews instructions
  1. Sea buckthorn oil, which has the properties to reduce the negative effects of toxic substances, protect the surface of the mucous membrane, stimulate healing processes, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In the form of inhalations, it is very effective in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory organs (nasopharynx, trachea, vocal cords, bronchi).
  2. Bergamot oil -anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic and sedative in the development of pathological processes in the upper respiratory tract. In addition, this component is very effective in lowering the temperature and acts not only locally, but also systemically - with a general febrile state. What else is included in Faringospray?
  3. An oily extract of calendula flowers, which has antiseptic, bactericidal, softening, cleansing, tonic, soothing and wound healing effects. It is effective for chronic and acute inflammation in the mouth and throat - with stomatitis, dystrophic periodontal disease, gingivitis, tonsillitis.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine is widely used for hoarseness and sore throat. According to the instructions for use, "Faringospray" quickly eliminates pain, swelling, inflammation and discomfort, significantly reduces the load on the vocal cords, greatly facilitates the process of swallowing, suppresses the excessive growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and protects the mucous membrane from the penetration of various infectious pathogens into it. This drug contributes to the accelerated processes of regeneration of the mucous membrane, including after surgical interventions in the throat and oral cavity.

pharyngospray instructions for use
pharyngospray instructions for use

Indications for use

Pharingospray is used in the complex therapy of various infectious pathologies of the upper respiratory canals (includingangina, glossitis, pharyngitis), as well as for prophylactic purposes before and after surgical manipulations to protect the mucous membrane from pathogens, quickly heal minor injuries, restore the integrity and functionality of the mucous membrane. The medicine quickly eliminates inflammation.

This effective sore throat spray is used to treat inflammatory diseases of an infectious nature of the origin of the upper respiratory organs:

  • pharyngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • after tonsillectomy;
  • sinusitis;
  • stomatitis (including aphthous);
  • gingivitis;
  • for the prevention of exacerbation of chronic inflammation occurring in the oral cavity and respiratory tract.
effective spray
effective spray

Rules of application

In order to achieve the maximum result with this medication, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use:

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Take it in hand, spray towards you.
  3. Turn the spray tip 90 degrees counterclockwise.
  4. Place the atomizer in your mouth.
  5. Initially direct the spray into the mouth by lightly pressing the spray cap several times. The bottle should be kept upright. Pressing the nebulizer cap once dispenses approximately 200 mg of medication.
  6. After use, wipe the spray tip with a tissue and turn it inoriginal position.

This medical product is for single patient use.


Faringospray is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to the substances that make up the drug, as well as suffering from allergic pathologies.

for sore throat
for sore throat

Special Recommendations

This drug is used until the complete disappearance of the pathological symptoms of the disease. If signs of illness (sore throat, discomfort) do not go away after 7 days of using the medicine, you should consult a specialist.

Faringospray is not allowed for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies in children under 2 years of age. At the age of 2-6 years, the medication is used strictly under the supervision of parents.

After opening the medicine bottle, its shelf life is 3 months.

Staining may occur if sprayed on clothing.

bergamot oil
bergamot oil


The average price of this pharmacological preparation is 730 rubles per bottle. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain.

Faringospray Reviews

On medical sites you can see quite a lot of reviews about this drug. Patients who have used it characterize it both negatively and positively.

First of all, it should be noted that some people believe that the money spent on a drug is not justified by its therapeutic effect, since thisthe medicine is quite expensive, but it consists of natural elements. Patients point out that there are many drugs with more active ingredients at lower prices.

instructions for use
instructions for use

Another disadvantage of Faringospray, according to reviews, is the long absence of positive dynamics of the disease. The result, according to patients, can be seen only after a week of therapy.

The positive quality of this medication is its natural composition. Patients note that the drug does not cause severe adverse reactions. It is absolutely safe even in the treatment of throat diseases in children. In addition, some people say that the spray pleasantly envelops the throat, reduces the feeling of pain in sore throats and pharyngitis, and helps to improve well-being.

It is better to read reviews about Faringospray in advance.
