The complex of funds "Endocrinol iodine" is one of the varieties of products of the company "Evalar". The main component that is part of the medicines of this series is white cinquefoil. It affects the restoration of hormonal balance and thyroid function. In this article, you can learn more about the indications for use, reviews and instructions for use for Endocrinol Iodine.

All products from this series belong to the category of dietary supplements. The composition of the preparations contains several components, the main of which is white cinquefoil. The product described in the article affects the body as follows:
- Maintains thyroid hormone balance.
- Normalizes the function of this organ.
- Stabilizes the structure of the thyroid gland.
- Serves as an additional source of iodine for the body.
- Helps fight low mood, increased fatigue, extra pounds (all this can occur with thyroid disorders).
- Increases the ability to memorize, helps to improve concentration.
Characteristic of the main component
The main ingredient in Endocrinol Iodine has been used to treat thyroid disorders for many years. This plant was used for similar purposes already in the 18th century. Potentilla contains many useful trace elements, for example:
- selenium;
- magnesium;
- zinc;
- potassium;
- phosphorus;
- calcium;
- iron;
- chrome;
- flavonoids.
Due to such a rich composition, the plant saturates the body with substances that are necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the full production of hormones.

To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to use several products from the Endocrinol Iodine series from Evalar. The complex includes three types of dietary supplements. These include:
- Capsules. They help fight changes in the structure and size of the gland, and also normalize its work. In addition to white cinquefoil, the capsules contain kelp and vitamin A.
- Cream. Applied to the neck area, provides an additional positive effect fromtherapy.
- Pills "Endocrinol iodine". Enrich the body with the necessary components that the thyroid gland needs. Establish a balance of hormones, relieve absent-mindedness, increased fatigue and excess kilograms.
Indications for use

According to statistics, the bulk of the Russian population lives in areas with insufficient iodine content in the environment and water. A deficiency of this element leads to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, and, consequently, to insufficient production of the necessary hormones by this body. The dietary supplement "Endocrinol" is designed specifically for such cases. Recommended for:
- weight gain;
- increased irritability and fatigue;
- metabolic disorders;
- insufficient supply of the necessary elements;
- skin inflammation in the neck;
- iodine and vitamin A deficiency;
- decrease in memory, logic, attentiveness and so on;
- deterioration of skin condition (dryness or peeling).
How to determine that iodine is not enough

Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis through laboratory tests. But some symptoms may indicate that there is not enough iodine in the body. These include:
- Weakness, depressed mood, malaise, tendency to catch colds.
- Overweight.
- Drowsiness, apathy, lethargy,depression.
- Inability to get pregnant or miscarriages.
- Impaired cognitive functions of the brain.
- In children, a dangerous symptom of iodine deficiency in the body can be growth retardation, body proportions and mental retardation.
How to drink
According to the recommendations for the drug, capsules are taken once a day, 2 pieces. The drug in the form of tablets is used one at a time once a day. The cream is applied to the skin of the neck twice a day. In all reviews and in the instructions for use for "Endocrinol Iodine" it is indicated that the therapeutic course should be started only after consulting a doctor.
Who can't
Before using drugs from this line, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Funds should not be used in the following cases:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Age 12.
- Yodism.
- Postoperative period.
- Individual sensitivity to ingredients.
- Violation of the digestive tract.
- Cream-gel is not used for certain skin diseases, open wounds, deep injuries, burns.
Side effects and overdose
Exceeding the recommended dosages of "Endocrinol iodine" can lead to the development of allergic reactions, which most often manifest as itching, redness, skin rashes, bronchospasm.
Side effects from the use of the drug can be: nausea, dizziness, vomiting.
Reviews of doctors and patients

On the net you can find a lot of positive reviews about this series of drugs "Evalar". "Endocrinol" really helped many to cope with disorders in the thyroid gland.
Many patients note that during the treatment they experience a decrease in body weight, there is no constant feeling of fatigue, the emotional background is evened out. This is confirmed by laboratory tests, as well as ultrasound. The structure of the organ stabilizes, the hormonal balance normalizes.
However, drugs have a positive effect only with minor problems with the functions of the organ. For patients with serious illnesses, they do not help to improve the condition. In addition, the cream may cause allergic reactions.
Reviews of doctors about the drugs "Endocrinol iodine" are ambiguous. This is due to the fact that the drug belongs to dietary supplements, and the effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven by science. But many experts prescribe this supplement as a complex therapy.
Doctors do not recommend taking "Endocrinol" as the only drug for treatment. In any case, additional means should be used, especially in situations where the disease is serious. All medicines can only be prescribed by a doctor, self-selection of medicines can aggravate the disease.