Everyone wants to have he althy strong teeth, but this requires proper and thorough oral care and a balanced diet. However, many people neglect hygiene and do not pay attention to the foods they eat. Because of this, various diseases develop that cause inconvenience, and sometimes lead to terrible complications. Consider what a he althy tooth is, how to properly care for the oral cavity and how to avoid caries and other diseases.
Signs of he althy teeth

Of course, only a professional doctor can accurately determine whether your teeth are he althy or not, after conducting an examination and the necessary research. But there are several signs by which you yourself can draw a conclusion about the he alth of the teeth:
- A he althy tooth does not have yellowish or any other tint.
- No bad breath, only freshbreath.
- Gums are pinkish in color, do not bleed when brushing teeth, no pain.
If you notice that your teeth do not meet the listed signs, you should immediately consult a doctor to cure existing ones and prevent other diseases. He althy teeth and gums can easily be maintained by following the simple rules that we will discuss next.
10 Secrets to Maintaining He althy Teeth
Once you read all these secrets, you will realize that many of them are not new to you at all. But it is not enough to know, you need to perform them, and then you will not need dentistry. He althy teeth do not need the services of a doctor. You will only need to undergo a scheduled examination every six months and enjoy the absence of diseases. So, let's take a closer look at each of the secrets of oral he alth.
Regular and proper brushing of teeth
Brushing your teeth is necessary so that bacterial plaque does not appear and food particles do not remain. Most oral diseases appear due to bacteria that actively multiply in the mouth. To avoid this, you need to regularly brush your teeth with a brush and paste twice a day. The brush will help get rid of bacterial plaque and food debris, while the paste neutralizes the acids that bacteria produce and strengthens tooth enamel.

To have he althy white teeth, brushing must be effective. It’s not enough just to brush your teeth. It is necessary to treat the surface of all teeth. There are many different cleaning techniques, and which onethey are the only correct one, no dentist can say with certainty. But it is known for sure that it is necessary to brush from the base of the tooth to its cutting part. Two minutes of active work is the best time for this procedure. No more needed, as enamel can be damaged. After such a thorough and regular cleaning, each of your he althy teeth will thank you.
Dentist Visit
Many people have a fear of going to the dentist, but you should face your fears. If you carefully care for the oral cavity, then a visit to the dentist will be just a preventive measure. And then the fear of the dental chair or pain is reduced to zero. You need to see a doctor every six months. This is due to the fact that almost any disease of the teeth manifests itself just during this period of time. A visit to the dentist will help to identify this disease in the early stages and facilitate its treatment.
Correct selection of brush and paste
The right toothbrush and paste for you personally will help to avoid various problems. The brush should be used with artificial bristles, comfortable handle. But the most important thing is to choose the stiffness of the bristles. Rigid is best avoided in any case, and if you have an increased sensitivity of the teeth, then in general you need to carefully approach the choice so as not to harm yourself.
Toothpaste should also not be any. The condition of your teeth and gums also plays an important role when choosing a cleaning product. You can not choose pasta common for the whole family. The condition of the teeth is different for everyone, and the paste tooeveryone should have a personal one.
Cleansing the entire mouth

To have really he althy teeth, you need to take care of the entire oral cavity. Bacteria successfully multiply not only on the surface of the teeth, but also on the cheeks, gums, and tongue. But you can not use a regular toothbrush in this case. It is better to use various elixirs that will not only cleanse your mouth of bacteria, but also freshen your breath.
Compliance with sanitary rules
To have he althy teeth, each member of the family should have their own toothbrush. Under no circumstances should you use one. This contributes to the transmission of various bacteria and the formation of unpleasant diseases. No one wants to have a huge amount of bacteria in the oral cavity. And even more so, we don’t want strangers to get into our mouths. Your dentifrice should be thoroughly rinsed and dried. In humidity, pathogens multiply rapidly, and you then put them back in your mouth. Also, don't forget to replace your toothbrushes with new ones every three months.
Using floss
If you dream of having he althy beautiful teeth, then one cleaning is not enough. Dentists recommend using floss (dental floss). If your teeth are too close together, then it is simply impossible to clean between them with a regular toothbrush. And various bacteria very often multiply in the spaces between the teeth. Such caries can be detected only with professional help, and for its treatment considerable experience of the doctor is required, sohow very difficult it is. Flossing will help get rid of stuck food particles. It should be used after every meal and immediately before brushing your teeth. After such careful care, each he althy tooth will delight you with its appearance and absence of diseases for a long time to come.
Careful use of toothpicks
Be very careful when using toothpicks. It is not always convenient to use flosses, but toothpicks are available in any cafe, restaurant and at home. It is better to use wooden ones, but plastic ones are also suitable. But the use of any metal objects (needles, paper clips) is prohibited. They can ruin even the he althiest teeth. Because of them, enamel is destroyed, and bacteria penetrate deeper and actively multiply.

Protection of teeth from sugar and various acids
Many foods that you used to think are he althy have a detrimental effect on your teeth. For example, various fruits and juices contain concentrated acids that destroy enamel. The most terrible sugary product for teeth are sucking candies. Due to the fact that they are in the oral cavity for quite a long time, excellent conditions are created for the development of bacteria. Chocolate is less dangerous for the oral cavity. Cocoa beans, which are part of it, neutralize the effect of sugar. Eating spicy foods is also good for your teeth, as more saliva is produced and food debris is washed off the surface of the teeth.
Other products that we consider harmful, on the contrary, have a positiveimpact on teeth. For example, tea and coffee. Tooth enamel is strengthened with the help of tea, and the acid balance in the mouth is also regulated. And natural coffee neutralizes many microorganisms, in particular those that cause tooth decay.
Proper nutrition
Fluoride and calcium are the main elements on which dental he alth depends. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium. It can be ingested with food or produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To always have enough vitamin D, you need to eat veal, poultry, butter, sea fish and eggs. Calcium is found in yogurt, cheese, spinach and broccoli. And fluorine is found in black tea, wholemeal bread, and fish. All of these products are in almost every refrigerator, so it's easy to maintain your teeth.
Teeth loading

Each person's teeth can withstand a different load. Someone can open a bottle with their teeth or crack a nut. But it should be remembered that the oral apparatus is not designed for such loads, and very soon people who practice this use of teeth will be very sorry. Many seamstresses often bite the threads with their teeth. But even this procedure can be very harmful. This damages the enamel and weakens the teeth. Gritting your teeth is very harmful. Often this is done by children who urgently need to be weaned from this. But for some people, it happens randomly during sleep. Then you need to use special mouthguards that will save your teeth from such a destructive effect.
Despite all of the above, constantly spare yourteeth are not allowed either. You need to chew hard fruits, vegetables and other foods. Your teeth were not given to you to constantly eat mashed potatoes and minced meat. If you do not use them for their intended purpose, they weaken and lose their functions. After all, in nature, what is not used, dies. So just adjust the load on your teeth.
So we've covered the ten basic rules for caring for your teeth. By following them, you will save your oral cavity for a long time and forget about diseases, including caries. Remember that he althy teeth mean a he althy smile. And smiling, you will please all the people around you and rejoice yourself.
Oral hygiene in children
Every parent wants to keep their child's teeth he althy. A he althy child is always cheerful, cheerful and makes his family happy. It is very important to teach your child how to take care of their teeth. Children's milk teeth need special care, because their he alth is a prerequisite for the growth of strong permanent teeth. Parents should learn how to choose the right dental care products for their children.
Dental hygiene needs to be taken care of the moment your baby has their first tooth. And in the period when the teeth have not yet begun to grow, you need to get rid of food debris in your mouth using napkins.

How to choose hygiene products for children? Until the baby is three years old, toothpaste should not be used. You need to brush your teeth with a special gel. At four years old, the child already knows how to spit out the paste, so you can start using it. When a child haspermanent teeth appear, then you need to care for them in the same way as adults. Although during this period you can still use a special children's toothpaste.
As your child grows, you need to choose a toothbrush that is appropriate for his age. The brush head should be no larger than the bottom three teeth. For very young children, it would be even better to use not a brush, but a device that is put on a finger and brushes their teeth. Thus, there is less chance of harming the teeth and destroying the enamel.
Basic rules for caring for a child's oral cavity
- You need to stick to a certain way of brushing your teeth. You need to clean it thoroughly so that plaque does not form, which will cause the development of caries. The entire procedure should take at least three minutes. The first time you need to brush with a paste, and then with a clean, washed brush.
- You need to watch your diet. For the proper development of the jaw apparatus, the child must eat solid foods (vegetables, fruits). But it is better to limit sweets. In addition, it should be remembered that the mother should not lick the spoon, and then put it in the child's mouth. In this way, she transfers her bacteria to the baby.
- Don't forget about preventive procedures. If a child is prone to various dental diseases, then it is imperative to periodically go to the doctor in order to identify diseases in time. This will make it easier to heal them.

In this article, we reviewed the basic rules for caring for the teeth of adults and children, whichwill help keep the oral cavity he althy and prevent the development of various diseases, including caries. Follow these simple tips and stay he althy.