Can a he althy tooth hurt? What to do?

Can a he althy tooth hurt? What to do?
Can a he althy tooth hurt? What to do?

Toothache is a common condition. In some cases, it appears for no apparent reason in a tooth that seems completely he althy on visual inspection. At the same time, it is quite difficult to determine what provokes the pain syndrome. There are many reasons why a he althy tooth hurts when you press it. Each of them should be considered in more detail

During a cold

Why does a he althy tooth hurt? There are many reasons for this. Often perfectly he althy teeth hurt due to a simple cold. At the same time, discomfort in the teeth occurs together with pain in the head, fever and a feeling of malaise in the patient.


Tooth pain appears most often for the reason that a large amount of sputum accumulates in the passages of the nasal sinuses, which provokes increased pressure on this area and the appearance of unpleasant pain in the teeth. But it should be noted that the attending physicians identify a number of other reasons due to which pain occurs during a cold:

  1. Intake of excessive acidic liquids, such astea with lemon. Such tea adversely affects the condition of tooth enamel, and high temperatures damage it even more. To reduce the negative effect of acid on tooth enamel, you should swallow tea immediately, without delay in the mouth
  2. Why does a he althy tooth hurt during a cold? With this disease, people often breathe through their mouths, as the nose is very stuffy. It is for this reason that the oral cavity dries very quickly, which provokes discomfort in the tooth.
  3. If a cold is severe, it can cause nausea and vomiting. In this condition, the enamel of the teeth is severely damaged by acid from the vomit. In this case, it is very important to regularly rinse your mouth with water.

How to relieve pain during a cold?

If an outwardly he althy tooth hurts during a cold, the patient's condition becomes even more complicated, he feels regular discomfort. Since in this condition the teeth do not hurt on their own, going to the dental clinic will not help - you will have to deal with the pain syndrome with improvised means. Patients are advised to follow the following rules aimed at eliminating pain:

  1. Rinse your mouth frequently. A good effect can be achieved if you prepare a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. It will help eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce tissue irritation.
  2. Use special tooth drops, moisten a cotton pad with them and apply to the inflamed gums. Such drops are prepared from valerian and camphor, which helps to calminflamed gum area and eliminate pain
  3. Rinse your mouth with sage decoction.

Also, many people recommend sucking mint tablets in this condition, but it should be noted that this method of relieving pain is not suitable for everyone. If the described methods of treating toothache do not bring any result, then you should immediately go to the dentist, as the discomfort may be associated with the tooth itself.

Sensitivity enhancement

Can a he althy tooth hurt? In some cases, pain in a he althy-looking tooth appears as a result of increased sensitivity, as they appear due to the action of temperature or chemical irritants. The reasons for discomfort in this condition may be as follows:

  • too hot or cold dishes;
  • sudden intake of hot water after cold water (and vice versa);
  • too sour or spicy foods;
  • this condition also develops if a person breathes through the mouth.


Dental doctors assure that pain syndrome as a result of a sharp temperature drop appears in many people, but it is important to remember that with increased sensitivity, discomfort is much more pronounced - the teeth begin to hurt badly even with a slight impact.

pain in the tooth
pain in the tooth

The most common cause of pain in he althy-looking teeth is the development of caries. Oral cavity -complex system, often pain from one tooth is given to another.

Inflammatory processes in the gums

Often the nerve of a he althy tooth hurts due to gum problems. Pain syndrome appears due to the inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the gums, periodontal disease. At first, the disease passes in a latent form, but after some time, the inflammation only intensifies, provokes bleeding and additional pain. In this case, the pain syndrome actually spreads along the gums, but it seems to the patient that it is a he althy tooth that hurts.

Inflammation of the gums
Inflammation of the gums

The onset of inflammation in the gums is quite easy to determine by bleeding and redness of the diseased area. To treat this condition, it is important to go to the dentist.

Other Organs

Often, pain in a he althy tooth occurs due to diseases located near organs: the pharynx, paranasal sinuses, hearing organs. A he althy tooth hurts - reasons:

  • cluster headache;
  • otitis or inflammation of the middle ear;
  • sinusitis or acute maxillary sinusitis (in this condition, the pain syndrome spreads over the upper teeth);
  • angina (pain felt in the lower part of the jaw);
  • other diseases of the salivary glands, especially with salivary stone disease (he althy teeth in this condition hurt in the area of the salivary gland);
  • problems with TMJ functioning.

In this case, a he althy tooth hurts when pressed not so much, but constantly. Any doctor whoa patient with such a problem and with no obvious symptoms of a dental disease will turn to him, send the patient for a general examination, which will help to accurately determine the cause of a toothache in a he althy tooth.

Damaged teeth

The most common cause of pain in a he althy tooth is caries damage to neighboring ones. Such discomfort disturbs nearby teeth, although the antagonist tooth (located on the opposite jaw) can also hurt. Most often, doctors detect such a condition rather quickly, although it is difficult for the patient to believe that the problem is actually in the wrong tooth at all.

Hidden disease

Some people think that a tooth is completely he althy in appearance, while in fact serious pathological processes are taking place in it. In this condition, often a he althy tooth hurts and staggers. The most common diseases that do not affect the appearance of the teeth include:

  1. Caries. It can begin to actively form from the back and side surfaces, quickly move into deeper tissues and destroy the tooth from the inside. In this state, the hole may be completely invisible. Also here can be attributed the following stages of caries - periodontitis and pulpitis.
  2. Tooth cyst. Such a condition can appear for no apparent reason and go to the root of the tooth, causing only discomfort and discomfort to the patient for a long time.
  3. Tooth injuries. This includes minor injuries, such as a bruise, which does not particularly manifest itself, but is the main causethe appearance of pain in the teeth.

Filled tooth

A tooth that has already been treated for caries is perceived by many people as completely he althy. But in fact, he is in a zone of special risk - he can very quickly start to get sick again. Experienced doctors call several reasons for this condition at once:

  1. Re-development of caries. Even already in a sealed tooth, the disease can begin again, and in most cases caries is hidden in the depths of the tooth, under the installed filling, which makes it much more difficult to detect such a condition. Also, caries can very quickly go to the state of pulpitis and lead to unpleasant pain, although the appearance of the filling may seem completely intact and of high quality.
  2. Bad work of the attending physician. The dentist can carry out a tooth filling together with a root canal filling. If the canals are poorly cleaned or poorly sealed, then a re-infection can begin in them very soon, which will lead to unpleasant pain. This condition often occurs when the dentist accidentally leaves a small piece of filling material in the canal.

Phantom pain after removal

The state of phantom pain is considered quite common in modern medicine. It lies in the fact that the pain syndrome spreads to an already removed organ. This phenomenon is considered quite common in dental practice - a person even after 2 months after the removalfeels the same unpleasant pain in the affected area.

Visit doctor
Visit doctor

Importance of correctly identifying the cause

Dentists from the University of California conducted a study. They asked several dozen patients and determined that about 10 percent of all respondents, even after 6-8 months, continue to have pain in the area of the extracted tooth. The leader of this study, Edmond Murphy, suggested that pain may occur due to the fact that the gum at the site of the extracted tooth is particularly sensitive to mechanical stress from the outside.

Such a study is considered quite important and useful due to the fact that after a tooth extraction, people often continue to complain of an unpleasant pain syndrome and attribute it to other adjacent teeth. It is for this reason that some inexperienced dentists try to treat adjacent teeth, in some cases it even comes to removal, which only exacerbates phantom pain. It is very important to determine in a timely manner the cause of severe pain in a particular area of the jaw, and begin to fix the problem.

Help at home

Problems with pain in the teeth have bothered people throughout history, so special folk remedies have been created to eliminate pain. He althy teeth hurt, what to do? The most effective traditional medicine include:

  • Phytoncides. Infusion of the husk of one bulb should be poured with a glass of hot water. Draw liquid into the mouth andhold for fifteen to twenty minutes. This is enough time to completely disinfect the oral cavity. After three procedures, the pain syndrome should go away on its own.
  • The use of essential oils. To do this, apply a cotton pad moistened with drops of mint or clove oil to the affected area. This helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the gums and has an analgesic effect. The procedure must be repeated several times.
  • Taking antihistamines. Ground turmeric, fried in a pan, will help eliminate swelling, as well as pain due to the blockade of histamine receptors. Such a remedy should be cooled and gently applied to the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe gum.
Turmeric intake
Turmeric intake
  • Tanning components. Moisten a simple tea bag in warm water, squeeze a little and apply to the inflamed gum next to the aching tooth. After 15 minutes, the discomfort should pass.
  • Using the cold. Ice cubes are rolled into gauze and applied to the affected tooth or gum. Feeling numb will help reduce the symptoms of toothache.
Using ice cubes
Using ice cubes

It is important to remember that the described folk remedies are not suitable for everyone, the reaction to each of them can be completely individual. They may not give an effect or eliminate pain only for a short time. The main advantage of such funds is complete safety and the absence of some contraindications.