Adhesive disease occurs as a result of injury to the peritoneum, which can be triggered by the presence of foreign bodies in it, pathological processes, and also as a result of surgical intervention on the abdominal organs. This is a rather serious disease that often occurs at a young and working age. The resulting adhesions interfere with normal intestinal motility. The consequence of this process is:
- difficulty emptying;
- nausea;
- bloating;
- constipation;
- pain in the abdomen, which increases with exercise and poor nutrition.
Increased pain is facilitated by the tension of adhesions, in addition, they tighten the intestinal loop, and the individual develops acute intestinal obstruction, or AIO.
There are quite a lot of factors that contribute to the progression of adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity, and all of them lead to injury to the organs and tissues of the peritoneum. Causes that lead to the formation of adhesions:
- chemical damage;
- inflammatory process in the appendages,intestines, appendix;
- abdominal injury.
![Abdomen Abdomen](
Perforation of the stomach, rupture of the gallbladder can lead to the onset of the disease. Often the cause of the progression of the disease in the pelvic organs is an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system, which is chronic.
Signs of disease
The volume of adhesive process in the peritoneum can be different. In some cases, separate screeds are formed, which are fixed at two points. In others, they spread throughout the recess. Adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity is:
- Spicy. In this case, it begins suddenly, a pronounced pain syndrome is observed, intestinal motility increases, body temperature rises, and vomiting begins. Over time, the pain intensifies. Signs of intestinal obstruction increase and are manifested by vomiting, bloating, tachycardia, increased pressure, reduced daily diuresis, decreased reflexes, increased thirst, acrocyanosis.
- Intermittent. This form is characterized by the frequency of pain attacks, which differ in intensity, there are dyspeptic disorders. During the period of increased seizures, patients are hospitalized.
- The chronic form of pathology in the peritoneum is manifested by pain in the abdomen, constant constipation and discomfort, periodic attacks of intestinal obstruction.
In addition, there are forms of adhesive disease of the peritoneum: with pain in it and with recurring attacks of acute intestinalobstruction. The following clinical picture is present:
- cramping abdominal pain;
- poor or no gas at all;
- belly bloated;
- vomiting is present.
If an individual has the above manifestations, hospitalization in the surgical department of the hospital is required. In some cases, a surgical operation is indicated, the need for it is determined by the doctor.
Conservative and surgical treatment
In most cases, this pathology is chronic. Conservative methods of treatment of adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity are indicated if the disease does not have a pronounced clinic. You can cope with unpleasant symptoms by using folk methods and diet. To reduce pain during an attack, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed that improve the patient's condition. In addition, the pain caused by a delay in the passage of gases is stopped by the introduction of antispasmodics, a cleansing enema, or a warm heating pad placed on the stomach. In hospital conditions, for the purpose of anesthesia, an epidural blockade is performed using the drug "Trimekain". For resorption of adhesions, it is prescribed in the form of injections "Aloe extract liquid" and "Vitreous body", as well as enzyme preparations.
![Adhesions in the abdomen Adhesions in the abdomen](
Indications for surgical therapy are determined by the doctor. Currently, they are trying to use laser therapy, laparoscopy, electroscopy, i.e., operations that have the least interference in the individual's body. However, surgical treatment forthis disease does not guarantee that the adhesive process is eliminated.
Diet food
Diet for adhesive disease provides for the rejection of:
- products that increase gas production;
- hard to digest food;
- grapes;
- milk;
- various spices;
- flour and confectionery;
- drinks containing gases;
- legumes.
The following products are recommended:
- dietary meat;
- steamed or boiled vegetables;
- fermented milk drinks;
- bouillons without fat.
Prevention of adhesive processes
Preventive measures for the formation of adhesions are the timely performance of the operation in acute conditions of the abdominal organs. Of particular importance is the sanitation of the peritoneum, which is carried out by a gentle method, electric suction, and only in hard-to-reach areas are tampons used for drying.
After the operation, patients are prescribed physiotherapy: iontophoresis, ozocerite or paraffin in the form of applications on the abdomen, mud therapy. Their action is aimed at resorption of adhesions and softening of scars. The sooner after surgery the individual begins to carry out these manipulations, the higher their effectiveness will be. In adhesive disease, it is especially important to prevent acute intestinal obstruction and exacerbation of pain. For constipation, preventive measures are:
- eating foods that increase peristalsis;
- lung intakelaxative;
- obligatory observance of the diet, do not allow a situation where the stomach remains empty;
- eliminate foods that lead to bloating;
- avoid muscle tension and physical work, otherwise the pain will increase;
- Limit heavy lifting to six kilos.
Violation of preventive measures inevitably leads to an aggravation of pathology. The disease reduces the ability of citizens to work, and most of them are assigned the third disability group by a special commission.
Causes and risk factors for adhesions in the pelvis
In response to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to tissues or their damage, adhesions are formed as a protective response of the body. The propensity to this process is different for different individuals and depends on some features. The main causes of the adhesive process:
- excessive reactivity of connective tissue;
- low immune defense;
- predisposition of the abdominal cavity to such reactions.
Risk factors for adhesive disease:
- Internal (endogenous) - these are the genetic characteristics of the individual's body. They reduce its ability to generate hypoxia.
- External (exogenous). These include causes from the outside, they, in their strength and power of influence on the body, exceed its adaptive capabilities.
- Combination of the two previous factors. In this case, the possibility of formation and prevalence of adhesions is high.
The most common causes of pelvic adhesive disease:
- Operations. The severity of the process of formation of adhesions is influenced by the volume and type of surgical intervention, the introduction of drains into the small pelvis in order to drain fluid and blood; removal of the ovary, fallopian tube, fibroids, hysterectomy. After repeated surgical interventions in the abdomen, the likelihood of an adhesive process increases.
- Infections caused by complications during pregnancy or delivery, artificial termination of pregnancy; contraception using an intrauterine device, diagnostic curettage.
- Pelvic extrinsic endometriosis.
- Pathologies of connective tissue, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, scleroderma and others.
Briefly, the mechanism of adhesion development can be described as follows: as a result of the inflammatory process, the tissues affected by it swell. A protein coating of fibrin forms on the peritoneum, which promotes gluing of adjacent tissues. Thus, an obstacle arises, and the inflammation does not spread further. After recovery, tissue adhesions form, they are called adhesions.
Treatment of adhesions in the pelvis
Therapy is carried out both conservatively and surgically. In the first case, in the treatment of adhesive disease of the small pelvis, use:
- diet food;
- physiotherapy procedures: iontophoresis with the use of enzyme preparations, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, mud therapy and others.
![At the doctor At the doctor](
In the chronic form of pathologyconservative treatment is also possible. It will depend on the reason that served as the formation of adhesions. For example, in urogenital infectious processes, treatment of the underlying disease is initially indicated, which will subsequently help to stop the formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs. Often, in the treatment of adhesions, drugs are used that promote the dissolution of fibrin - Trypsin, Longidaza, Chymotrypsin. This method is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease. Conservative treatment of adhesive disease in acute and intermittent form is not recommended. In these cases, laparoscopy is indicated:
- electrosurgery - removing adhesions with an electric knife;
- laser therapy - a laser is used to eliminate adhesions;
- aquadissection - adhesions are cut with pressurized water.
The doctor chooses the specific method during the operation. Conservative treatment should begin the day after surgery.
Infertility is treated with ovarian stimulation, artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.
From traditional medicine, an infusion of St. John's wort is used, which is taken three times a day for a quarter cup.
Rehabilitation of adhesions in the pelvis
In order to increase the effectiveness of the therapy of adhesive disease and prevent relapses, it is recommended within six months after surgery:
- eat at least five small meals a day;
- do not lift weights;
- do not eat foods that lead to an increasegas formation;
- in the presence of pain, take antispasmodics, such as "Papaverine" or "Drotaverine", and in case of severe pain, consult a doctor;
- exercise daily, do exercises aimed at increasing the muscle tone of the pelvic organs, strengthening the abdominal press;
- attend physiotherapy prescribed by a doctor.
After any type of treatment, women are advised to have sexual rest for a period of three to six months and a visit to the gynecologist every six months. A favorable outcome is possible if all recommendations are followed.
Complications and prevention of adhesions in the pelvis
If not properly treated, the following consequences are observed:
- fallopian tube obstruction;
- menstrual irregularity;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- curvature of the uterus;
- infertility;
- intestinal obstruction.
![Pelvic organs Pelvic organs](
Symptoms of adhesive disease that remain for life: chronic pain in the abdomen, constipation. Adhesions formed after resection of the caecum provoke dyskinesia of the bile ducts, dysbacteriosis, and constipation. The adhesive process in an acute form can worsen the individual's well-being and lead to life-threatening conditions. In adolescence, when the bone and tissue system is not fully formed, the formation of adhesions provokes skewness, infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
In order to prevent, it is necessary to treat pathologies of the abdominal organs in a timely mannerand small pelvis, regularly visit a gynecologist. In some cases, to prevent the development of pathology, the doctor recommends gynecological massage. It must be remembered that a woman's he alth is strengthened during natural childbirth, regular sex life with one partner.
Spikes and pregnancy
There are situations when a pregnant woman finds out that she has adhesions. If in this case pregnancy occurs, then the work of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity is not disturbed. However, the adhesive process can complicate the bearing of a baby.
![Pregnant woman Pregnant woman](
During this period, expectant mothers are advised to eat small portions, which will help reduce pain and not burden the intestines. Avoid gas producing products. With an increase in the uterus, adhesions provoke severe pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, the development of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs is possible.
Causes of adhesions in the intestines
Intestinal adhesions are peculiar formations of connective tissue between intestinal loops and abdominal organs. They lead to the fusion of the outer tissue membrane of the organs with each other. The appearance of an adhesive process in the intestine provokes:
- Surgical intervention on the peritoneum.
- Injuries of the abdominal cavity and abdomen. In these cases, adhesions may form some time after injury.
- Inflammatory or infectious processes occurring in the peritoneum. With diffuse peritonitis, i.e., infection in the peritoneum, adhesions often form.
- Hereditarypredisposition. Excess production of enzymes contributes to the growth of connective tissue, so even minor damage to the epithelial cells of the peritoneum leads to the formation of adhesions.
- In the fair sex, they can form after operative delivery or inflammation of the appendages.
- Radial treatment of oncopathology. Radiation-induced damage to the peritoneum leads to the development of adhesions.
Adhesive bowel disease: symptoms, treatment
The process of adhesion formation takes a long time and symptoms do not appear immediately. Initially, the disease is manifested by cramping, pulling pain, i.e., it is felt in the place where there is an adhesion. After some time, the pain syndrome spreads throughout the abdomen. The nature of the pain can change to aching and intensify with physical exertion, sharp turns of the body. Dietary failure exacerbates symptoms. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract develops, while the patient experiences bloating, constipation, vomiting, nausea, weight loss, and, as a result, irritability appears. Weight loss is present in the chronic course of the disease. In the absence of therapy, adhesive bowel disease progresses, serious complications appear:
- Acute intestinal obstruction. This condition develops in case of squeezing the intestinal tube with adhesions. There is acute pain, vomiting, lack of defecation and accumulation of gases. These symptoms are accompanied by cardiovascular disorders in the form of a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia. sickthe help of specialists is urgently required.
- Intestinal necrosis. As a result of cross-clamping of arteries by spikes, the blood supply to the walls of the intestines is disturbed and their death occurs. The only way out is surgical treatment, during which the necrotic area is removed.
Therapy of adhesive bowel disease is possible with conservative, surgical, folk remedies and diet therapy. In most cases, operations can be avoided. With minor functional disorders and a small pain syndrome, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs are recommended, as well as agents by which adhesions resolve. For chronic constipation, the doctor recommends laxatives. If there is no pain syndrome and adhesions do not manifest themselves, then treatment is not indicated. The patient is recommended dispensary observation and periodic preventive examinations.
![Adhesive bowel disease Adhesive bowel disease](
Surgical treatment of the symptoms of adhesive disease is carried out in order to restore the passage of intestinal contents. Indications for the appointment of this type of therapy is a violation of the blood supply to the intestine caused by adhesions. Due to the fact that this type of treatment again causes the formation of adhesions, less traumatic operations are practiced: laparoscopy and laparotomy. When choosing the type of surgical intervention, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathologies and other factors.
Dietary treatment for adhesive bowel disease
Therapy of the adhesive process involves the implementation of certain rules. To alleviate the conditionthe patient and reduce the load on the digestive system, it is recommended to eat small portions of fractional meals, which should be eaten daily at the same time. Hunger and overeating provoke the development of complications and aggravation of the patient's condition. Contraindicated food and products that promote bloating, difficult to digest, rich in fiber, spicy spices, carbonated drinks, whole milk, strong coffee, mushroom, fish, meat broths, tea, smoked meats, marinade, canned food. Be sure to include foods containing calcium in the diet. To reduce or relieve the symptoms of adhesive bowel disease, the food taken should be warm. Featured Products:
- fresh kefir;
- cottage cheese;
- cheese;
- egg omelet;
- boiled chicken meat;
- butter in small quantities;
- low-fat broths;
- boiled or steamed lean fish.
![human intestine human intestine](
Treatment of adhesive process by folk methods
Traditional healers recommend the treatment of mild adhesive disease with herbal preparations. Before you start taking them, you need to consult a doctor. Here are some proven recipes:
- Compress of flax seeds for stomach pain. About 45 g of seeds are poured into the bag and dipped in boiled water for several minutes. Next, let the liquid drain, and attach a warm bag of seeds to the sore spot.
- Infusion of bergenia roots for douching. For one procedure, 100 ml is enough, it is carried out no more than twice a
- Decoction of rose hips, lingonberry leaves and nettle herb. All plants are taken in equal parts. Twice a day, the finished drink is taken warm, 100 ml each.
- Infusion of St. John's wort. Drink four times a day, several sips.
If you feel worse after using medicinal herbal raw materials, stop taking it and visit a doctor.
Keep an active lifestyle to prevent symptoms of abdominal adhesive disease. However, heavy physical activity is recommended to be excluded. Observe the diet, choose the optimal diet, monitor the functioning of the digestive system, and prevent constipation. By following these simple tips, you will live a full life, and the adhesive process will not disturb you.