Allergy to adhesive plaster on the skin: symptoms, prevention and treatment features

Allergy to adhesive plaster on the skin: symptoms, prevention and treatment features
Allergy to adhesive plaster on the skin: symptoms, prevention and treatment features

It is hardly possible to meet a person who has never met with an allergy in his life. Food products, household components, chemicals, plants, animals - all these reagents provoke a certain reaction of the body. A common case is an allergy to adhesive tape. How does it manifest itself? Who has the most experience with it? What are the treatments? More about everything in this article.

What is it and why is it needed?

Before talking about skin allergy to adhesive plaster, it is worth understanding what this medical term is and why it is needed. This concept refers to a small adhesive bandage with bacterial properties. In its central part there is a square vein impregnated with brilliant green. There are several indications for the use of this medicine:

adhesive plaster allergy
adhesive plaster allergy
  • Protect the affected area frompenetration of infection, bacteria and contaminants.
  • Some types of patches have medicinal properties.
  • Making up the damaged area on the skin.
  • Fixation of a dropper, tight bandage or bandage.
  • Closure of calluses when wearing shoes.

There are countless reasons why a person uses band-aids. It is sold freely in pharmacies. You can buy it at a negligible price.

Possible manifestations

Allergic reactions vary from person to person. In total, there are several characteristic symptoms:

  1. Most often there is a slight redness in the area where the adhesive bandage was applied. The area of the skin noticeably changes color. Many people confuse this with hives.
  2. Another easy stage of exposure is the appearance of a rash.
  3. If a change in skin color does not bother a person, then he does not need any treatment. However, you should be on the lookout for severe itching.
  4. Another characteristic symptom is the appearance of peeling. In a certain area, layers of skin begin to separate. Undoubtedly, this causes discomfort to the patient.
  5. The most dangerous manifestation of an allergy to a band-aid is blisters, sores and purulent pimples. This indicates that the process of skin cell death has begun to occur. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist.
adhesive plaster allergy treatment
adhesive plaster allergy treatment

The first thing to do is to stop using the medicineand thoroughly wash the skin area with soapy water. Further, within a few days you need to monitor the condition of the affected area. If signs of a reaction do not disappear within this time, then competent treatment should be started immediately.

Why do allergies occur?

Allergy after Band-Aid occurs for several reasons:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the components that make up this medication. A similar reaction may occur when interacting with glue, brilliant green or bacterial solution.
  • Mild reaction may occur in people with overly sensitive skin.
  • Sometimes there is an allergy to the band-aid after surgery. This is due to the lowering of the immune system. As a rule, this is a one-time reaction, which will not be repeated in the future.

Children, men and women are equally affected by this reaction.


adhesive plaster allergy how to treat
adhesive plaster allergy how to treat

Diagnostics at the earliest stage a person carries out himself. He assesses the state of his he alth and observes the change in the skin. If the reaction does not bother you and improvement is noticeable, then you can wait a while and the allergy to the band-aid will go away on its own a few days after stopping its use. If you feel discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. The dermatologist will give a referral for the necessary tests: a scraper, urine and blood, according to its results, he can assess the patient's he alth status and prescribecharacteristic treatment.

Medication treatment

In most cases, the treatment of adhesive plaster allergies is carried out with medical preparations that are applied internally and externally. Before starting treatment, the affected area of the skin should be freed from the irritant. Further, this area should be treated with a weak alcohol solution, avoiding contact with an open wound. After a few minutes, you can treat it with a cooling gel. An excellent assistant in such a situation will be: Fenistil, Sanoflan or Fluorcord. In some cases, external intervention is not enough to solve this problem. There is a need to additionally use drugs with anti-inflammatory properties. In rare cases, it may be necessary to take pain medication.

allergic to band-aid blisters
allergic to band-aid blisters

Use of folk remedies

In search of an answer to the question of how to treat an allergy to a band-aid, many people are interested in whether folk remedies can be used. There are several proven ways to relieve the symptoms of a band-aid allergy in a short period of time:

  • It is recommended to pour the crushed grass of the sequence with boiling water in an approximate ratio of 2:1. The resulting solution must be infused in a dark place for 35 minutes. After the passage of this time in a healing solution, you need to moisten the gauze bandage and apply it to the affected area of the skin.
  • In finished form, you can buy celandine juice at the pharmacy. It needs to be breda small amount of water and carry out a similar procedure.
  • It is recommended to use mint, chamomile or sage baths, the session should not last more than 20 minutes.

Treatment with folk remedies can be repeated repeatedly until a positive effect appears.

allergy after band-aid
allergy after band-aid

Self-treatment can only be done with slight redness. If there is itching, peeling or ulcers, then it is better to refuse it. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.

Can allergies be prevented?

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it long and exhaustingly. This also applies to reactions that occur on the skin. There are certain preventive measures that will help avoid a negative moment.

  • In advance, you need to pay attention to the composition of the patch. It is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy to a certain component that is part of it. It is recommended to buy a product with a high content of zinc oxide, it helps to prevent the occurrence of a reaction.
  • When using the material for the first time, you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin. If redness, itching, rash and other changes have been detected, then immediately stop using it.
  • In some cases, you can additionally use antiseptic agents that reduce the risk of a reaction.
skin allergy to adhesive plaster
skin allergy to adhesive plaster

Unfortunately, there are no measures that are guaranteed to protecta person from possible manifestations of allergies, since each organism reacts differently to a certain medication.

Reaction test in clinic and at home

The patient can learn in advance how the body will behave when interacting with any reagent. To do this, you need to do a reaction test. A chemical component is applied to a scratch located on the skin. Further, the condition of this area is monitored, if redness appears, then the person has a clear allergy. A similar test can be done at home. To do this, stick a patch on the wrist area and monitor its condition for 30 minutes.

Possible analogues

As mentioned earlier, people with allergies need to apply the use of special hyperallergenic patches consisting of silk material. Surprisingly, even they can have a certain reaction. What to do in such a situation? Of course, look for alternatives. They should be selected taking into account what they are needed for.

allergic to band-aids after surgery
allergic to band-aids after surgery

For example, if you want to prevent the affected area of the body from infection, then you should use a bandage. On this material there is an allergy in isolated cases. For fixing, ordinary adhesive tape may be suitable. You can disinfect the wound with a small piece of cotton wool, after wetting it in a weak alcohol solution.

Surprisingly, even the most seemingly harmless drug can cause strong body resistance (reaction). Adhesive plaster allergy is far from a rare phenomenon, which, according to statistics, every tenth person encounters. Fortunately, there are simple treatment measures that will solve this problem in the shortest possible time. It is strongly recommended to correctly assess the state of your body. Even the most common redness can be dangerous.
