Pleoptic treatment is used in ophthalmology. This branch of medicine deals with pathologies of the organs of vision. One of the most common pathologies is amblyopia.
This is a pathology of vision caused by a functional impairment of the visual analyzer, which cannot be corrected with glasses. In this case, pleoptic treatment is required, which will help eliminate the existing pathology.
Feature of amblyopia
Amblyopia according to ICD 10 has the code H53.0. This is one of the main causes of unilateral visual impairment. The main symptom is a fuzzy image, clouding in the eyes, blurred vision. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary amblyopia. The first is formed even during the bearing of a child and this happens as a result of a violation of the growth of the eyeball. Secondary occurs during the course of various eye pathologies. The reasons largely depend on the disease that provoked visual impairment.

In children, amblyopia develops due to strabismus, as a result of this, incorrect information is received inbrain. In addition, the provoking factors should include:
- prematurity;
- too little baby weight;
- retinopathy;
- cerebral palsy;
- mental retardation;
- heredity.
Increases the risk of amblyopia smoking during pregnancy, the use of drugs and alcohol consumption.
Basically, the disease develops in childhood, which is why it is very important to recognize its course in a timely manner and carry out comprehensive treatment.
History of pleoptics
Pleoptic treatment of the organs of vision has been used for a long time. Back in the middle of the last century, ophthalmologists were interested in the problem of strabismus. For a long time, occlusion of only one eye was used as therapy. This makes it possible to fully restore vision in children 5-6 years old.
There are many methods of pleoptic treatment using various kinds of stimuli that stimulate the main centers of the poorly seeing eye. For therapy, various devices are used. Such techniques have many advantages and can be applied to the treatment of very young children.
Indications and contraindications
Pleoptic and orthooptic treatment has certain indications and contraindications that must be taken into account. In childhood, most vision problems are associated with impaired muscle function. The most effective is the treatment of eyes with the use of devices, as they train the eye muscles. ExceptIn addition, vision problems can also occur in adulthood and they should be eliminated as quickly as possible. Among the main indications for pleoptic treatment, it is necessary to highlight such disorders as:
- strabismus;
- amblyopia;
- asthenopia;
- presbyopia;
- violation of accommodation;
- retinal defects;
- optic nerve atrophy.
This technique helps to increase the level of visual acuity, stimulates the muscles of the eye. However, it is worth remembering that such techniques give a good result only in the initial stages of the course of the disease.

Pleoptic treatment also has certain contraindications that must be taken into account. Contraindications for laser stimulation include:
- systemic blood diseases;
- pregnancy;
- hypertension;
- presence of tumors;
- acute stage of heart attack or stroke.
Electrical stimulation also has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure under such conditions as:
- eye infections;
- epilepsy;
- malignant neoplasms;
- intraocular hemorrhages.
However, the final decision regarding hardware eye treatment is made by the doctor after the diagnosis.
Before pleoptic treatment, a comprehensive diagnosis of the organs of vision is required. When examining the eyes, the doctor assesses the condition of the eyelids, eyegap, and also evaluates the reaction of the pupil to light.
Complete information regarding the state of vision is obtained using special ophthalmological tests. Depending on the level of its decrease, the degree of pathology is determined.

Ophthalmoscopy, fundus examination, biomicroscopy are required to examine the structure of the eye. To determine the transparency of the refractive medium, an examination of the organs of vision in transmitted light is carried out. With the opacity of the environment, their condition is examined using ultrasound.
Electroretinography and tonometry should be included in a comprehensive examination. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist is required.
Features of treatment
Only early and individually selected pleoptic eye treatment gives fairly good results. Correction is recommended before the age of 6-7 years, since at a much older age it is almost not amenable to therapy.
The success of ophthalmic correction largely depends on the elimination of the underlying cause. Basically, the treatment is carried out using conservative methods. Laser correction has a very good result.
After 3 weeks, pleotic eye treatment in children is prescribed, which helps to even out vision. Active and passive pleoptics are used to treat amblyopia. Pleoptic treatment courses should be repeated 3-4 times a year.
Laser stimulation
Modern pleoptic eye treatment for children and adults involves laser stimulation. At low intensityradiation stimulates the organs of vision. This leads to the normalization of metabolic processes, microcirculation, increased activity of enzymes, energy properties of cells.

Pleoptic treatment with a laser vision stimulation device involves exposure to red and infrared light. Pulsed radiation is often used.
For exposure, the LAST-1 apparatus is used. It has a low-intensity impulse effect and allows you to create a very special microstructure of alternating dark and light spots. The apparatus "Amblyospeckle RL-1" is used not only for the treatment of amblyopia. It is also widely used to screen for refractive error.
Electrical stimulation
Pleoptic treatment of strabismus is performed by electrical stimulation. To do this, use a weak electric current that affects the nervous, sensory or muscular apparatus of the eye. As a result, blood circulation, conductivity and recovery of reflexes, metabolic processes are normalized.
When conducting electrical stimulation, visual acuity is significantly increased, the field of view expands, color and light sensitivity increases, and the existing symptoms decrease.
Light stimulation
Pleoptic eye treatment in children on the device involves light stimulation. For this, adequate stimuli of monochromatic and polychromatic light are used. When exposed directly to the central region of the retina, it begins to become intensely activated.function of the entire visual analyzer.
The ASO-1 apparatus is quite widely used. When it is applied, there is a rhythmic effect of targeted light waves that are produced by light bulbs built into the frame.
Macular stimulator CEM-CT activates all levels of optical perception of the eyes due to special stimulation. The device PS-1 is characterized by the fact that the treatment is carried out with a targeted light flux.
Color stimulation is carried out using the apparatus "Mosaic PS-2". It consists of a kaleidoscope and an album with various colored mosaic patterns. The photostimulator helps to train the oculomotor muscles.
Such devices stimulate the organs of vision. In this case, sequential visual images are additionally applied. Treatment of patients with such devices causes an increase in visual acuity in 50-60% of cases.
Other treatments
Phosphenstimulation is characterized by the fact that with the help of a special device, the current strength is selected according to individual parameters. The impact is carried out through the eyelids. To do this, use such devices as "Phosfen-Mini", "Phosfen-1", "Phosfen-2", "AiNUR-03".
When conducting electromagnetic stimulation, an alternating, constant and pulsed field is used. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effects. Magnetotherapy helps to increase the speed of blood flow as well as the size of the capillaries. Due to this, trophic and metabolic processes are normalized, as well as impaired functions of the organs of vision are restored.
Effective methodologyphysiotherapy is considered vibrostimulation. In this case, a special vibrotherapeutic apparatus is used, which sends mechanical vibrations through the eyelids.
Ortho- and pleoptic treatment is carried out with the help of reflexology. At the same time, the balance between the inhibitory and excitatory processes of the brain is restored. During the procedure, the doctor acts on the acupuncture points. For this, thermal, electromagnetic, electrical influence is applied.
Computer stimulation
Computer stimulation techniques are used for amblyopia. Modern devices help to strengthen traditional therapy. The computer provides a gradual complication of stimuli affecting various channels and levels of the visual analyzer.

The use of programs contributes to the treatment of amblyopia. There are several different special programs. The EYE stimulator includes the Shooting Range and Chase exercises. In this case, the main stimulus gradually decreases in size, its color changes, due to which the function of the retina is activated. Bright flashes of light improve visual fixation, vision.
In the program "Cross" the playing field is presented in the form of a chessboard. Its cells change color and gradually decrease. A person finds a cross, and also moves a small circle across the virtual field. The colors inside it also change. Due to this, the neurons of the eyes are stimulated.
Program "Spider" helps to improve the activity of the retina forby considering radial and spiral gratings. The pattern can be blue, black and white, red or green. The Relief program is designed for the treatment of amblyopia. It implies that there is a pattern stimulation with a sharp drop in shadow and light.

Amblyocor is a whole software package. This starts a vicious circle of biological processes. If visual perception deteriorates somewhat, the screen will immediately turn off. This technique is based on a technology that normalizes the functioning of the visual analyzer.
Medicated treatment
To increase the effectiveness of pleoptic techniques, medication should be included in the course of therapy. Doctors recommend the use of drugs that help normalize metabolic, neurotransmission, and trophic processes. A positive result is provided by nootropic drugs, in particular, such as Mildronate, Piracetam, Phezam.

In addition, during the treatment of amblyopia, accommodation training should be carried out. The method of occlusion is important. It implies a temporary exclusion of a he althy eye from the process of vision. For this, various types of occluders are used.
Additionally, you can use folk remedies and techniques to help improve visual acuity. However, before using them, you should definitely consult with your doctor.
Pleoptic treatment receives mostly reviewspositive, since this technique has a good prognosis. In the absence of competent complex treatment, amblyopia is constantly progressing, eventually provoking stable and irreversible changes in vision. In this case, even blindness may occur, as well as the inability to focus.
With timely therapy, it is possible to achieve a complete restoration of vision, but sometimes more than a year passes from the moment of diagnosis to cure. Moreover, the younger the patient, the higher his chances of a successful cure. With age, it becomes more and more difficult to make the retina function normally. The final prognosis in each case depends on many different factors.
Prevention of amblyopia implies a regular dispensary examination of children from the age of 1 month. If clouding of the eye crystal, strabismus, ptosis is detected, early elimination of the existing defect is required.
A stable effect during therapy can be achieved only after completing the full course of therapy and strictly following the prescriptions of the ophthalmologist. For prevention, regular examinations are required.