Liquid vitamins: overview, features, types and reviews

Liquid vitamins: overview, features, types and reviews
Liquid vitamins: overview, features, types and reviews

Saturated concentrated substances, or liquid vitamins, for hair and skin are becoming extremely popular in cosmetology today. On their basis, unique masks, shampoos and conditioners are prepared, as well as indelible balms, creams and other nutritional formulations. At the same time, the controversy about how effective they are has not subsided to this day.

Every doctor, nutritionist or cosmetologist has an opinion on this issue. Someone believes that optimal nutrition provides the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, and their additional intake can only do harm. Others argue that the nutrients absorbed with food are used to maintain the functioning of the internal organs, and they are not left for the periphery (hair and skin). And it is liquid vitamins that allow you to neutralize the deficiency and give you not only he alth, but also beauty.

liquid vitamins
liquid vitamins

Tablets or liquid complexes?

To the fact that today there are magic pills that allow you to optimize the diet, everyone knows. We are also accustomed to effervescent compositions, which are previouslydissolve in a glass of water. However, liquid vitamins cause some confusion. Are they used only for appearance or taken internally, and if so, what is the advantage over the usual complexes? In fact, they are really used in most cases for external use, but if you are interested in the option of monotherapy (the use of not a full-fledged complex, but only the element that the body lacks), then it is liquid vitamins that can be an ideal option.

vitamin e liquid price
vitamin e liquid price

Main differences

Complexes familiar to us are in a solid state, and therefore, they are absorbed more slowly. But liquid formulations begin to act very quickly. However, pharmaceutical companies, in order to stimulate consumer demand, sometimes advertise novelties with somewhat exaggerated effects. So let's see what really makes the offer exceptional.

So, the liquid form does not require further splitting, which means that it can already be used by the body. In this case, the tableted complexes begin to dissolve directly in the stomach. If you have problems with the digestive tract, then it is undesirable to take any drugs, since each of them has its own effect on the mucous membrane. And liquid vitamins begin to be absorbed already in the oral cavity. However, there are also disadvantages. Liquid complexes contain enzymes that have a very short shelf life. In addition, most of them are destroyed in the stomach underinfluence of gastric juice. Some more is absorbed by the walls right here, and only a small fraction reaches the intestine, which is the main organ where absorption of nutrients and minerals should take place.

In contrast, tablet vitamins have a long shelf life. In addition, once in the stomach, they begin to dissolve and, reaching the intestines, are successfully absorbed. This is their significant advantage.

vitamin e liquid
vitamin e liquid

Wide range

It should be noted that intravenous preparations smeared on the head and rubbed into the skin does not make much sense. They have a different structure and tasks, which means that it is better to use special formulations for external use, which are sold in ampoules. It is advisable to first consult with a trichologist who will select the groups of vitamins you need.

So, riboflavin is recommended for hair loss, panthenol, biotin, retinol, as well as elements D, D2, D3, F restore their firmness and elasticity. For brittleness, it is recommended to use vitamin A. Complex E is useful for growth and beautiful shine. In this case, you need to explain to the pharmacist that you are purchasing a drug for external use, then he will help you choose vitamins in oil that are rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. At the same time, they can be mixed with various compositions of masks (kefir, onion, egg and others).

Liquid Vitamin E

Surely each of you has met him more than once on the shelves of pharmacies. Here it is presented insmall bottles or in special gelatin capsules, already pre-dosed for oral administration. Vitamin E in liquid form is used most often for external use. Moreover, it is equally useful for both skin and hair. Let's look at these uses one by one.

Vitamin E in liquid form is the most beneficial element for the skin. It is used in the treatment of various diseases, as well as for the correction of age-related changes. This is an element of youth, a rejuvenating apple, which is always at hand. Vitamin E deficiency leads to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity, becomes excessively dry.

Vitamin E liquid, which is very affordable, is a great hair stimulant. It can be added to masks or directly to shampoo. Judging by the reviews of women, it was the use of vitamins that made it possible to significantly improve the condition of the hair after unsuccessful chemistry or lightening. The cost of a bottle is about 100 rubles.

vitamin e liquid for hair
vitamin e liquid for hair

Masks for your beauty

The main thing is to know how to use these drugs correctly. Vitamin E liquid for hair is very often added to various homemade masks, which, together with the intake of diet-harmonizing drugs orally and a balanced diet, gives excellent results. Even just adding it to the shampoo, you will gradually notice that the condition of the hair has improved. Judging by the reviews of cosmetologists and the women themselves, one of the most effective remedies is a mask based on jojoba oil. It must be heated, add a teaspoon to itvitamin E, and apply on the head for 40 minutes. An alternative may be a decoction of chamomile mixed with nettles.

vitamin d liquid
vitamin d liquid

Liquid Facial Vitamins

This is a great way to avoid going to expensive salons. The complex of procedures is performed within two weeks, and the effect will last for several months. Very good results, according to cosmetologists, are obtained by using a healing acne mask with vitamin A. To do this, you need 10 drops of retinol, add 10 ml of chamomile decoction and 10 g of blue clay to it. It turns out a wonderful antiseptic and disinfectant composition.

For oily skin, cosmetologists recommend a different mixture. To do this, take 10 drops of vitamins A and E, mix with 10 ml of lemon juice and apply to the skin. This composition helps to subdue the sebaceous glands and reduces the likelihood of acne. At the same time very pleased with the availability. It is enough to buy liquid vitamin E, the price of which is about 100 rubles, and a bottle of retinol, the cost of which is about the same, and you will be provided with the main ingredients for a long time.

For aging and dry skin, you can prepare a different composition for yourself. To do this, take 20 drops of oil-based vitamin E, add 10 mg of glycerin and a slice of mashed banana. Regular use of this tool allows you to get rid of wrinkles, including. If the skin is severely damaged (acne), then you can try a healing mask. To do this, you need to take 10 drops of liquid vitamins A and B5, mix with 10 g of pink clay. This composition, according to authoritativeaccording to cosmetologists, quickly eliminates dryness and small peeling.

liquid face vitamins
liquid face vitamins

When there is not enough sun

Everyone knows that there are vitamins that are formed under the influence of sunlight. Vitamin D liquid allows you to correct the lack of this essential element and avoid complications in the form of rickets in babies. It is a solution for oral administration, for example, Aquadetrim, in 10 ml vials, the cost of which is 350 rubles. He takes part in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. For oral administration, there are aqueous and oily solutions of the vitamin. Most often, the second option is used for children.

liquid vitamins in pharmacy
liquid vitamins in pharmacy

Instead of a conclusion

Liquid vitamins today are widely used in medicine, pediatrics in particular, and in cosmetology. These are full-fledged analogues of pharmaceutical preparations, differing in the form of release and the rate of assimilation in the body. They are widely used for external use, but are also prescribed inside. Water-soluble vitamins are in aqueous solutions, and fat-soluble, respectively, in oil. Liquid vitamins are sold without a prescription in pharmacies, but it is still advisable to consult a doctor before using.
