Hemorrhoids are a complex and unpleasant disease that affects a third of the world's population. The main symptom of the disease are the nodes formed on the blood vessels of the anus. The chronic form or improper treatment leads to serious consequences, and in some cases can lead to a serious threat to life. That is why it is important to identify the disease in time and know exactly what to do at the initial stage of hemorrhoids in order to prevent complications.
What causes the development of hemorrhoids?
Proctologists, namely these specialists who treat hemorrhoids, note several factors that provoke the development of the disease:
- heredity;
- chronic form of constipation or diarrhea that develops due to malnutrition;
- wrong lifestyle, which is associated with minimal physical activity or hard physical labor;
- the period of gestation and childbirth;
- inflammation and tumors in the pelvic organs;
- comorbidities such aslike obesity or chronic cough;
- abuse of bad habits;
- excessive consumption of spicy, fatty and s alty foods.

If only there is discomfort in the anus, then it is urgent to consult a specialist to start timely treatment. How does hemorrhoids start? Each pathology manifests itself in its own way, but there are distinctive symptoms.
Signs of the initial stage of hemorrhoids
When there is periodic discomfort in the anus, patients refuse to go to the doctor. Who tries to cope on their own with the problem, and some try not to pay attention to it.
Symptoms of the initial stage of hemorrhoids are not always noticeable, most often the disease proceeds without them. Often, a pathology is discovered by chance during a scheduled visit to the doctor for a completely different disease.
That is why experts advise everyone, without exception, to be more attentive to their he alth and pay attention to such symptoms of hemorrhoids of the initial stage:
- itching due to irritation of the rectal mucosa;
- blood on toilet paper after defecation;
- discomfort in the rectum during the passage of feces;
- mucus discharge during bowel movements;
- feeling of a foreign body or empty bowel after a bowel movement.

At the initial stage of the disease, such symptoms do not appear all at once, but gradually, one by one.others. A similar pattern is associated with an increase in pathology.
It is also important to take into account the fact that the clinical picture is blurred, so it will be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. How to recognize the initial stage of hemorrhoids?
The initial stage of hemorrhoids: what does it look like?
Hemorrhoids can be localized both outside and inside. At the initial stage, the external nodes are smooth small bumps that are localized near the anus. Initially, they do not differ in color from the skin, do not cause discomfort. But if no measures are taken and treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids is not started in a timely manner, then the bumps increase in size and pain appears. Due to the fact that venous blood accumulates in them, their color changes, they become cyanotic.

If this is internal hemorrhoids, then the nodes are located inside the rectum, and only a proctologist can see them using a special device. At the initial stage, inflammation of the skin around the anus is observed, swelling is noticeable, sometimes cyanosis.
During an internal examination of the rectal mucosa, a specialist can examine even the slightest changes and diagnose the initial stage of hemorrhoids in women and men. When examined on the mucosa, you can see a bluish spot, which is an enlarged vein. In the future, if the development of the disease is not stopped, this spot turns into a hemorrhoid.
Methods for diagnosing hemorrhoids
At the initial stage, you can make a diagnosisusing finger testing. In addition, to clarify the diagnosis, a rectal mirror is used - an anoscope, with which you can carefully examine the anus and the membrane of the rectum at a depth of up to 15 cm.
The patient may be assigned to donate feces to reveal hidden blood in it.
With the treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids, complex therapy will help to cope, which includes taking medications and traditional medicine. In some cases, sclerotherapy will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease.
Drug treatment for hemorrhoids
If you start treating hemorrhoids at an early stage, then the disease is easily treated. With an integrated approach, the nodes are easily absorbed and the disease recedes. To stop the development of pathology will help a change in lifestyle, in which there will be more physical activity: morning jogging or long walks. Be sure to review your diet, it should be more dairy products and plant foods enriched with fiber.
From the diet, be sure to remove dishes containing animal fats. In no case should you abuse s alty, spicy and fried foods. Nutrition should be balanced and fortified.
How is hemorrhoids treated at the initial stage? Only in a complex way, using suppositories, ointments and tablets. To increase the tone of the veins, improve blood circulation, it is recommended to take Posterisan, Detralex or Proctosedil. Take drugs for a long time, at least three months.

To eliminate itching, burning and bleeding, local treatment is recommended using suppositories with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effects.
Types and purpose of suppositories for hemorrhoids
How to cure hemorrhoids at the initial stage? And the answer is simple: use rectal suppositories that help eliminate hemorrhoids. They differ from other forms in that:
- affect directly on the diseased area of the mucosa or blood vessels;
- eliminates symptoms in a short time;
- no negative impact on other organs;
- minimum contraindications and unwanted manifestations.
There are several effective drugs, and they differ in their action:
- Symptomatic, containing an analgesic, antispasmodic and decongestant component.
- Therapeutic include components that easily remove inflammation, relieve swelling and stop bleeding. In addition, they contain anticoagulants, venoprotectors and venotonics.
Most topical agents contain compounds that can improve the condition of the nodes changed by the disease and relieve symptoms.
The most effective candles for hemorrhoids
Today, pharmacists offer a huge variety of suppositories that help to cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Definitely, even experts will not be able to say for sure which suppositories for hemorrhoids are effective, andwhich are not. After all, it is important for some of the patients to quickly relieve pain, and for whom it is more important to maintain a long-term therapeutic effect.
Today, proctologists often recommend these drugs:
- "Relief" is highly effective, especially at an early stage of the disease, has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antimicrobial and regenerating effects.
- "Proctosan" has shown good results in the treatment of stage 2 and 3 internal hemorrhoids, helps relieve inflammation, swelling and has a healing effect.
- "Anuzole" showed good results in the treatment of chronic internal hemorrhoids, especially if there is a pronounced inflammatory process. In addition, candles relieve pain and have an astringent effect.
- "Aurobin" copes with the manifestations of internal hemorrhoids. But only in his instructions a large number of contraindications and undesirable manifestations are described. It should only be used under the supervision of a specialist. Does not cause allergies, relieves swelling and inflammation, kills microbes.
- "Natalsid" will become an indispensable drug for pregnant women, because it has virtually no contraindications. Candles have a regenerating, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect.
- "Anestezol" proved to be effective only during exacerbation of the disease, it has an analgesic and antiseptic effect.
- "Ichthyol" is a good drug,which helps to get rid of hemorrhoids at the initial stage. The treatment is short lived. The tool has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, decongestant and analgesic effect on the body.
- "Ginkor Procto" is another good drug, but it does not quickly remove the symptoms, but it has a lasting effect. It is these suppositories that effectively relieve inflammation and have a long-lasting effect.
- "Methyluracil" is a good remedy, but its experts mainly recommend using it for patients who have undergone surgery to help remove internal hemorrhoids. Candles help to quickly stop bleeding and have an antibacterial effect.

In addition to these suppositories, experts also often recommend that their patients pay attention to products that contain propolis, sea buckthorn oil and heparin. There are many suppositories that will help to cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but just before using them, it is better to learn about contraindications and unwanted manifestations.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk methods
The traditional treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids at home can be combined with folk remedies that have been tested by time and by many patients suffering from this disease.
There are many different recipes that effectively cope with the task, but only on their own they cannot defeat the disease. Folk methods can be considered adjuvant therapy. According to many patients and doctors,good results give such recipes:
- Sedentary baths with potassium permanganate and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Solutions of this kind effectively relieve inflammation, remove itching, if the patient has an external form of the disease. It is better to opt for baths with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, calendula.
- Potato candles. If the patient has internal hemorrhoids of the initial stage, then treatment is best done with suppositories, which are made at home from potatoes grated on a fine grater. They must be put in the anus for several hours.
- Ice candles and cold compresses. Thanks to cold procedures, it is possible to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their tone, and stop bleeding. But it is important to be careful, because hypothermia can cause inflammation of the urinary system.
- Suppositories and microclysters with propolis and honey. These remedies help relieve inflammation and have a minimum of contraindications.
- Microclysters with decoctions of medicinal herbs. The introduction of medicinal decoctions into the anus helps to improve the condition of the rectal mucosa if the patient has an internal form of hemorrhoids. As preparations, it is better to opt for chamomile, sea buckthorn oil or freshly squeezed potato juice.

There are many positive reviews about the effectiveness of the use of alternative medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids. But we must remember that each human body is individual, so before using any of the means, it is better to consult withdoctor so as not to hurt yourself further.
The Right Lifestyle
In order for the treatment of the initial stage of internal hemorrhoids to have a really good result, it is important to review your diet and lifestyle. Initially, proctologists recommend removing "provocateurs" from your life that can lead to another exacerbation of the disease.
What should a person who has been diagnosed with hemorrhoids do:
- completely stop drinking coffee;
- remove s alty and pickled foods from the diet;
- reduce fatty meats and baked goods;
- eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals as possible daily;
- drink more purified water;
- add dairy to your diet.

It is imperative to normalize the process of defecation by adding foods to the diet that will improve intestinal motility. If, nevertheless, difficulties with the stool remain, then in this case, the consultation of a specialist will not be superfluous, because there are drugs that will help in this situation.
Another important point is the optimization of physical activity. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he just needs to add physical activity: morning exercises, going to the gym or long walks in the fresh air. If the disease manifested itself due to hard physical labor, then in this case it is necessary to abandon physical activity.
Hygiene is also very importantEvents. Experts recommend not only those who suffer from hemorrhoids, but also every person after visiting the toilet to wash the anorectal area with cool water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. You should also give preference to toilet paper, which is soft, or napkins.
Prevention measures
During treatment, as well as during prevention, it is important to pay special attention to nutrition. By following a special diet, you can improve the results of the therapy received, prevent the recurrence of the disease. During treatment and as a preventive measure, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:
- ensure that only wholesome food is on the table;
- reduce or remove spices and seasonings;
- reduce s alt intake to a minimum, this also applies to canned foods;
- quit alcohol and smoking.
Only following the doctor's recommendations, using the most effective suppositories, you can quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids. This disease can be cured with the help of modern drugs and methods, but it can also quickly return, as soon as a person forgets about the warnings and starts to lead a wrong lifestyle again.
Disease is better to prevent than to cure later. Preventive measures will help you forget about pain, itching and bleeding from the anus.