Polyps in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, traditional and surgical treatment, recovery period and disease prevention

Polyps in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, traditional and surgical treatment, recovery period and disease prevention
Polyps in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, traditional and surgical treatment, recovery period and disease prevention

Polyps are abnormal benign neoplasms of a round, drop-like or irregular shape that are localized on the walls of hollow organs and protrude into their lumen. They are fixed on a large base or have a leg. Similar growths can occur on the inner surface of various organs of the body that have a mucous layer. They are not dangerous, despite the fact that they can activate serous discharge and pain. However, with the pathology of immunity or hormonal failures, there is a threat of painful transformation of cells and the onset of a malignant process. For this reason, girls with polyps are required to constantly be examined by a doctor to monitor the condition of neoplasms.

Signs of polyps in women
Signs of polyps in women

Why do women get polyps?

Polyps are small tumors, they reach a size of no more than one centimeter. However, they can grow in groups and form, as it were, bunches of grapes. Emergence factors:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • hormonaldysfunction;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • weakened immune system;
  • obesity.

The background is varied and has not been fully explored to date. Of the activating conditions are called:

  • chronic infections, both general diseases of a viral and enterobacterial nature, and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • injuries of various etiologies, including the influence of chem. elements;
  • genetic predisposition, which for the most part establishes the existence of atypical cells in a polyp.

According to their own texture, polyps are simply represented by cells of the same tissue on which they arise - in this case they speak of hyperplasia. In other cases, polyps are cells modified during reproduction, that is, neoplastic. Actually, neoplastic polyps are characterized by a significant risk of oncological changes and are subject to mandatory removal.

Colon polyps

One of the most popular sites for polyp formation is the large intestine. At risk are the elderly, representatives of the stronger sex of non-standard sexual orientation, patients with aggravated heredity. In 10% of situations, polyps are predisposed to oncological degeneration - such formations are called adenomatous.

Polyps of the gallbladder

Polyps of the gallbladder are quite common in women over 30 years of age - their prevalence reaches 4-6%. Diagnosis, as in most cases, is made by chance, during the endoscopic orultrasound examination. Their distinguishing feature is a significant risk of malignant change - up to 30% of gallbladder polyps are predisposed to tumor maturation.

Cervical and bladder polyps

The mucosa of the cervix and its body are often considered the site of localization of polyps. This affects the layer of the endometrium, which gives rise to pathologies in the menstrual cycle, painful feelings. However, the signs of polyps are not always obvious and they are detected at a routine gynecological examination. Appear in women giving birth, as well as during menopause. Polyps can cause cervical cancer, for this reason they require careful attention and immediate medical attention. The prerequisites for the appearance are the same as with endometrial hyperplasia. Polyps in the bladder in women are less dangerous, but they require immediate removal.

Polyps and adenomas of the nose

A distinctive feature of nasal polyps is that they are often accompanied by an allergic reaction, moreover, allergy is one of the key conditions causing polyps. Nasal polyps are rarely unsafe, but often recur after removal and can cause unpleasant symptoms such as chronic nasal congestion, headache, loss of smell.

Treatment of polyps in women
Treatment of polyps in women


A polyp is a growth on a thin stalk resembling a mushroom. It belongs to the type of benign tumors and does not pose a threat to life. Signs of polyps in women:

  • Violation of the natur althe course of the menstrual cycle - menstruation ceases to be regular.
  • Strong blood flow and pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • Mucoid discharge during menstruation.
  • After intercourse, bleeding occurs - they are associated with damage to the polyp.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Bleeding may occur between periods.

But, as a rule, the disease passes in an asymptomatic stage until an accidental visit to an ultrasound or a visit to a gynecologist. Also, after a long period, when the polyp does not make itself felt, the first sign may be the uterine course. It may repeat cyclically or have no clear schedule.

Also true symptoms of polyps in women are heavy irregular periods, bleeding after menstruation or intercourse, bleeding during menopause. Large polyps are also characterized by the appearance of severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Polyps in women symptoms
Polyps in women symptoms


Polyps most often appear on the mucous membrane of organs in the form of benign neoplasms and mainly affect organs that are hollow inside. The appearance of growths in the form of a drop and a rounded shape. They are attached to the walls on a leg, and can also grow on a flat base. The growth of the polyp towards the lumen is observed. In which systems are polyps observed:

  • respiratory system;
  • digestive;
  • urinary system;
  • women's genitals.

Fabricspolyps vary:

  • Glandular-fibrous outgrowth. Occurs at a young age, proliferation of glandular tissue.
  • Fibrous polyp is characteristic of menopause due to hormonal changes in the body and the growth of connective tissue;
  • Fibroglandular polyps are seen in middle-aged women.
  • Placental polyp observed in women during childbearing. Formed during a miscarriage or termination of pregnancy.
  • Adenomatous polyp that can become malignant.

Main symptoms of polyps:

  • feeling - a sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • violation of the cycle of menstruation;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • problems during gestation;
  • Coarse discharge after intercourse.

The uterus is a pear-shaped organ, located in women in the pelvic area, is the most active site for the localization of polyps.

polyps in women
polyps in women

Surgical treatment

There are a number of methods for removing polyps. The method of removal is selected by the doctor, but hysteroscopy is more often used. Hysteroscopic polypectomy is an up-to-date method of removing polyps, which has a gentle effect on the female body. Hysteroscopy is performed on the 10th day of menstruation, more often it happens after the end of menstruation, since it is during this period that a suitable visualization of the uterine cavity and polyp is likely, which is important for the effective operation process.

The operation is done under a single anesthesia, rarely usedlocal anesthesia. After anesthesia, the doctor inserts an elastic tube with a camera at the end into the cervix, and the picture is displayed on the monitor. After a painstaking examination of the uterine cavity and the identification of a polyp, using surgical instruments, the expert cuts out the formation. The tissues obtained as a result of the procedure are sent for histology.

Using a cystoscope

A cystoscope is used to remove polyps in the urethra and other organs in women. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. A diathermocoagulator - an iron loop - is introduced into the affected organ of the genitourinary system. She pounces on the leg of the polyp and carefully cuts it off, sealing the damaged capillaries. The taken used material is necessarily sent for histology. Complications can be excluded if a person undergoes an examination by a urologist at least 2 times a year and conducts appropriate therapy for urological diseases. The same method is used to remove the urethral polyp in women.

Urethral polyp in women
Urethral polyp in women

Laser removal

Removal of polyps of the cervix with a laser is aimed at precise resection of formations. The laser procedure is low-traumatic, there are no scars on the walls of the uterus. Therefore, women of childbearing age do not have to worry - their reproductive role does not suffer. The whole procedure takes no more than 3 hours, immediately after the operation, the patient can leave the hospital, there is no need to hospitalize her.

Removal of polyps on the cervix with a laser is more effective for the female body: the specialist controls the layer-by-layer entry of the laser beam into the uterine cavity,as a result, blood loss, the possibility of trauma are reduced, and the rehabilitation period is reduced. At the same time, the beam seals the arteries, so relapses are excluded in the future, scars do not appear on the tissues.

After 6 months after laser polypectomy, the girl can plan a pregnancy.

Polyps in the bladder in women
Polyps in the bladder in women

Recovery period

After removing polyps, the main thing is to listen and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Special attention should be paid to rehabilitation after uterine surgery.

Methods for removing uterine polyps are less traumatic, but after the operation, a woman must carefully monitor her own he alth and warn the doctor about special signs in time. When prolonged bleeding and unusual discharge appear, body temperature increases, then it is necessary to suspect the development of a negative reaction after surgery.

Postoperative complications are very rare, but you need to be aware of the possibility of their occurrence. Most often, uterine bleeding occurs, which many patients evaluate as a variant of the norm. After removal of uterine polyps, spotting lasts no more than a week, while their saturation should weaken over time.

Inflammatory reactions caused by infection are not excluded. This is manifested by an increase in body temperature, severe pain in the abdomen, discharge mixed with pus and an unpleasant odor. To avoid the likelihood of inflammation, after removal of uterine polyps, prescribeanti-inflammatory and bactericidal substances.

Due to the contraction of the cervix, a hematometra occurs (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity), provoking significant pain and inflammation. In order to prevent a reaction, antispasmodics are prescribed. Very rarely, procedures stimulate perforation of the uterus, overdistension of its cavity and other results.

All these reactions affect the outcome of the cure and the state of he alth, for this reason, the appearance of various dubious signs must be warned by the attending doctor. He will be able to correct the treatment tactics, find more effective measures to eliminate the consequences and quickly resume after the manipulations.

Medicated treatment

The use of conservative therapy for the treatment of polyps in women, the photo is not attached for ethical reasons, is very important at the earliest stages of the onset of pathologies, if there are contraindications to surgical operations. The main goals of such treatment are to remove the pain, prevent the neoplasm from developing further, and make menstruation regular. For this can be assigned:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives like "Zhanina", "Yarina". The intake of these drugs is prescribed for women of childbearing age and girls with menstrual irregularities. Tablets must be taken from the beginning of menstruation until it ends. The dose of medication, as well as the duration of treatment, will be prescribed by the doctor. Combined contraceptives of this type are quite effective for polyps in the uterus, but drinking thembest very carefully.
  2. Gestagens in the form of "Norkolut", "Utrozhestan" or "Dufaston". The active substance of such drugs is the female sex hormone. Therapy with gestagens for polyps lasts 3-6 months. They are supposed to be drunk only in the second part of the cycle.
  3. duphaston tablets
    duphaston tablets
  4. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist drugs: Nafarelin, Goserelin, Buserelin. They are prescribed for women who have reached the age of 35, as well as during menopause. In fact, the presented drugs are the most effective in the treatment of polyps in the uterus. Ignoring this fact, the disease should be treated for a very long time: from 3 to 6 months. The drug is used in combination, together with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. Local contraceptives. They are needed in order to bring the microflora back to normal. Produced in the form of candles and tablets. Their use is very common both during conservative therapy and in the process of recovery after certain surgical interventions.


Polyps can cause ovarian dysfunction and excess estrogen. For prevention, you need to do the following:

  1. Don't eat meat that contains hormones.
  2. Choose a place of residence in an area with clean air (with good ecology).
  3. Choose clothes according to weather conditions, do not sit on cold surfaces.
  4. Be sexually active with a regular partner and use contraceptives.
  5. Exercising in the morning, running, swimming, walking. Physical exercise keeps blood from stagnating.
  6. When making a decision about taking hormonal contraceptives, you should first go to see a doctor (gynecologist).
  7. Recurrence of the disease is not possible immediately, so a regular visit to a specialist (gynecologist) is mandatory. At least once every six months.
  8. The treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs should not be delayed.
  9. During autumn and winter, you should drink a course of vitamins in order to maintain a good immune system.
  10. Quit smoking and drinking.
  11. Abortions are also not recommended.

When deciding on the treatment of polyps in women with folk remedies, you should consult with a specialist. He will prescribe certain home remedies and tell you how to use them.
