Everyone will agree that today the ecological situation leaves much to be desired. In addition, people are forced to purchase low-quality food, many lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend more and more time in a sitting position. All this provokes the occurrence of certain pathologies.
Chronic gastritis, which has been diagnosed for many years, is one of the ailments that a large number of people suffer from today. This pathology is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
When gastritis appears heaviness and pain in the stomach. These symptoms usually worsen after eating. In addition to pain, a person may suffer from poor appetite, belching, nausea, vomiting, and frequent heartburn. Patients complain of constant fatigue and a general deterioration in well-being.
If you do not conduct a qualitative diagnosis of chronic gastritis in a timely manner, you can get a number of additional diseases. Therefore, let us consider this pathology in more detail, itsmanifestations and possible treatments.
What is chronic gastritis?
If we consider gastritis as a whole, we can say that it is an inflammatory process on the inner walls of the stomach. They have fairly smooth muscles, but it can weaken. In this case, the protective cover, which is mucus, will begin to be damaged. This will cause the stomach juices, which are digestive acids, to begin to damage the walls of the stomach and initiate inflammation.

Gastritis can also be triggered by infectious diseases. In rare situations, individual characteristics of the organism are diagnosed. For example, a person may simply not tolerate certain types of food.
This pathology passes into the chronic stage at the moment when inflammatory processes on the surfaces of the stomach begin to occur constantly. Also, at this stage, pathology is observed if the patient complains of the same type of symptoms for quite a long time.
Before considering the features of diagnosing chronic gastritis, it will be useful to know the main causes of its occurrence.
Helicobacter pylori
Doctors often diagnose the appearance of an illness against the background of the activity of this bacterium, which, according to recent studies, has already infected almost 50% of all people on earth. It was first opened in 1982. This bacterium can also cause peptic ulcer, adenocarcinoma, and stomach lymphoma. Getting intothe human body, Helicobacter pylori freely passes through the digestive system. Acid has absolutely no effect on it. After that, it can easily penetrate the protective mucous membranes and reach the epithelial cells of the stomach. After that, the bacterium settles there.
The waste products of Helicobacter pylori provoke intense inflammatory processes. However, doctors have many questions about the fact that this bacterium has affected a large number of people, but the diagnosis of chronic gastritis gives a positive result only in a small number of patients.
This is because some people are simply genetically vulnerable to the activity of Helicobacter.
Parasitic infections
Chronic gastritis often becomes the cause of vital activity of parasites. For example, in patients suffering from such a pathology, the presence of nematode worms is diagnosed. As a rule, they most often prefer the digestive tracts of marine life. However, if a person eats unprocessed fish, then he can get such illegal residents at home. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend subjecting any marine product to a good heat treatment.

Infectious diseases
It is worth noting that the development of gastritis against the background of such pathologies is extremely rare. As a rule, this happens only after serious illnesses. For example, tuberculosis can provoke the chronic stage of the described disease.
In progress of this diseasegranulomas form on the inner walls of the stomach. They are white, cheesy-type fabrics that have already died out.
Noncommunicable diseases
In this case, there are several pathologies that can trigger the development of the chronic stage of gastritis. First of all, they include autoimmune diseases. With some of them, cellular lymphocytes begin to attack the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach. However, this pathology occurs only if a person has a predisposition to autoimmune disorders or suffers from type 1 diabetes.
Chronic type gastritis can also develop after taking certain potent drugs. Especially when it comes to long-term use of analgesics. "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen" and other drugs can suppress the process of secretion of gastric mucus. As a result, gastric juice begins to literally corrode the walls of this organ.
Negligent attitude to one's he alth can also provoke an illness. For example, most often chronic gastritis occurs in those who often drink alcohol and smoke.
Methods for diagnosing chronic gastritis
Since a large number of patients suffer from this disease, doctors have developed a wide variety of ways to determine the disease. An integrated approach to diagnostic measures is also explained by the fact that chronic gastritis can develop against the background of many unrelated diseases. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess the patient's condition in order to establish the exact cause of the pathology.
Physical examination
Crucial in the diagnosis of chronic gastritis is the exact definition of the factors that led to this disease. Therefore, the very first thing that the doctor performs is an external examination of the patient. However, many modern experts note that this method is practically ineffective. Therefore, in this case, even nursing diagnosis is allowed for chronic gastritis. A nurse or nurse performs palpation. During it, there is a small chance of revealing signs of a bacterial lesion. This will be evidenced by the tense walls of the stomach. Also, the patient's abdomen may be quite swollen. If this is noticed, then additional tests are carried out. Laboratory studies are a more accurate method for diagnosing chronic gastritis in children and adults.

Helicobacter pylori test
If there is a suspicion that the patient is suffering from the activity of this bacterium, then you must first take feces for sowing. Special breath tests are also carried out. To do this, the patient must drink a special liquid containing a radioactive element.
After a few minutes, the doctor invites the patient to inhale deeply and exhale, while pressing a tight bag to his lips. This can also be done with the participation of a nurse in the diagnosis of chronic gastritis. If the described bacterium is active in the patient's body, then the package will contain traces of a radioactive substance.
This is one of the most common methodsdiagnosis of chronic gastritis. In this case, the doctor examines the upper region of the digestive tract. For this, a special device is used - an endoscope. It is a long, flexible tube with a tiny camera at the end. The doctor and nurse gently insert the endoscope into the patient's throat, reaching the esophagus, stomach and, if necessary, the small intestine.
Thanks to this, a specialist can exclude a large number of diseases with similar symptoms. Thus, differential diagnosis of chronic gastritis in children and adults is also performed. This helps to eliminate peptic ulcer, hernia and more. The doctor carefully examines the state of the stomach from the inside. Not a single picture will allow you to get such a clear picture as such a differential. diagnosis of chronic gastritis.

During the examination, the doctor may even take tissue samples. For example, if he notices that some area looks too suspicious, then he can pinch off a small piece of material. The tissue thus obtained is sent for laboratory diagnosis of chronic gastritis. This procedure is also called a biopsy. Thus, in the process of one study, you can get comprehensive information and perform two manipulations at once. However, it must be understood that such a differential diagnosis of chronic gastritis is an unpleasant procedure. It is especially difficult for children to transfer it. But despite this, you need to overpower yourself, because after suchresearch can get the most accurate diagnosis.
X-ray examination
This procedure is also called a barium test. In this case, the patient will again have to drink a liquid with a radioactive component. Only this time you don't need to exhale into the bag. Instead, an X-ray of the stomach, small intestine and other areas that will cause the most questions from the doctor will be performed. Barium (a radioactive substance) is used to produce a high-contrast image. This will allow you to see even the most subtle lesions.
Don't worry about getting radioactive material into your body. It is very quickly excreted, and its volume is so negligible that it cannot do any harm at all. So don't worry about it.
Also considering the diagnosis and treatment of chronic gastritis, it is worth saying a few words about other activities that can be carried out to detect this pathology.
Intragastric pH-metry
This study is necessary in order to assess the level of acidity in the stomach. After all, these indicators show the activity of enzymes and hydrochloric acid. If a person has a deficiency or, conversely, too much HCI, then this leads to numerous problems with the digestive system. An excess of these components provokes irritation of the mucous membrane. If the HCI level is too low, the so-called food bolus cannot be fully processed.

To complete this researcha special probe is used. Often the procedure is carried out in the process of gastroscopy, since with the help of an endoscope it becomes possible to obtain all the necessary samplings and data.
Considering the diagnosis and treatment of chronic gastritis, you should also pay attention to this method of assessing the condition of patients. Motor-evacuation functions of the stomach are responsible for its ability to push food. At the same time, the body makes contractions.
For the study, the pressure in the gastrointestinal tract is measured. The doctor introduces a special capsule with a microscopic sensor into the patient's gastrointestinal tract. As soon as it comes into contact with the gastric mucosa, an artificial muscle contraction is provoked.
Additionally, other procedures can be carried out. However, the methods described above provide comprehensive data.
If we talk about therapeutic measures, they should first of all be aimed at getting rid of the primary pathology that caused complications in the form of this unpleasant disease. After the diagnosis of chronic gastritis, treatment in the clinic is expected only in the most difficult situations. As a rule, the patient can undergo a course of therapy at home, taking the drugs prescribed to him. As a rule, it is not enough to simply acquire all the necessary medicines. In addition, you will have to adhere to a strict diet. The menu is developed by the doctor, and the patient must strictly follow all the recommendations of the specialist.

Iftalk about drugs that can alleviate the patient's condition, then the harm to them should be highlighted:
- Antibiotics. As a rule, they are used if it was found that chronic gastritis appeared against the background of Helicobacter pylori activity. This is a very strong bacterium, so often only one drug is missing and a group of drugs is required. Otherwise, recovery is out of the question. The course of antibiotic treatment usually does not exceed two weeks.
- Medicines to regulate acid levels. These include inhibitors that are able to suppress the performance of cells that secrete too much acid. H2 blockers may also be used. However, taking such drugs for too long is dangerous, as they make the bones more fragile. There is a risk of fracture. To prevent this from happening, the doctor may additionally prescribe calcium or other bone-strengthening agents.
- Antacids. Often, even with chronic gastritis, periods of exacerbation may occur. In such situations, fast-acting drugs are required that can relieve pain and other symptoms of the disease. Antacids quickly have a neutralizing effect on the acid in the stomach, which greatly alleviates pain. However, when taking such medicines, a side effect may appear in the form of constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
Considering the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of chronic gastritis, it is worth noting that surgical intervention is required for this pathologyonly in the most advanced and severe cases. In such a situation, the doctor performs an operation, during which the affected and non-repairable tissue area is removed. However, doctors more often prefer conservative treatment.

If we talk about the methods of traditional medicine, then such treatment is allowed, but not as the main therapeutic measures. It is also necessary to coordinate this issue with the attending physician, as some procedures can harm the patient. For example, you should not engage in warming up if inflammatory processes occur in the body. Since we are talking about irritated stomach walls, it is important to understand that some foods can only aggravate the situation. In folk medicine, garlic, peppers, onions and other irritants are often used. So it's not worth the risk. Even if the product is used as a treatment, it should not be on the list of those things that should not be taken by the patient. The exact list of prohibited foods is also developed by the doctor who makes up the diet and monitors the patient's condition.
Features of nursing care
Junior medical staff also takes a great part in the process of treating this disease. Nurses ensure that the patient adheres to all recommendations regarding proper nutrition and diets. They also explain to patients how important and why dietary nutrition is so important for such ailments. Nurses help perform diagnostic procedures. If the patient is in the hospital, they alsocontrol the food that the patient's relatives bring. If necessary, they announce the list of allowed dishes.