What is a consolidated fracture? We will talk about this in this article. You will also learn about how fractures heal, why patient recovery can be slow, and how injuries are treated.

Basic information
Consolidated fracture - such a diagnosis is given to many patients who have been injured. But not all patients know what this conclusion means.
Seeing such a strange phrase in their medical book, most people are completely bewildered. Most often, this term is associated with any serious pathology. However, a consolidated fracture is nothing to worry about.
What is a fracture?
Surgeon, traumatologist - these are the specialists that people with a broken bone turn to.
Fracture is a partial or complete violation of the integrity of bone tissue, which occurred under a load several times greater than the strength of the damaged part of the skeleton. Such a pathological condition can occur not only due to injury, but also as a result ofvarious diseases, which are accompanied by significant changes in the strength properties of bones.
By contacting a free or paid trauma center, a patient with an injury immediately receives treatment. It depends on the severity of the fracture, which, in turn, is determined by the size of the broken bones, as well as their number.
It should be especially noted that multiple fractures of tubular bones (large) very often lead to traumatic shock and the development of severe blood loss. However, by contacting a free or paid trauma center in time, such pathologies can be avoided. By the way, patients after receiving such injuries recover very slowly. Their recovery period may take several months.

Consolidated fracture - what is it?
The term "consolidation" is of Latin origin. It consists of two syllables, which translate as "together" and "strengthen." In other words, consolidation means: uniting, strengthening, integrating or bringing something together.
So this is a consolidated fracture? Experts say that this is a medical term that refers to an already fused fracture with the formation of a bone callus.
Ideal and complete fusion of the injured skeleton occurs in the following cases:
- with good fixation of broken bones;
- with complete and perfect matching of bone fragments;
- when restoring blood circulation in the area of bone damage;
- when restoring or maintaining innervation in the area of bone damagefabrics.
Secondary fusion
Secondary fusion of fractures with the formation of cartilaginous callus occurs when:
- incomplete comparison of parts of bone fragments;
- poor fracture fixation;
- relative mobility of bone fragments;
- untimely immobilization;
- impaired circulation, as well as innervation in the area of the bone fracture.

Why doesn't the fracture heal?
Surgeon, traumatologist - these are the specialists who can answer the question of why in some cases a bone fracture does not heal. According to them, this phenomenon has several reasons. Let's introduce them right now:
- violation of the immobilization of the bone (damaged), as well as the displacement of its elements relative to each other;
- incomplete or incorrect matching of bone fragments;
- disturbance of innervation in the fracture area and local circulation.
Traumatologist leaves home only in extremely severe cases. At the same time, it is very important that the specialist be competent. Indeed, in case of serious fractures, it is necessary to combine the damaged bone tissues in such a way that their complete consolidation occurs. However, it should be noted that such fusion depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor. After all, all layers of bone tissue (for example, endosteum, periosteum and Haversian canals) should be included in the regeneration process.
It is impossible not to say that, together with the natural physiological processes of restoring the integrity of the skeleton, it also occursresorption of post-traumatic hematoma. By the way, the callus during regeneration looks like a small spindle-shaped thickening.
Formation periods and callus layers
Consolidated fracture of the ribs and other parts of the skeleton is a fairly common occurrence. In the process of bone regeneration, callus is formed.

This regeneration takes place in three periods:
- development of inflammation (aseptic) at the fracture site;
- bone formation process;
- restructuring of callus.
Thus, at the site of injury in a person, intensive reproduction of cells of the haversian canals and endosteum, as well as connective tissue and periosteum, occurs. This process leads to the formation of a callus at the site of the fracture. It consists of four layers:
- paraosseous;
- intermediate;
- periosteal;
- endosteal.
5-6 days after the actual injury, the defect between bone fragments begins to fill with fibroblasts, osteoblast cells and small vessels that form osteoid tissue.
It should also be noted that there are 3 stages of callus formation. These include:
- fibrous;
- cartilaginous;
- bone.
How long does it take for a callus to form?
The formation of callus is a rather lengthy process. The terms of its formation are as follows:
- Primary (lasts 4-5 weeks).
- Secondary (later5-6 weeks).

It should also be noted that the corn at the fracture site undergoes restructuring over several years. This happens due to the fact that osteoblasts contribute to the resorption of the ends of bone fragments, fragments and splinters, and also eliminate the excessive formation of corn substance.
If the traumatologist called home, as well as the patient himself, have created all the optimal conditions for the fusion of bone elements, then the fracture will consolidate (within a few weeks or months).
How long does it take for bones to heal? According to experts, the older a person is, the worse his recovery is. For example, a hip fracture can leave an old man bedridden, causing complications such as congestive pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, bedsores, and more.
Why is consolidation slowing down?
Bone fractures do not always heal quickly and without any consequences in all people. In some cases, the consolidation of the injured area is significantly slowed down. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

Common causes of delayed bone healing include the following:
- diabetes mellitus, thin bones, parathyroid disorders;
- old age, female, ovarian cyst, malnutrition;
- exhaustion, multiple pregnancy, stress;
- short stature, certain medications, dysmenorrhea;
- cancer, smoking, ovaries removed, internal organ transplants, etc.
As for local causes, they include:
- infection in the wound;
- circulatory disorders;
- strong crushing of soft tissues in case of injury;
- multiple fractures;
- foreign objects in the wound;
- interposition of fabrics and more.
Fracture treatment
What to do with a fracture and how to achieve rapid bone healing? First of all, you need to consult a doctor. If the bones are displaced, the doctor must adjust them and fix them in this position by applying a cast.
What to do with a fracture, except for going to the emergency room? In order for the fracture to heal faster, experts recommend taking anabolic hormones and mummy. Physiotherapy and exposure to an injury with an electromagnetic field are also acceptable.
Consequences of improper treatment
Consolidated fracture is the best outcome of human injury. However, it should be noted that if not properly treated, consolidation may not occur or may slow down.

Specialists say that the following conditions are signs of slow bone fusion:
- mobility (pathological) of the bones at the fracture site;
- severe pain in the area of injury;
- gap between bone fragments visible on x-ray.
It should also be noted that in childhood, the process of recovery andregeneration of damaged bone tissue occurs faster and easier than in the elderly and adults. Very often, improper fusion of the skeleton leads to the formation of a false joint. Such joints can give rise to a number of serious he alth problems, as well as aesthetic discomfort.