Psychological rehabilitation is required for every person after a serious injury, attack or loss of their usual physical abilities. It is not easy to get used to living in a new environment without the ability to speak, walk, see, or other normal bodily functions. Doctors have effective methods of helping injured people, restoring the social level of interaction with the outside world.
Assignment of methods
Psychological rehabilitation helps society to return he althy children to social life after accidents, injuries or stress. Good he alth is not limited to the proper functioning of the body. Morale affects the recovery process.

Psychological rehabilitation helps the society to eliminate future aggressive behavior of the patient, which can even lead to crime. In children, the consequences can be dire: loss of lust for life and inability to independently return to the social environment. Complications are often observed after loss of limb function, psychological discomfort is formed in front of others.
Psychological rehabilitation is aimed at solving the following tasks:
- Return statepsyche to normal.
- Find ways of treatment that facilitate the rehabilitation of victims.
- Doctors help the victim find inner harmony with himself, remove contradictions and accept the event as inevitable.
- Assistance in the interaction of the victim with social groups.
The goals of all methods are aimed at normalizing the psychological he alth and social behavior of the child.
Psychological rehabilitation is divided into 3 types of assistance in different areas:
- Medical. The assistance is based on preparing patients for operations, restoring the psyche after injuries, and overcoming pain. Preservation of identity after disability.
- Professional. More often, the preservation and restoration of lost skills is carried out in adults. But for children, exercises are combined with psychological methods to restore writing, practiced movements of the arms and legs after traumatizing the body.
- Social. The loss of functionality of the body entails psychological discomfort. To facilitate the recovery period, psychological rehabilitation of children is carried out in a group setting. An important component of assistance is the adaptation of the victim to the performance of body functions in a wheelchair, learning how to overcome curbs and other obstacles.

The Center for Psychological Rehabilitation creates conditions under which a person is placed in an environment of positive emotions. This approach allows you to unobtrusively master the methodsinteraction with the outside world.
Prevention work with patients
Socio-psychological rehabilitation of children can be used before the onset of serious conditions, when the child already receives a negative “imprint” after an unsuccessful operation. Therefore, before it is carried out, it is advisable to prepare the psyche for a known result. If it is already clear that he will become disabled, then they begin to create in his mind the image of a successful person even with the loss of partial functionality of the body.

A wheelchair should not be a death sentence for a child. There are many examples of people with disabilities becoming athletes, leaders or scientists. The child should accept his new state without worries.
Objectives of methods when working with a child
Socio-psychological rehabilitation is aimed at achieving the following conditions:
- Determining the mental state of patients, quantifying the disorder.
- Hospitalization of children in severe cases where constant monitoring is required and there is a high risk of complications.
- Full return of lost psychological opportunities.
- Choosing a way to correct the child's consciousness, increasing his self-esteem.
- Preparation for the operation, new sensations after its completion.
- Help to learn meaningful social activities in a child with lost abilities.
- Quick involvement of the patient in daily duties, practicing weakened motor functionsbody.
As a result, doctors strive to get a he althy child with a stronger nervous system so that future unusual conditions do not lead to internal experiences. The principle “forewarned is forearmed” works.
Principles for the delivery of aid
Psychological rehabilitation of the disabled is based on a number of principles. The first is the urgency of assistance, the semantic content of which is the timely provision of psychological relief after shock, severe stress or experiences. A couple of minutes of therapy relieves future recessions in the patient's nervous system for a long time.

Different pedagogical and medical psychological assistance. Rehabilitation of patients can be carried out by a complex method: simultaneous preparation of psychological consciousness and getting rid of centers of physical stress using drugs. When children are injured due to violence, additional measures are taken: the state of life in the family, behavior in society is assessed, and adjustments are made by creating positive images. In some cases, the child has to be protected not only psychologically, but also legally.
Society engagement
Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is required for the development of an active life position of the child. It is required to overcome the isolation of consciousness from an unfavorable combination of circumstances. The patient needs to regain the idea of himself in order to direct his forces to a positive attitude. Group therapy is not alwaysis successful, but it helps children to define their place in the social group.

Group classes among children of the same age help to remove complexes, remove distrust in therapeutic methods. The injured child often develops aggression towards people similar to the person who caused the harm. Social adaptation is aimed at ensuring that the patient has a different opinion: people are not all the same with external similarities.
What do they do in the clinic?
Rehabilitation of the child begins with the creation of a favorable environment. Conditions should not coincide with the situation at the time of the incident, injury. Specialists try to provide options for realizing the child's abilities: drawing, teaching school subjects, games and more. He is given a role to play in a group of children.

It is by self-determination of his position that the child can overcome emotional experiences and show will. An effective method of assistance is fairy tale therapy, where each player chooses a hero he likes. By interacting with others in a positive attitude, the following goals are achieved:
- The child's aggressiveness is reduced.
- The feeling of fear of the outside world is overcome.
- Disappear barriers that prevent children with disabilities from communicating.
- The potential for creative work is growing.
- A child's fantasies come true, after which real life does not seem gloomy.
Custom programs
For each child, a certain set of techniques is selected according to his abilities, interests and physical data. Systematization of the process reduces the time for the rehabilitation of the psyche. The time spent in the clinic is determined after taking into account the opinion of the parents. The rehabilitation center can take the baby to the hospital if necessary.

Close people of a disabled child should also be trained so that everyone can help him if necessary. You will have to master the methods of using technical means, as well as providing emergency assistance in case of deterioration of the victim's well-being. Medical assistance is needed to reduce tension in the nervous system due to an injured part of the body. Feeling better can be done through the use of painkillers, antidepressants.