Rehabilitation simulators: types of rehabilitation, classification of simulators, special exercises, a set of exercises and doctors' recommendations

Rehabilitation simulators: types of rehabilitation, classification of simulators, special exercises, a set of exercises and doctors' recommendations
Rehabilitation simulators: types of rehabilitation, classification of simulators, special exercises, a set of exercises and doctors' recommendations

The rehabilitation period is of key importance for restoring the mobility of the limbs and the musculoskeletal system, strengthening muscles and joints. Modern manufacturers of medical rehabilitation simulators are constantly upgrading their products in order to improve and speed up the recovery process.

Types of rehabilitation activities

The list of types of rehabilitation includes the following activities:

  • Medical - the process of compensation and restoration of body functions.
  • Medical-professional - adaptation and rehabilitation taking into account the profession.
  • Professional - measures that facilitate the social and professional integration of people with disabilities.
  • Employment - assistance in employment of people with disabilities.
  • Social - improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Who needs to exercise on simulators

In the restoration of the lost ability to move normally needthe following categories of people:

  • Athletes due to injuries.
  • The elderly or in poor he alth.
  • Persons with weak muscle tone.
  • People suffering from diseases of the joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal tissue.
  • Patient after myocardial infarction, stroke.
  • People with diseases of the cardiovascular system, complications in the work of the respiratory organs.
  • Being immobile or sedentary.
  • Stroke rehabilitation equipment
    Stroke rehabilitation equipment

Performing active or passive exercises on simulators for the rehabilitation of stroke, injuries, surgeries and diseases have a beneficial effect on the human body, returning it to partial or full mobility.

Fitness equipment

In some cases, recovery sessions are carried out on conventional sports simulators. At the same time, they are adapted for use by people with disabilities. The equipment allows you to normalize the load, reduce the range of motion, provides access for those who move in wheelchairs and cannot perform an independent transfer from a chair to a simulator.

Leg Rehabilitation Machines
Leg Rehabilitation Machines

Models of active rehabilitation simulators are equipped with height adjustment functions for comfortable use, sensors for monitoring the patient's condition during exercise. The presence of an immediate stop button makes training safe. The machines are equipped with levers and handrails for maximum comfort.rehabilitated patient.

Beams, slides and ladders for learning to walk

Bars are usually used to resume motor activity after spinal injuries, with problems with the legs, cerebral palsy and other diseases, as a result of which a person has to learn to walk again.

There are several types of exercise equipment for lower limb rehabilitation:

  • Single tier.
  • Bunk.
  • With obstacles.
  • With suspension.

Single tier bars are used when the patient does not require additional support. Two-tiered ones provide additional emphasis on the armpits. The suspension is necessary for sedentary people. The height and width of the equipment are individually adjustable for each person. More advanced rehab involves setting up obstacles.

Slides and stairs are used as another type of exercise therapy. Classes are recommended for people with respiratory problems, heart disease. The equipment makes it possible to learn to walk, climb and descend stairs, strengthening muscles.

The design allows you to raise and lower the handrails, adjust the width of the ramp.


People suffering from cerebral palsy, who have suffered severe spinal cord injuries, and elderly people have the opportunity to be in an upright position thanks to a verticalizer, parapodium or exoskeleton.

Active rehabilitation - simulator
Active rehabilitation - simulator

The verticalizer allows a person who is bedridden for a long time for various reasons,give the body a vertical position.

Stander designs can be very different:

  • A vertical frame with supports, inside which a patient is placed with outside help and a person is fixed in a vertical position by means of belts and fasteners. At will, the body can be tilted forward or backward, the support is installed in front or behind.
  • Models of the rear stander allow you to smoothly raise the patient lying on his back to a vertical position, while the support will be behind the back, and the front simulator - in front.

It is possible to lift the structure using mechanical control or electric drive. They produce such simulators for adults and for children.

In addition, devices can be:

  1. Active. Allows the patient to stand and slowly move their arms and legs in place.
  2. Static. Maintains upright position thanks to wheels at its base. An assistant can transport the structure.
  3. Dynamic. Equipped with manual or electric control. In this case, the patient has the ability to move independently in the room.

Parapodiums, exoskeletons

Parapodium is a vertical frame with footrests, clamps and handrails. Such exercise machines for leg rehabilitation are divided into three types:

  1. Mobile. Designed for people with weak legs. The design is arranged in such a way that the side racks serve as a support and allow the patient to move without fear of an accidental fall.
  2. Dynamic. Necessary for people with immobilized lower limbs. The legs are fixed on the foot supports. After that, the patient begins to swing the frame with his hands, setting the parapodium in motion, simulating walking.
  3. Static. Allows a person to assume an upright position while an assistant moves the machine.

The exoskeleton is the latest development. The simulator is a robotic mechanism that is put on a person. This enhances the work of the patient's muscles, if necessary, the suit takes over the motor function

The exoskeleton can be for the upper and lower limbs or for the whole body. They control it with the help of signals coming from a computer device. In addition, it is able to enhance the movement thanks to a specially designed program. The suit is battery powered. Research is currently underway that will allow mind control of the suit in the future.

Limb Rehabilitation Equipment
Limb Rehabilitation Equipment

Isokinetic equipment

Isokinetic trainers for the rehabilitation of the upper limbs and other parts of the body are devices connected to a computer that, during training, reads information about the strength of the muscles using numerous sensors. The device issues appropriate commands to the simulator to create the desired level of resistance. In addition, the computer diagnoses the condition of the patient's muscles.

Thanks to the signals coming from the sensors, favorable conditions are created for training the patient so as not to injure the weakenedmusculature.

In addition to the isokinetic machines used in medical institutions, there are those that are used for sports and he alth purposes. They are not equipped with a computerized system.

Biofeedback Devices

The principle of operation of such rehabilitation simulators is to transmit an external feedback circuit. They inform the system about the he alth status of a particular body part, pulse, pressure and biorhythm of the brain.

Some devices are equipped in such a way that the patient can see changes in the functioning of the organ, others transmit information through a sound signal.

Biofeedback devices allow you to sit, lie down or stand during the diagnosis. The stabiloplatform is widely used for these purposes. A man stands in the center and holds on to the supports. At this time, sensors by the position of the body determine the ability to control and coordinate its movements.

Bubnovsky and Pilates machines

Bubnovsky's simulators are designed taking into account the technique of the same name, which allows you to restore the joints and spine. While working on simulators, the body is in limbo. Thus, the pressure and the load produced by the weight of a person is reduced to a minimum, the muscles relax. Rehabilitation according to the Bubnovsky method is shown:

  • With osteochondrosis, various articular pathologies.
  • For scoliosis.
  • For arthritis.
  • After suffering a stroke, heart attack.
  • After surgery onspine.

Also suitable for stroke rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation after a stroke: simulator
Rehabilitation after a stroke: simulator

Pilates simulators help strengthen the spine and all muscles. They are of four types: "Cadillac", "Reformer", "Barrel", "Chair". Each of them is aimed at working out, strengthening and stretching all muscle groups. Rehabilitation with the help of Pilates simulators increases joint mobility, improves coordination of movements.

Aqua simulators, devices for active and passive mechanotherapy

Water rehabilitation equipment is the same cardio or strength equipment made from special materials for use in water. Such training has a more gentle effect on the muscles and joints. At the same time, more energy is expended on the exercise due to fluid resistance. Classes help to lose weight, improve metabolism, strengthen the muscles of the limbs, promote better blood circulation.

Lower limb rehabilitation equipment
Lower limb rehabilitation equipment

Mechanotherapy is any type of training that is performed independently. Such simulators for limb rehabilitation involve active or passive exercises. Indications for the use of this type of therapy are paralysis, injuries or pathologies of the spine, arthritis, stroke.

Simulator "Motomed"

The device restores muscle tone, is indicated for paralysis, people with impaired motor ability, injuries andpathologies of the spine, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Classes allow you to almost completely return to physical activity.

Rehabilitation simulator "Motomed"
Rehabilitation simulator "Motomed"

The Motomed rehabilitation simulator is equipped with an electric motor and allows for active or passive training. With the help of sensors, the device is able to adapt to the movement of the legs and give out the appropriate load:

  • For active-passive activities.
  • For pedaling, restoring muscle tone in an immobilized patient.

Also, the simulator allows you to set the program on the monitor for an active workout.

Recommendations of doctors on choosing a simulator

When choosing a simulator for rehabilitation, you must consider:

  • The condition of the patient.
  • Muscle groups and body parts that need to be worked out.
  • The ability to train independently under home supervision or with the obligatory presence of a coach.

Given this data, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Build quality and workmanship.
  • The ability to adjust the load, starting with the smallest, which is extremely important at the first stage of training.
  • The simulator should have a wide range of activities.
  • It is better if the equipment combines sports and medical functions.

Based on the opinions of doctors and patients, the right choice of rehabilitation equipment can be made.

Complexes of rehabilitation classes

Complexesclasses in various rehabilitation programs are aimed at the following:

  1. After a stroke. Improving the motor activity of the fingers is required, since without its restoration, the patient will be deprived of the opportunity to self-care. Simulators help to keep the anatomically correct position of the fingers, and a set of exercises develops coordination, motor skills, trains grasping movements, strengthens muscles and develops endurance.
  2. After damage to the joints and muscle tissue. The training sets are aimed at stretching and include exercises such as flexion and extension, pendulum and rotational movements.
  3. With myocardial infarction. The complex of measures is aimed at restoring the heart muscle and general motor activity.
  4. In old age, exercise restores muscle tone, which improves overall condition.

Why do we need special exercises

For the rehabilitation of various organs and systems after a stroke and heart attack, as a result of past diseases, after physical injuries, a doctor prescribes special exercises aimed at achieving a particular effect in a particular area.

In the process of performing special exercises, the following is achieved:

  • Edema is eliminated.
  • Motor functions are fully or partially restored.
  • Prevents growths, bumps and other formations.
  • Reduces the likelihood of atrophic and congestive symptoms.
  • Vascular disorders are eliminated.
  • Recovery of ligaments, tendons.
  • Pain syndrome is eliminated.
  • Wound healing and tissue regeneration are accelerated.
  • The functions of the organs are returning.
  • Blood circulation is restored.
  • Improves muscle tone.

Special exercises can be combined into complexes for greater efficiency.
