Every person in his life experienced nervous tension of one degree or another. The first trip to kindergarten, then to school, the first declaration of love, the birth of a child … Each person has his own priority of the importance of events, and each experience manifests itself in different ways.
There are people who cannot be disturbed by even the most serious problem. And there are individuals whose nervous type is classified as asthenic. An offensive word, a sidelong glance can already cause injury, not to mention some really serious life ups and downs. Such people can feel sick from the nerves, they can sweat a lot, and some often faint. Each individual case should be considered in the context of the situation, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. The article provides a list of the most common reasons why nerves are sick, as well as tips for overcoming this condition.
Classification of neurological nauseaetiology
Neurology classifies nausea not caused by diseases of the internal organs into the following groups:
- Spontaneous nature - manifests itself in cases where a stressful situation occurs suddenly for a person. It can be, for example, a strong fear. Nausea comes on suddenly, as if out of nowhere, and often causes vomiting.
- Periodic - regularly nauseous from nerves, while often the patient suffers from a number of other symptoms of neurological pathologies (nervous tics, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, sweating, tremors of the limbs, etc.).
- If you feel sick for no apparent reason all the time, then this form of pathology is called permanent. Often it is not related to neurology - an experienced diagnostician is needed who would be able to accurately determine the causes of such a serious condition. If there are no physiological causes, then we are talking about a serious neurological or psychiatric diagnosis.
You can't let the state run its course. If you regularly feel sick on a nervous basis, you should definitely visit a neurologist. In order to accurately exclude the possible presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, endocrine pathologies, hormonal disruptions, you should pass all the necessary tests, undergo MRI, ultrasound and other studies. Nausea is often a sign of a serious he alth problem. Can you feel sick because of nerves if no diseases have been found? Yes, in this case, you will have to look for the cause in neurology and psychiatry.

How to understand what makes you sick of nerves?
How to recognize that the unpleasant feeling of nausea is directly related to the nervous system? What if the condition is provoked by an exacerbation of the disease of any organ? Can you feel sick from stress and nerves, but at the same time the internal organs remain he althy? The answer to these questions is yes, you really can feel sick due to excitement, and here's how to distinguish this condition from diseases of the internal organs:
- nausea occurs in parallel and before a strong experience, an exciting moment;
- palms and armpits sweat in parallel with nausea;
- a person catches his breath, he feels a short-term lack of air;
- in some cases (especially in a sudden form of the condition), a vomiting spasm may occur and the person will vomit.
At the same time, there are practically no problems with the consistency of the stool, there are no spasmodic pains in the abdomen, there are no other characteristic intestinal symptoms. Nausea from the nerves (treatment of the condition is described below) is more common in the female sex - this is evidenced by the statistical data of European neurology. It is easier for men to experience stress, they are not prone to pronounced manifestations of psychosomatics.

List of common causes
So, the most common reasons that a person feels sick on a nervous basis (what to do and which doctor to contact will be described in the following sections) are not so many. The list includes:
- aerophagia;
- psychosomatic state;
- muscle strain;
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- neurotic, anxiety, depressive disorders in psychiatry that often present with neurological symptoms.
Aerophagia as a nervous breakdown
Occurs reflexively with a strong nervous shock, with pain or emotional shock, with a strong fright.
The patient begins to breathe rapidly, he does not have enough air. From the outside, an attack of aerophagia may resemble an asthma attack, but the principle of development of these conditions is different. Symptoms of aerophagia develop because a person in a state of shock inhales large amounts of air through the mouth. As a result, a certain amount of air accumulates in the cavity of the esophagus and stomach, which needs to be expelled. As a result, the patient experiences severe nausea, anxiety, fear, problems with the respiratory rhythm.
The best remedy for an attack of aerophagia is rest. It should be realized that nothing terrible happened. If the air from the stomach does not pass by itself, you can take any carminative drug.
Nausea as a psychosomatic condition
Many of us underestimate the state of anxiety when waiting for this or that exciting event. Consciousness draws us certain options for the development of events, but in reality, as a rule, everything turns out to be completely different. People with a mobile type of psyche are suspicious, anxious and always worried about the light in which they appear in the eyes of the people around them. Sometimes these conditions can provoke the development of psychosomatic physicalviolations.
Often at a psychotherapist's appointment, people ask the question: "Can I feel sick because of my nerves?" Of course, yes. This is one of the most common ways for anxiety to break out of the repressed states of the human psyche. In parallel with nausea, there may be increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), some people begin to stutter from excitement, and tremors of the limbs may begin. If these psychosomatic manifestations of anxiety prevent a person from living, then the required number of sessions with a psychotherapist should be completed, after which the severity of the problem should become less.

Strain of muscle fibers
People who are far from medicine believe that a person's muscles are only under the skin. This is a misconception: there is a lot of muscle tissue in the body, due to it, the organs stick to their places. Even in the tissues of the face there are small muscles, thanks to their work we can raise our eyebrows in surprise or frown our foreheads - in a word, it is the muscles that are responsible for facial expressions.
Hypertonicity of the skeletal muscles often occurs reflexively in a state of shock, during a panic attack. With severe stress, all the muscles of the body become very tense and become like stone. Adrenaline is produced in the blood in large quantities, but does not have time to be spent properly. The stomach is also subject to strong tone, hence the nausea reflex.
Medical assistance may be required to bring the patient back to normal. In particular, physicians usually have drugs that contribute torelaxation (relaxants) and a decrease in the level of adrenaline in the blood. One or two injections of these drugs are usually enough to bring the patient back to a relatively normal state.
Vegetovascular dystonia
If a patient complains that the nerves hurt his head and feel sick, while he has cold extremities, sleep problems, a tendency to arrhythmia, then there is a possibility that the patient suffers from vegetovascular dystonia. It is impossible to make such a diagnosis on your own, since the symptoms characteristic of it can be easily confused with the symptoms of a number of other rather serious diseases.
You should consult a qualified neurologist - only this doctor can diagnose VSD based on the overall clinical picture of the patient's condition. For treatment, sedative teas and fees, vasodilators, nootropics, as well as drugs that restore cerebral circulation are usually prescribed.

Neurotic or psychotic disorder
In psychiatry, it is customary to divide the variety of disorders into two large camps: disorders of the neurotic level or psychotic. With both options, a person may experience not only psychiatric problems, but also a number of physically unpleasant conditions - abdominal pain, migraines with and without aura, vomiting. The patient himself usually calls such symptoms simply: sick from the nerves. What to do in this case?
As a rule, neurotic or psychotic disorders are characterized not just by excitement and associatedwith this bad feeling. The symptoms are very varied: the patient may experience visual or auditory hallucinations, may experience a state of delirium, or suffer from withdrawal symptoms. If the patient has a suspicion that something is wrong with his psyche, you should seek the advice of a psychiatrist as soon as possible. The patient is not registered at the first visit to the IPA, and in the future a visit to a psychiatrist will not affect obtaining a driver's license or applying for a job.
Depressive disorder and nausea
Nausea in depressive disorder is quite common. Clinical practice has shown that patients suffering from various forms of depressive disorder often complain of nausea. In parallel, a person suffers from apathy, anhedonia, gradually his condition worsens, he ceases to see the meaning in his existence. It is almost impossible to get out of this state without the help of a qualified psychiatrist and neurologist.
It should be taken into account that in a depressive disorder, one should not treat the symptom itself, that is, nausea. Treatment should address the problem in a complex way. It is not necessary to take handfuls of antidepressants - often, to achieve remission, it is enough to find a competent psychotherapist and attend several sessions.

Anti-anxiety drugs
List of drugs that a doctor can prescribe to a patient if he complains that he is sick "afternerves":
- soft tranquilizers - "Adaptol", "Atarax";
- nootropics - "Pantogam", "Phenotropil";
- vasodilator drugs - Phezam (it also has a mild nootropic effect), Cavinton;
- herbal preparations that help eliminate the symptoms of VVD - "Tanakan", "Kindinorm".

Herbal collection "Fitosedan" in the fight against nervous nausea
Many patients today do not trust the pharmaceutical industry and are trying to find folk remedies that would help them feel better. For such citizens, there is an excellent herbal remedy, the composition of which is completely natural. This is Fitosedan tea, which includes motherwort, valerian, hops, mint.
Tea has a slightly bitter taste and should be drunk half an hour before each meal. The effect of therapy is noticeable the very next day. A person worries less, gets rid of anxiety, calmness appears. In parallel, such problems of the nervous system as nausea, insomnia, tremor of the limbs, nervous tic, irritability go away.

Nervous Nausea Prevention
After reading the article, it becomes clear whether there can be nausea from nerves or not. As you know, nerve cells cannot be restored, so simple rules should be followed:
- do not communicate with people whoor otherwise cause irritation;
- do not develop a mental whirlpool in your head that leads to unpleasant memories, makes you relive painful events;
- refuse to drink alcohol (ethyl alcohol destroys hundreds of thousands of nerve cells without the possibility of recovery);
- walk regularly, travel as much as possible, communicate with nice people - in a word, try to draw positive emotions.