Fetal position: photo. Sleeping in the fetal position

Fetal position: photo. Sleeping in the fetal position
Fetal position: photo. Sleeping in the fetal position

The quality of sleep affects the general condition of the human body, its performance, attention, well-being and mood. The main thing for good rest is to sleep properly. Posture in this case is crucial. One of the most comfortable positions is curled up.

fetal position
fetal position

What is the fetal position

Fetal pose mimics a baby in the womb. The person lies on his side, with his hands pressed to his chest and his head bowed. It seems like he needs protection. The legs are bent at the knees and brought to the body. At the same time, a pillow is often hugged. What does fetal position mean?

In sleep, the body is not subject to conscious control. Unlike ordinary gestures, sleepy postures are the result of the work of the subconscious. Figuratively speaking, they reveal his true face. If a person sleeps in the fetal position, it may mean that they have a stomachache or feel cold. It is also a consequence of fever and associated chills.

Baby sleeping in fetal position

From the day of birth to 2 months, the baby sleeps almost around the clock - up to 22 hours a day. It is very important what position during sleep he chooses. It indicates the state of the bodybaby and his psychological characteristics.

In the fetal position, a young child can sleep because it is natural. He was in this position for the entire period of intrauterine development. However, after 4 weeks, the fetal position is a sign of muscle hypertonicity. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

sleep in the fetal position
sleep in the fetal position

Massage in the fetal position

In order for a small organism to fully relax and develop properly, it must be massaged while awake. For the same purpose, special gymnastic exercises are used. Swinging in the fetal position is suitable for massaging the baby.

The exercise is performed in this order:

  1. Child lying on back.
  2. It needs to be grouped - fold your arms on your chest, pull your legs up to your stomach, tilt your head forward.
  3. The baby's arms and legs are held with one hand, the back of the head with the other.
  4. In this position, you need to rock the baby in different directions: forward-backward, left-right, in a circle.

Exercise has a beneficial effect on the vestibular apparatus and the nervous system. It can be done several times a day. Also, the position of the embryo (massage) at 2 months of age allows you to relax the muscles, has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity, and reduces the risk of developing colic. At the same time, motor skills are improved, sleep is normalized.

Is it harmful to sleep in this position?

The position in which a person sleeps is formed over many years. The squatting position is not the best sleeping position. To sleep inthe fetal position is quite comfortable, but it has several disadvantages. It contributes to the compression of internal organs, limited breathing and the appearance of wrinkles. For women, there is also a disappointing prognosis - the fetal position can cause sagging breasts. It also has an adverse effect on the spine.

sleeping fetal position
sleeping fetal position

Favorable for sleep is the posture on the back. The position provides free blood flow to the brain, it is comfortable for the neck and spine. It is not recommended for those who are prone to snoring. It is more beneficial to sleep on your side. It prevents snoring, facilitates the work of the heart. The position is suitable for pregnant women - they are not recommended to lie on their backs.

Fetal position symptom

This posture is rarely a symptom of a serious illness. However, only one sign should not be used to judge the state of he alth. In a position similar to the fetal position, a person involuntarily curls up when a symptom of an “acute abdomen” occurs.

This is the name of a symptom of a disease of the abdominal organs. This condition is very dangerous for a person and requires urgent diagnosis. It manifests itself as severe pain in the abdomen with pathological tension of the abdominal wall. The cause may be pancreatitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, strangulated hernia, or blunt abdominal trauma.

An equally dangerous symptom in which a person curls up in the fetal position is catatonic stupor. It entails severe consequences both on the mental and physiological levels. Occurs against the background of deep depression, traumatic brain injury or postpartum pathology. Catatonic stupor manifests itself in the form of inhibition of movements, muscle stiffness.

man in fetal position
man in fetal position

Senile dementia is a disease that is dangerous both for the person himself and for the people around him. The disease develops over several years and in the last stage it turns into insanity. The fetal position taken by such patients in a dream becomes the main one, because they spend most of their time in bed.

Psychological aspects

In the “fetal” position, a person can sleep not only during the period of pain. If the room is warm enough, and he alth is in good condition, the fetal position speaks of such personal qualities:

  • Closed - fenced off from the outside world.
  • Uncommunicative - poor human contact.
  • Ste alth.
  • Incredulity.

Indecision and fear of change - in the case when a person sleeps closer to the edge of the bed. However, he is characterized by observation, sensitivity and understanding.

In addition, such people are conscientious and organized. They also tend to over-think, over-anxiety about the future. They are vulnerable and need protection and support. Their actions are unpredictable and depend on the momentary mood.

fetal position symptom
fetal position symptom

Psychological analysis should be subjected only to the posture that a person takes already during deep sleep. He lays down like thissubconsciously.

Sleep position and personal life

By the position of sleep, you can determine what events are happening in your personal life. This requires the partners to sleep together. Psychologists explain certain sleep positions as follows:

  1. Back to back - the posture speaks of frequent conflicts.
  2. Face to face - lovers are full of feelings and are at the stage of the greatest emotional recovery.
  3. On one side - usually in this position, a man hugs a woman. This indicates a strong love between partners, as well as their sexual desire for each other.
  4. Partners sleep on one side, but there is a considerable distance between them. There was a quarrel in the family. The one who sleeps facing his partner wants to make peace, his back is very offended.
  5. A person in the fetal position tries to isolate himself from his partner if he lies in the far corner of the bed.

A man is considered the main one if he lies on his back, and the girl clings to him, lying on her side.

fetal position for newborns
fetal position for newborns

Interesting facts

Poses during sleep are taken by a person not by chance. In some cases, they help to significantly alleviate the course of certain diseases. For example, sleeping on your side is useful in the presence of acute reflux. This position reduces the symptoms of heartburn and allows you to fully relax for those who like to eat before bed.

Arthritis sufferers feel relief when falling asleep on their backs. However, this position has several disadvantages. Sleepers on their backs breathe much faster. As a result, body tissuesreceive less oxygen.

Fetal position helps with back pain. However, discomfort in the neck and head cannot be avoided. The right pillow will help solve the problem. It should not be flat or excessively high.

fetal position massage
fetal position massage

Cope with stress allows the adoption of a pose in which one partner hugs the other, lying facing his back. Do not abuse this position, otherwise pain in the shoulders cannot be avoided.

Stomach position helps with snoring. This can cause neck pain and numbness in the hands. The use of an anatomical mattress will help.

Thus, the position of the body during sleep becomes not only an indicator of a certain state of the body, but also a sign of personality traits. The fetal position for newborns is natural up to a month of life, and in some diseases it serves as a symptom.
