Which doctor treats the stomach, who to contact? Explanations of a gastroenterologist about methods of treating the stomach

Which doctor treats the stomach, who to contact? Explanations of a gastroenterologist about methods of treating the stomach
Which doctor treats the stomach, who to contact? Explanations of a gastroenterologist about methods of treating the stomach

Permanent employment, haste, poor ecology, the presence of fast food in the diet, uncontrolled, often unjustified medication (especially painkillers) lead to the fact that most people are now increasingly experiencing diseases of the digestive tract.

This problem is faced not only by adults, but even by children. It is important to respond to stomach pains in time and contact a specialist in this field. Which doctor treats the stomach and when it is urgent to seek help - everyone should know this.

Which doctor specializes in the digestive tract

A gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats the stomach. His responsibilities include establishing an accurate diagnosis by examining the patient, as well as prescribing treatment to eliminate the disease.

Consequently, gastroenterology is a science that studies the functioning of the human digestive organs, revealing the norm or the presence of pathological processes.

When the patientfor the first time he encounters diseases of the digestive system, often he does not know who to contact with this problem. A therapist comes to the rescue, who will explain which doctor treats the stomach and give a referral to a narrower specialist in this activity.

Gastroenterologists are divided into several types:

  • coloproctologist: deals with diseases of the rectum, as well as diseases of the large intestine;
  • hepatologist: specializes in the treatment of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, and gallbladder by diagnosing, examining tests and interviewing the patient;
  • proctologist: treats diseases of the rectum (often referred to by patients who have problems with the presence of hemorrhoids, polyps, anal fissures).

Gastroenterologist-surgeon is another important specialist in this field. He deals with patients who need surgery due to the presence of pathologies that cannot be treated conservatively. The doctor performs operations to eliminate intestinal bleeding, abdominal hernia, intestinal obstruction, adhesive bowel disease, etc.

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Specialist

Pediatric gastroenterologist
Pediatric gastroenterologist

A child has a stomach ache, which doctor treats such diseases? It is logical that in addition to adult gastroenterologists, there are also pediatric ones. A child's body is different from an adult, so a narrower specialist should deal with such patients. This doctor takes care of children from birth to adulthood.

Currently, more and more children have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract due to malnutrition, the use of harmful foods and drinks: chips, lemonade, crackers and much more that a child wants so much.

But it is worth noting that in addition to acquired diseases of the stomach, there are also congenital anomalies that require timely therapy and treatment: intestinal polyposis, tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, pylorus stenosis and more.

The important point is that a disease detected in time is almost always cured, but a neglected form leads to the fact that it acquires a chronic permanent character.

The most common reason for visiting a pediatric gastroenterologist with newborn babies is considered to be severe colic, this is often a temporary, passing phenomenon that requires medication to help pass gas and normalize the intestinal microflora.

What diseases do gastroenterologists deal with

Features of gastroenterology
Features of gastroenterology

Specialists in this category treat the organs of the digestive tract. A person can have problems ranging from the esophagus, where chewed food enters, to diseases in the rectum. The patient should contact this specialist if problems such as:

  • pathology in the work of the sphincters, which are located between the border of the stomach and esophagus;
  • diseases of the esophagus: the presence of polyps, achalasia, dilated veins in the esophagus, diverticula;
  • diseases in the stomach:ulcer, gastritis, papillitis, erosion, tumors, polyps;
  • diseases in the pancreas: pancreatic necrosis, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, cyst, oncology;
  • pathology in the duodenum;
  • diseases occurring in the spleen: cyst, abscess, malignant neoplasms;
  • pathology of the rectum and anus;
  • intestinal diseases: colitis, duodenitis, adhesions, enteritis, obstruction, ulcer, flatulence, tumors, worms, dysbacteriosis;
  • various liver diseases, pathologies in the gallbladder and biliary tract: cholecystitis, hepatitis, Gilbert's syndrome, oncology, cirrhosis of the liver, curvature of the biliary tract.

When should I see a doctor?

Having de alt with the question of which doctor treats the stomach and intestines, then the patient should know the specific symptoms that require a visit to the gastroenterology department. These symptoms include:

  • heartburn;
  • frequent burping;
  • frequent persistent hiccups;
  • sharp weight gain or rapid weight loss;
  • strong gas formation, bloating;
  • nausea that persists for a long time;
  • stool disorders (constipation, indigestion);
  • presence of persistent heaviness in the abdomen;
  • bitter in the mouth;
  • pain that occurs on an empty stomach;
  • specific smell from the mouth;
  • pain that occurs when eating;
  • plaque on the tongue that has uncharacteristic features (high density, yellow, white, large amount);
  • spasms inintestines;
  • changes in the color of feces, not related to eating and more.
When you need to see a doctor urgently
When you need to see a doctor urgently

If a person does not have direct symptoms indicating gastrointestinal diseases, but has a rash on the body that is not related to an infectious origin, then a gastroenterologist will also help him. Having de alt with the question of which doctor treats the stomach, you should know that he also deals with patients who have metabolic disorders and improper absorption of mineral nutrients. The presence of this pathology is indicated by a sharp deterioration in hair, teeth, skin, rapid weight gain or loss.

Symptoms of severe conditions that are accompanied by pain in the stomach

Conditions in which you should immediately seek medical help:

  • severe piercing pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • persistent nausea, urge to vomit;
  • dull pain, abdominal cramps;
  • severe repeated vomiting;
  • presence of gastrointestinal pain and fever;
  • in children: refusal to eat, pale skin, refusal to drink, general weakness.

Stomach ulcer: symptoms and signs

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer
Symptoms of a stomach ulcer

If a person is worried about stomach pain that wakes him up even in his sleep, heartburn and frustration, as well as vomiting and anemia, then this indicates that he has a stomach ulcer. Which doctor treats this disease? A gastroenterologist deals with this kind of he alth problem. Experts note that most often the ulcer does not bother a person much.until it completely destroys the intestinal wall, which leads to perforation, vascular damage, and most dangerously, to internal bleeding. Complications like these are extraordinary.

You can't joke with a stomach ulcer, if left untreated, this disease can lead to a very bad outcome. Therefore, a person needs to be attentive to the symptoms that indicate the presence of an ulcer:

  • burning, aching pain in the abdomen, namely between the navel and chest;
  • unreasonable hunger pangs;
  • dull pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bloating, burping.

In advanced cases, when a person has developed bleeding, he will feel constant fatigue, weakness. The presence of blood in the stool and vomit indicates severe bleeding. In this case, the stool will have impurities of mucus, its color varies from black to red.

Gastritis: causes symptoms

Symptoms of gastritis
Symptoms of gastritis

Inflammation of gastritis is promoted not only by malnutrition, ecology, but also by the presence of various irritants, bacteria in the human body.

Main reasons:

  1. Helicobacter pylori bacteria that can settle in the human stomach.
  2. Environmental and chemical irritants that adversely affect the gastric mucosa. These include cigarette smoke, alcohol, painkillers and antipyretics.
  3. Various viral infections that provoke gastritis attacks.

Which doctor treats gastritis of the stomach and how? A gastroenterologist is a doctorhaving a special skill and training in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases of the digestive tract. The risk group for these diseases includes people who abuse alcohol, smoke, regularly take painkillers and antipyretics, as well as those over 60 years of age.

Symptoms of gastritis include:

  • frequent pain between lower ribs and navel;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant feeling of overeating, bloating, burping;
  • in severe form, there may be stools and vomiting mixed with blood.

Features of gastroenterology

Gastrointestinal tract
Gastrointestinal tract

Which doctor treats the stomach and pancreas and when to seek help? Of course, if a person has previously had a similar disease, then he will immediately turn to a gastroenterologist. But when he first encounters gastrointestinal diseases, he first goes to a therapist who will already refer him to a narrower specialist. Which doctor treats the stomach and pancreas, and how does this happen? A competent gastroenterologist is currently in great demand. His primary task is to determine the most accurate diagnosis of the patient. For this, the patient is prescribed a series of tests and studies. After the doctor is convinced of the correctness of the diagnosis, he prescribes the treatment. It will depend on the specifics of the disease.

Methods of treatment in gastroenterology

Treatment methods for gastrointestinal diseases
Treatment methods for gastrointestinal diseases

Treatment methods include:

  • drug;
  • physiotherapy;
  • special diet;
  • right lifestyle;
  • if necessary surgery.

Which doctor treats the stomach if a person has signs of infectious poisoning? In this case, you should contact an infectious disease specialist. If the patient's condition is serious, the patient is a child or an elderly person, then first of all it is necessary to call an ambulance and, if necessary, be hospitalized.
