Opponents of smoking, and even smokers themselves, were very cheered up and felt a powerful surge of enthusiasm when they learned that a radical remedy had appeared, a real panacea for quitting smoking. And her name is chewing tobacco. The mere fact that this name contains the word "tobacco" involuntarily suggests the thought: "Are there any pitfalls here?" After all, it turns out like this: a person quit smoking, switched to chewing tobacco - and that's it, the end of problems? Interesting … So, a wedge wedge, as they say.
Some historical facts about chewing tobacco

In order to understand everything, you should get a little acquainted with the history of this product and find out how this chewing tobacco is made, or, as it is also called, snus. Sweden is the birthplace of this nicotine product. For the first time, the Swedes released newfangled tobacco at the beginning of the 19th century. A little time passed, the idea was picked up by the ubiquitous Americans. Snus is from Americaquickly spread around the world and became a "worthy" alternative to conventional tobacco. Indeed worthy! It contains just as much nicotine, if not more, than regular tobacco. Chewing tobacco gives the same effect as regular smoky tobacco. And it does no less harm to the body.

Features of chewing tobacco production
Chewing tobacco is made from crushed thick tobacco leaves. S alt, sugar, water are added to the mass. Sterilized to get rid of germs. (This is how tenacious microbes must be to live in tobacco?!) And all sorts of flavors are added to chewing tobacco. For taste, apparently. Packed, packaged - and that's it, it's ready to use! The high s alt concentration in snus can increase your blood pressure, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
Chewing tobacco! How to use?
This is clear from the name itself. They chew him. The only advantage is that it is smokeless. But that doesn't mean it's harmless. Yes, it does not cause any inconvenience to others who cannot tolerate tobacco smoke. You don't have to run every half an hour for smoke breaks. Snus in your mouth - and you can work calmly without being distracted from business. And you can chew tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited. You are not harming anyone. No one but himself.

Snus, like cigarettes, causes physical and mental addiction, and there are so many carcinogens in it that it is more often thancigarettes, provokes severe oncological diseases. Heart failure, pancreatic disease, caries, ulcers… Enough? But this is far from a complete "bouquet" of diseases that snus can give you.
Switching from ordinary smoking to chewing tobacco, a person risks spoiling his character. Without their chewing gum, people become irritable and even aggressive. And imagine the feeling of a woman when she is kissed by a man who has just chewed tobacco? Once again, adolescents and young adults are the main victims of chewing tobacco. After all, snus is not forbidden to chew even at lessons or lectures! And it is young people who find it most difficult to prove that by quitting smoking smoky tobacco and starting to use chewing tobacco, a person simply changes one type of smoking for another.
The whole truth about such a seductive gum
Perhaps young people will slow down and think when they find out the whole truth about their favorite gum?
To do this, you will have to dispel the most popular myths about chewing tobacco. Chewing tobacco is said to be beneficial for athletes as it tones and enhances athletic performance. Lies and provocation! Snus contributes to the development of muscular dystrophy. If you want to eventually turn from a pumped-up athlete into a frail dystrophic - go ahead for the next plate of chewing tobacco!
Also know that chewing tobacco kills spermatozoa and disrupts their structure. So, you may not see he althy offspring. Or none at all. They say snuslifts the mood. Yes. A small dose for a beginner. Once. And then, as they say, oats are not in the horse.

Why doesn't anyone warn about how difficult it is to get rid of the habit of chewing snus? Much harder than smoking cigarettes. You expect breaking, indigestion, stress and insomnia. The worst thing is that young people are interested in how to make chewing tobacco themselves. What for? What's the point? After all, you can buy it on almost every corner. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes to minors, but chewing tobacco is welcome! Deliveries of chewing tobacco to our country are constantly growing, and there are more and more lovers of it. And our "chewers" cannot understand that those who produce snus and those who sell it simply profit from them.
Nicotine is nicotine, and in whatever form you use it, it will not become more useful. The answer to the question "Will chewing tobacco help to quit smoking?" both double and unambiguous at the same time. From smoking, yes. From nicotine addiction - no!