Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid: reviews

Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid: reviews
Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid: reviews

Buttock augmentation is a fairly common procedure in specialized clinics. Many girls believe that this feature of the figure makes them more attractive and sexy. Most often this is done through implantation or products based on hyaluronic acid.

"Macroline" and its features

This drug is now the only one used for volume contouring. Augmentation of the hips and buttocks, as well as lips and other parts of the body is made on its basis.

Buttock augmentation
Buttock augmentation

The company that developed the drug Q-med invested its own funds in its development, now it is the exclusive owner of the rights to manufacture and sell it. The cost of "Macroline" is considerable, since it has no competitors.

Buttock augmentation is not the only procedure performed with this drug. Much more often it is used for the chest. With a filler, you can add 1 size, while there is no need to go under the knife and suffer a long period of rehabilitation.

Also, the tool is used to fill retracted scars and for the purpose of contour plastic surgery in intimate areas.


Such a procedure as buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid is possible when using Macroline, where it is the active ingredient. Moreover, the concentration of the substance is quite sufficient for a good gel density.

Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid
Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Previously, the increase in the volume of the buttocks and other parts of the body was carried out using non-absorbable fillers. They were based on polyacrylate gel, liquid paraffin and other components. However, the main advantage of hyaluronic acid over them is its naturalness, it is an integral part of our tissues.

When administered, it enters into a biochemical reaction with our body, then breaks down and is excreted. Also naturally.

Indications for use

Augmentation of the buttocks, as well as other parts of the body, is desirable to do if there is evidence. Otherwise, the client of the clinic runs the risk of joining the army of dissatisfied and disappointed, whose reviews are often found on the Internet.

For example, if we are talking about breasts, then giving it more volume, so that later you will not be disappointed with the result, is better when it is small and elastic and you are counting on an increase in volume by only 1 size. But those who want to increase it from the second to the sixth size, it is quite possible that they will be dissatisfied.

Buttock augmentation reviews
Buttock augmentation reviews

When to shape buttocks?

In this case, this should be done if there is asymmetry or insufficient volume. Also, an increase in the buttocks of the hyaluronic component is relevant foromission of their tissues in the form of age-related changes or with a sharp strong weight loss.

Remember that the gel has limited capabilities, and it will not work to radically change the volume of a particular part of the body in this way. But it is quite possible to put her in order and make her more fit.

Features of body volume correction

We have already talked about the features of buttock augmentation. The feedback from the patients of the clinic will be positive if they approach the procedure wisely and taking into account the indications. Also, don't expect supernatural results.

Macroline is mainly used for the following purposes:

  • corrects the rear of the hands and fingers when the skin is thinning;
  • performs contouring of intimate areas (enlarges the penis in men and large labia in women);
  • fills in uneven areas on the subcutaneous tissue that are the result of liposuction;
  • increase or eliminate asymmetry;
  • conceal soft tissue defects after injuries and surgeries.
Buttock augmentation before and after photos
Buttock augmentation before and after photos

Benefits of using fillers

You can visually see what buttock augmentation is - photos before and after the procedure are attached to the material. However, the real result will not always be the same as on the page of your favorite glamorous tabloid.

But it is worth noting that buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid, like any other part of the body, has the following benefits:

  • you can try how you will be with the new volume for a certaintime;
  • body is not exposed to anesthesia drugs;
  • there will be no tears and scars with this method;
  • Unlike plastic surgery, the recovery period will be much shorter and easier.

Disadvantages of using hyaluronic acid

However, it cannot be said unequivocally that buttock augmentation in this way is a positive decision. There are a number of nuances.

For example, the gel used may migrate. That is why it cannot be injected a lot to give a large volume to the selected part of the body. It can move down, and the lips or buttocks will sag under the influence of body weight and gravity. When moving the tool, it should be removed. And here surgery will be required.

Another problem is that the gel dissolves over time. It is stored in tissues for a maximum of 18 months. If you want to do a buttock augmentation, the brochure photo shows a beautiful picture and guarantees a long-term effect, then it is better not to trust such a promise. In fact, the volume of the injected gel is reduced after a few months, so after about six months the skin may begin to sag. Schedule trips for additional correction procedures right away.

Like other foreign bodies, hyaluronic acid can cause fibrosis.

hip and buttock augmentation
hip and buttock augmentation

Problems with examinations

Remember that buttock augmentation can be a significant barrier to some medical examinations. Yes, lumpsgels are viewed on the monitor with ultrasound and x-ray. At the same time, outwardly, they do not differ from cysts or seals. Accordingly, the doctor may make a false diagnosis.

Gel is able to remain in our tissues for a long time. And even after its complete resorption, a year after the procedure, its accumulations can be viewed on ultrasound. If it was a breast augmentation, then the remains of the gel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands can make it difficult to diagnose mastopathy or cancer.

Contraindications to the use of fillers

Doctors have the right to refuse a potential patient of the clinic in the procedure for contour plastic surgery using hyaluronic acid for the following reasons:

  • if the person has an intolerance to this substance;
  • if there have been anaphylactic shocks or polyvalent allergies in the past;
  • when pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • if you have autoimmune diseases;
  • for connective tissue diseases;
  • for cancer;
  • while taking anticoagulants and bleeding disorders.

When it comes to breast augmentation, before the procedure, it is imperative to find out if there are seals or cysts in this area.

Possible consequences

The procedure may have its consequences, even if the patient had no contraindications. Therefore, if there is no great need, think carefully about whether you need a buttock augmentation. Before and after the operation - these are two different times: in the first case, you can think everything over well, and in the second -know how to deal with possible side effects.

So, quite often after the procedure, swelling appears and can last up to 2 weeks, but then disappear. In addition, during the first days after the introduction of the gel, the patient may be tormented by arching pain. They can be smoothed out by taking painkillers.

buttock augmentation surgery
buttock augmentation surgery

Sometimes seals may appear, the period of their occurrence and the nature are always different. Most often they appear immediately after the manipulation. And further, as swelling and stretch marks decrease, the tissues become softer and more elastic. Don't worry about it.

But if such seals persist for a long time or appear after a long period after the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor.

Reviews of specialists about the drug

The drug "Macroline" based on hyaluronic acid has quite conflicting assessments of experts about its safety and effectiveness.

Is it possible to do buttock augmentation without problems? The opinions of doctors from different countries in this matter can radically differ from each other. This bias is based on the fact that Macroline appeared on the market relatively recently and has not yet been fully studied.

The absence of anesthesia and recovery operations, as in classical plastic surgery, all this attracts more and more patients to this method.

But on the other hand, there is a sad experience with other non-surgical methods of buttock or breast augmentation based on fillers. liquid silicone,paraffin, animal fats and polyacrylamide gel are all potential enemies of patients who want to look their best with these compounds.

Implants or fillers?

The World Association of Plastic Surgeons about 10 years ago recognized that silicone implants are the best way to increase breasts. And their main alternative is lipofilling. This procedure refers to the introduction of the patient's own fat, which in some cases can be further enriched with stem cells. This method is safe because the content is native to the human body.

But hyaluronic acid, which is the active ingredient of "Macroline", is also a natural component in relation to our body. And gels based on it are often used to increase the lips, buttocks or breasts, as well as to improve the contour of the face. But the effect of this remedy is limited, because it dissolves over time. It depends on the density of the filler and the amount of active ingredient in each individual case.

However, the creators of this tool decided to improve it. So, the gel, which is used to correct the volume of a particular part of the body, can be injected into the deep layers of the skin. The effect is longer, up to 18 months against the previous 9.

buttocks augmentation
buttocks augmentation

Features of gel injection

Buttock augmentation surgery does not last long, about half an hour or a little more. The doctor makes incisions up to 3 mm and inserts a thin needle underskin material based on hyaluronic acid. This is done deep enough, into layers above the muscles. Approximately one hour after the end of the procedure, the patient can leave the clinic and return to their usual life. Under the influence of natural enzymes, the gel dissolves over time. When this happens, it should be re-manipulated if necessary.

On the one hand, this technique is ideal, but we must not forget that buttock augmentation by this method is still impossible without incisions, even microscopic ones. Also, the behavior of the substance in the deep layers of the skin has not yet been fully studied, this should also be taken into account.

At first glance, the technique and preparation have no flaws. Nevertheless, cuts, although microscopic, are made. The action of "Macroline" is temporary, and the behavior of the filler in the deep layers of the dermis is poorly understood.

Use of implants

Now let's move on to a description of another method of buttock augmentation - through the use of silicone-based implants or lipofilling. All this is aimed at improving their shape and lifting the top.

When the buttocks are lowered and the infragluteal folds are smoothed, it is desirable to lift them. Most often, this condition occurs due to severe weight loss, when excess parts of the skin with sagging soft tissues appear on the body. Buttock augmentation with implants can be performed both as an independent procedure and simultaneously with a thigh lift.

Features of implantation

The patient before this operation must undergoexamination and take tests, which will be ready within 3 days or earlier. It is carried out in a hospital, depending on the volume, the client is hospitalized for up to 5 days. General anesthesia is also used. The time for such an operation is up to 2 hours.

The doctor makes an incision about 6 centimeters long between the buttocks in the coccyx area. Then spaces are created under the large muscles, where the implants are placed. And with lipofilling, the skin is pierced and subsequently no scars remain.

When augmenting the hips, the incision is made in the fold under the buttocks, and in the case of a combined operation, above them. The wound is then sutured with an intradermal suture. After the procedure, the patient wears a special compression underwear for 4-6 months.

buttock augmentation with implants
buttock augmentation with implants

After surgery

At first, the patient will feel pain and discomfort. All this is normal, such symptoms will pass in about 2 weeks. After another same time, he will be able to return to his previous physical activity, but it will be possible to play sports only after a month and a half.

Such an operation may provoke the following consequences;

  • hematomas;
  • inflammatory process;
  • asymmetry;
  • displacement of the prosthesis.

Unlike injections with hyaluronic acid, the result will be permanent. However, provided that a person maintains the same weight of his body.

Patient reviews and more

About such a procedure as buttock augmentation, there are diverse reviews. Somepatients complain of complications. In particular, the fact that the gel flows from one side to the other and the visual effect is not the most ideal. Others say there are many cases of complications, and the hyaluronic acid gel is no better in terms of quality than those used before and were considered inferior.

There are also positive evaluations of the remedy. Specialists and ordinary patients do not believe that hyaluronic acid is a panacea, but when used correctly, it works very well. Moreover, according to practitioners, implants give much more complications.

Among those who have successfully undergone filler-assisted augmentation of the buttocks, thighs and other parts of the body, it is widely believed that the drug for manipulation is slightly overpriced.

So, today, buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid is the best alternative to a complex surgical method that can lead to many side effects and consequences.