After an injection, the buttock hurts: what to do

After an injection, the buttock hurts: what to do
After an injection, the buttock hurts: what to do

In our time, injections are quite widespread in medicine and have been used in practice for a large amount of time. Probably, every person at least once in his life went to the hospital, where he was prescribed injections. Not only is the injection procedure itself not very pleasant, but there are still painful sensations for a rather long period of time. The pains appear regardless of whether a qualified doctor or a neighbor gives you an injection. In addition, bruises form at the place where the medical needle has been. How to act to facilitate such an unpleasant medical procedure? When the buttock hurts after an injection - what to do?

Causes of hematomas

In medicine, doctors call infiltrates bumps and hematomas. These are areas where blood and lymph cells accumulate. Infiltrates occur due to the physical effect on a specific area of the skin. The introduction of drugs can also affect the occurrence of bruising. When injected, the syringe needle damages the skin and thereby stimulates the appearance of infiltrates, afterafter a while the bruises go away. But sometimes the origin of bruises is provoked by too sensitive skin, a large layer of internal subcutaneous fat, the proximity of blood vessels to the skin, or fragile capillaries. But most often, bruises and bumps appear due to unprofessional injections.

Often, from numerous injections, seals form along with bruises. It is advisable to pay attention to them and treat them. Often, such bumps are not dangerous for the human body, they just cause inconvenience at the moment when you need to sit down. But sometimes they can cause a lot of problems, during the injection you can get an infection, which can eventually lead to pharyngitis, an abscess, or worse, blood poisoning.

buttock hurts after injection what to do
buttock hurts after injection what to do

If you know the rules of behavior during injections, then you can try to alleviate the condition in which the buttock hurts after injections and the seals are large enough, and also avoid infiltrates.

  1. The most optimal position during injections is the prone position. While lying on your stomach, you will feel that the muscles can relax as much as possible and not be clamped.
  2. It is necessary to choose the right syringe. A lot depends on the needle, if it is too small, it does not reach the muscles and the medicine accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer. If a blunt needle is inserted into the buttock, the vein may become inflamed, leading to thrombophlebitis.
  3. The composition of the drug also affects the state of the pain syndrome, if the consistency is thick,then the body will take a long time to dissolve. It is important to warm oil-based preparations to a warm state, otherwise, if a cold composition is introduced, inflammation may form. Also, if the oil solution is not administered correctly, it can lead to drug embolism. If the oily liquid enters the artery, blockage will occur, the nearby tissues will not be nourished, which will subsequently lead to necrosis.
  4. If the injection site is sore and itchy, it means that there is an allergic effect on some element that is part of the drug. It is necessary to tell the doctor about this, perhaps you need to replace the medicine with an analogue.
  5. If the course of injections is long, it is necessary to change the buttocks for the injection of drugs. If the entire buttock area is damaged, you need to change the injection site to the shoulder or thigh.
  6. If injections are done at home, it is important to wash hands before the procedure, put medicines and syringe on a clean napkin.
  7. To avoid the entry of harmful microbes and bacteria, be sure to treat the buttock with an alcohol solution before the injection.
  8. After the injection, it is recommended to move a lot, so the medicine will dissolve more actively.

When you need to be alert

When it is worth doubting the correctness of an injection in the buttock:

  • if after a course of injections there are bumps that seem to "burn with fire";
  • if in the near future after the injection the body temperature increased;
  • if suppuration occurs at the injection site;
  • numbness of the buttocks.
sore muscle after an injection on the buttock
sore muscle after an injection on the buttock

If the buttock is very sore after the injection, it is urgent to go to the hospital, internal suppuration is possible, which can only be removed surgically.

Causes of lump formation

The main reasons why the buttock and leg hurt after an injection are called:

  • quick injection;
  • unsuitable injection needle;
  • an injection in the middle part of the buttocks;
  • injection of the drug with the addition of air;
  • infection.

You can understand that a bump has arisen by the following criteria:

  • in case of infection: high fever, redness and pus in the painful area;
  • when air enters during the injection: the appearance of a seal.
the buttock hurts a lot after an injection what to do
the buttock hurts a lot after an injection what to do

Rules for intramuscular injections

There are certain areas on the buttocks where a medical needle can be inserted, this is the upper left or right upper corner of one of the two buttocks. To make it easier to determine the injection zone, you need to mentally divide the buttock into four equal parts, and inject into the desired part. Otherwise, if you apply a needle to the wrong area, you can damage the nerve endings not only due to physical impact, but also from drugs that are displaced near these endings. The consequences can be the most serious, up to paralysis of the legs.

Adults need to inject with a 5 ml syringe, and a small 2 ml can only be injected under the skin. If it hurts for a long timebuttocks after injections, you should consult a doctor. It is better to prevent negative consequences in time.

If the buttock hurts a lot after an injection - what should I do?

The simplest method of dealing with bruises and various seals is an iodine mesh. It should be applied to the painful area of the skin with a cotton swab and iodine a couple of times a day.

buttocks hurt for a long time after injections
buttocks hurt for a long time after injections

Quickly remove bumps and hematomas will help ointments and gels based on troxerutin, this is a component that removes inflammation, or heparin, which thins the blood. Modern pharmacists offer a group of active drugs, such as:

  • "Troxevasin".
  • "Lyoton".
  • "Traumeel".
  • "Arnica ointment".

How to use them

Be sure to read the instructions before using these drugs, pay attention to side effects and contraindications when reading in order not to harm yourself even more. It is necessary to apply ointments with light circular movements in a thin layer.

If the injection site is pretty disturbing, you can take an anesthetic drug such as Paracetamol, Analgin, Nurofen. These medications will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. As practice has shown, a compress with "Dimexide" helps to relieve puffiness. If a large seal with suppuration has formed at the injection site, Vishnevsky ointment should be applied to the sore spot at night and fixed with a gauze bandage.

You canwhether to alleviate the condition yourself

Many people are skeptical about traditional medicine, but sometimes it gives a positive effect and perfectly complements the actions of drugs. Below are a number of folk methods that effectively relieve pain, seals, bumps after injections.

buttock hurts after injection
buttock hurts after injection

Effective recipes

Below are a few recipes that are used if the buttock and bruise hurt after injections:

  1. Applying a cabbage leaf or an aloe stalk to a sore spot was also used by our grandmothers. Be sure to thoroughly wash the sheet before use and fix it to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with an adhesive plaster.
  2. Honey is an effective remedy for many ailments, it also helps with bruises. It is necessary to mix honey with flour and stir to a viscous consistency to get a "honey cake". It is desirable to fix such a cake with plastic wrap on a sore spot and hold for 12 hours. After the session of the treatment procedure, you need to wash off the remnants with water. This treatment should be repeated within a week.
  3. Radish, grated and mixed with honey in equal amounts, wrapped in gauze and applied to the injection site for three hours. This procedure can be done daily for 7 days.
  4. Compresses with yogurt, sour cream or curdled milk effectively relieve pain. A cotton pad should be moistened in a dairy product and applied to the damaged area for an hour. Such lotions can be done a couple of times a day.
  5. An effective remedy for bumps and seals is onions or raw potatoes. You should cut the onion or potato in half, attach the cut to the cone and hold for 30 minutes. After that, the sore spot must be lubricated with baby cream. Onion also helps to relieve pain and swelling, in a day you can see a positive result.
  6. A warm heating pad helps to effectively dissolve bruises and infiltrates.
  7. Another method for dealing with bumps and bruises is alcohol compresses. But with this method of treatment, you need to be more careful - alcohol dries out the skin, the skin may begin to peel off, and burns may also remain. Before applying such a compress, it is necessary to lubricate the damaged area with a nourishing cream.
  8. Using lotions from a solution of laundry soap.
bump after injection in the buttock hurts
bump after injection in the buttock hurts

Along with traditional and folk medicine, a combination of physiotherapy, warming up and massage will be very effective. Ultrasound is also a very productive way to solve the problem.

What absolutely cannot be done

Basic rules in case a muscle hurts after an injection on the buttock:

  1. In no case should the patient overheat in the sauna or bath. Hot temperatures can exacerbate inflammation.
  2. No need to crush the bump with your hands, because if there is even the slightest abscess there and it bursts, this will lead to blood poisoning. Also, do not knead the bump with a variety of massagers.
  3. If used for treatment"Dimexide", it should not be left as a compress for a long time, otherwise a burn may remain on the skin.

If you follow these simple rules, you can quickly relieve pain, eliminate bumps and resume treatment with injections.

Is it forbidden to take water procedures after

The question of whether it is possible to take water treatments after injections is asked by many people. However, it all depends on the composition of the drug that is used for treatment. Therefore, such questions should be asked to the doctor. He should explain when you can take a bath, when you can just confine yourself to a shower, and when you completely abstain even from a shower.

buttock and leg hurt after injection
buttock and leg hurt after injection

The result of a self-made injection

Many people find it hard to inject themselves in the buttocks. However, there are those who overcome their fear. But it must be remembered that before the procedure it is important to disinfect the injection site with an alcohol solution. The medical needle must be inserted at an angle of 45 ° and, slowly, the drug should be injected. If at least one of the actions is completely wrong, complications can arise that are life-threatening. For example, after an injection in the buttock, a bump hurts. At the slightest suspicion that the injection was given incorrectly, you should immediately inform the doctor about this.

Why does my buttock bleed after an injection

A very common and common occurrence when, after an injection into the buttock, the injection site oozes for a long time, and sometimes flows from it in a jetblood. In such cases, there is no need to be afraid, most likely the medical needle damaged the vessel under the skin and a puncture formed in the vessel. This can happen by chance or due to the individual characteristics of the organism - for example, in a person, vessels are located nearby in relation to the skin. In such cases, it is recommended to pull the syringe slightly towards you, if the blood flows inside, it is better not to continue the intramuscular injection.

In any case, it should be remembered that it is better to prevent any, even minor inflammation, redness or induration than to treat it later. To do this, it is important to monitor the changes in the body that can occur after injections. At the slightest doubt and suspicion, you should go to the hospital for help.
