Intestinal dyspepsia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Intestinal dyspepsia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet
Intestinal dyspepsia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Often people are interested in what it is - dyspepsia, the symptoms of which are many, but in each individual case they are individual. You can diagnose the disease yourself. You just need to figure out the problem. In the ICD, dyspepsia is defined as a digestive tract disorder in which food is not completely digested. The disease code is K30. The main symptoms of dyspepsia are mainly discomfort in the lower torso, heartburn, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the intestines, and rapid satiety after eating. Recently, scientists have established a direct relationship between accumulated stress and the occurrence of dyspepsia.

Therefore, it should be established what it is - dyspepsia. Symptoms and treatment of dyspepsia of the stomach and intestines are indicated in this article. Self-medication is not recommended.

intestinal dyspepsia
intestinal dyspepsia


The following factors contribute to the occurrence of the disease:

  • frequent glut;
  • presence of unhe althy habits;
  • taking aggressive drugs,negatively affecting the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eating unhe althy food;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of hormonal disorders;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • bad chewing food;
  • insufficient mechanical processing of consumed products complicates the process of food processing, which contributes to the development of dyspepsia;
  • often this pathology is typical for young children, especially during the period of mastering the skill of chewing solid foods;
  • eating high carbohydrate foods;
  • infection of the digestive system;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • presence of oncological formations;
  • food allergies;
  • also at risk include people with chronic as well as congenital disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
intestinal dyspepsia syndrome
intestinal dyspepsia syndrome


Symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia include:

  • unstable stool (constipation or diarrhea);
  • aching pain in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea;
  • periodic heartburn.
stomach dyspepsia symptoms and treatment
stomach dyspepsia symptoms and treatment

Signs of enzymatic dyspepsia

The main symptoms of enzymatic dyspepsia include:

  • increased gas formation;
  • bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • bad taste in mouth.
dyspepsia in children
dyspepsia in children

Symptoms of fermentative dyspepsia

Fermentative dyspepsia is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • diarrhea (stool has a characteristic odor);
  • pain or discomfort in the abdomen;
  • feeling full in the abdomen;
  • increased flatulence;
  • bloating.
dyspepsia what are the symptoms
dyspepsia what are the symptoms

Signs of putrid dyspepsia

The clinical manifestations of the putrefactive form of dyspepsia include:

  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • pain in the abdomen of a periodic acute nature;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • burp.
bowel dyspepsia symptoms
bowel dyspepsia symptoms

Symptoms of neurotic dyspepsia

Dyspepsia of a neurotic nature is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea, possible vomiting;
  • sleep disorder;
  • emotional lability.

Signs of fatty indigestion

Fatty dyspepsia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea with characteristic feces (feces covered with a whitish coating).
  • Abdominal pain.

Symptoms of non-ulcer dyspepsia

Symptoms of non-ulcerative bowel dyspepsia are:

  • quick satiety from food eaten;
  • discomfort or pain in the abdomen of a squeezing nature;
  • burp;
  • heartburn;
  • sleep disorder;
  • emotional instability (tearfulness,irritability).

Indications for diagnosis

Diagnosis of dyspepsia of the stomach and intestines is carried out in the presence of several mandatory criteria:

  1. Persistent abdominal pain, discomfort in the torso for more than seven days, which recurs regularly for a month or three times a year.
  2. No organic changes in the gastrointestinal tract on ultrasound, physical and endoscopic examination of the upper abdomen.
  3. Another sign is a feeling of fullness and retention of food in the intestines. These sensations are most likely related to previous meals.

Medicated treatment

The appointment of drug therapy for dyspepsia in children and adults is carried out only after a thorough diagnosis, since the symptoms characteristic of dyspepsia may indicate more serious diseases. Actually, the treatment itself is aimed primarily at getting rid of the unpleasant sensations delivered by the disease (from pain to a feeling of fullness, bloating, nausea).

drugs for dyspepsia
drugs for dyspepsia

Drug therapy for intestinal dyspepsia syndrome, as a rule, consists of three pharmacological groups of drugs:

  • prokinetics;
  • antacids;
  • antibiotics.

The action of drugs from the group of prokinetics is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (restoring motility), among the most recommended are the following:

  • "Cisapride";
  • "Domperidone";
  • "Metoclopramide".

These drugs help stimulate the work of the stomach and intestines, namely, increase the frequency of contractions, resulting in accelerated emptying and release of the stomach from food (in other words, they make the stomach work harder). Reduce symptoms of reflux (heartburn). These drugs are available in tablets, the dosage of which is determined by the attending physician.

Antacids are designed to normalize excessive gastric secretion (secretion of gastric juice) - and this is very important, since it is this pathology that gives the patient pain, which is a symptom of intestinal dyspepsia. Antacids are widely represented today:

  • "Omeprazole";
  • "Ranitidine";
  • "Almagel";
  • "Rabeprazole".

Some of these drugs are in tablet form, and some, such as Almagel, are in the form of a gel-like paste that is taken before meals.

Preparations of the group of antibiotics are prescribed if the diagnosis revealed the presence of Helicobacter Pylori. The following schemes are commonly used:

1. Regimen of the following three drugs:

  • "Clarithromycin";
  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Omeprazole".

2. The second version of the scheme involves the replacement of the drug "Metronidazole" with"Amoxicillin".

3. The third scheme is represented by four drugs, namely:

  • "Tetracycline";
  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Panthroprazole";
  • "Bismuth subcitrate".

In addition to specific medications, in the treatment of intestinal dyspepsia, the use of drugs to strengthen the immune system is recommended.

Folk treatment

The use of folk remedies and methods for intestinal dyspepsia can be quite effective if the symptoms of the disease are not the result of serious pathologies. And this can be established only when carrying out the necessary set of diagnostic procedures. Of the most popular and affordable folk remedies for the treatment of dyspepsia, the following recipes can be distinguished:

  1. To normalize gastric secretion and intestinal microflora, relieve intestinal spasms, it is recommended to use infusions with cumin. Half a tablespoon of cumin is poured with boiling water (marjoram can be added) and infused for 15-20 minutes. This infusion is used for putrefactive dyspepsia, increased gas formation.
  2. For the general normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, an infusion of elecampane root is used. Such a preparation is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed root is poured into a glass of cold water and infused throughout the day.
  3. Get rid of pain and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will help tincture of fennel, marsh calamus roots and valerian root. Powder from the crushed roots of these plants inin equal proportions (a teaspoonful) is poured with boiling water and infused.
  4. To relieve intestinal spasms and colic, a warm 15-minute bath with the addition of linden flowers is good.
  5. If the patient is concerned about increased gas formation, then in this case it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile flowers, yarrow, mint leaves and sage. All herbs are crushed and mixed, for a decoction, one teaspoon of the mixture is taken and poured with boiling water, insist for half an hour.
  6. Separately, it is worth stopping your attention on some plants that are very widely used in all possible cases for intestinal dyspepsia:
  • Dandelion - roots, leaves, flowers are used for medicinal purposes. In the form of tea, dandelion is included in the antibacterial treatment regimen. To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, juice from freshly squeezed leaves of the plant and a decoction of crushed dandelion root are used. An excellent remedy for dyspepsia is a salad with fresh dandelion leaves - this dish can rightfully be included in your diet;
  • Mint is a plant containing tannins, essential oil, flavonoids, vitamins and carotene. It is used in the form of an infusion of leaves and pharmacy alcohol tincture, which helps to get rid of pain during an exacerbation of dyspepsia and relieve symptoms of flatulence.


As you can see, timely detection of symptoms and treatment of dyspepsia of the stomach and intestines will help to quickly bring he alth back to normal. But there is another method of therapy, without which it is impossible to defeat the disease. Diet therapy is an integral part of the treatment of intestinal dyspepsia. Depending on the type of disease, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed. The general principles for dieting are:

  • strict meal times;
  • rational distribution of products;
  • compliance with the rules of cooking;
  • exclusion from the diet of unauthorized dishes.

Diet is aimed at improving bowel function, normalizing stools, getting rid of abdominal discomfort.

Fermentative dyspepsia. With this form of the disease in the diet, it is necessary to limit foods rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. These include:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • jelly;
  • fruits and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes);
  • honey;
  • candy;
  • jam;
  • muffin;
  • high-fiber foods (bran, legumes, nuts).

The amount of protein needs to be increased. To do this, you need to eat lean meats and fish, soy products, eggs in the form of omelettes. Eliminate gas-producing foods from your diet:

  • apples;
  • cabbage;
  • bananas;
  • legumes;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia.

When dietary therapy for this form of dyspepsia, the amount of protein consumed is limited. Exclude the use of meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal.

Recommended therapeutic fasting for about two days with rosehip decoction and sweet tea. After fasting, the use of carbohydrates in the form of crackers is allowed,rice porridge in water. You can use vegetarian soups or those made with secondary broth. Further, fermented milk products are included in the diet, contributing to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, acidophilus are allowed.

Decoction of oak bark copes well with diarrhea. After the disappearance of the symptoms of dyspepsia, a gradual expansion of the menu is shown until a complete return to the usual diet.
