Tubage of the liver is a medical procedure during which the gallbladder and its ducts are cleaned. It is carried out only in violation of the natural process of self-purification. Cleansing the liver requires hospital conditions; it is extremely unsafe to carry out this procedure at home. However, it is possible. The essence of the process is as follows: after the use of any choleretic substance, the secretion of bile increases greatly, which leads to diarrhea and, accordingly, to the cleansing of the body. Various preparations can be used as such a substance. For example, a tube with sorbitol is common.

What is sorbitol?
This substance is a natural sugar substitute and does not contain glucose. Sorbitol is produced from vegetable raw materials and is used not only for cleansing the liver, but also in dietary nutrition, for example, in diabetes. It is the tubage with sorbitol that is used most often, since this drug is relatively cheap, and buying itavailable at any pharmacy.
How to do tubage at home?
A few days before the procedure, it is necessary to maintain a vegetable and fruit diet. To carry out a tubage with sorbitol, dissolve five grams of sorbitol in a glass of still mineral water. Drink this solution in the morning, and after half an hour - another glass of non-carbonated mineral water. Now you need to lie down and heat the liver area with any warm object, such as a heating pad.
After a while, diarrhea will begin, pain in the liver area is also possible - they arise due to the fact that the gallbladder is actively contracting, and the stones in it begin to move. One of the possible most painful conditions is hepatic colic. Tubage with sorbitol is relatively easy to organize and carry out. However…

Why you shouldn't clean your liver at home
Tubage is used quite often. Some cleanse the liver once a month or even once a week, and some - every six months. For many people, tubage has already become a habit, and for them it is as common as, for example, visiting a dentist. But we should not forget that to put such experiments on your body is a very risky business. In the worst case, the result can be disastrous not only for the liver, but for the whole body, after which immediate hospitalization and long-term expensive treatment will be required. That is why in a hospital setting liver tubage is prescribed only after a thorough medical examination.
There is a very common misconception that tubazhused to remove stones from the gallbladder. This statement is fundamentally wrong and even dangerous! Indeed, in the presence of stones, tubage is strictly contraindicated, because during this procedure they move and can clog the bile ducts, and this is treated only by surgery.

Other tubage options
To achieve the desired result, you can use not only sorbitol. As a choleretic substance, they are quite suitable:
- Special mineral water (Essentuki 4 and 17, Arzni, Jermuk). But the day before the procedure, in the evening, you need to pour water into a container and leave it overnight in order for the gas to disappear.
- Magnesia sulphate in the amount of one dessert or tablespoon, diluted in a glass of hot water in the evening the day before tubage.
Treat the forced cleansing of the body with caution. It is better to choose more gentle and gentle means. Alternatively, try every morning on an empty stomach to drink a full tablespoon of any suitable oil - linseed, pumpkin, cedar. The effect will be very strong and effective, but it will appear gradually, without stress for the body.