Individual snoring cap: instructions for use, features, effectiveness and reviews

Individual snoring cap: instructions for use, features, effectiveness and reviews
Individual snoring cap: instructions for use, features, effectiveness and reviews

Snoring is a very common problem, and the question of how to deal with it worries everyone - both those who make these loud guttural sounds and those who constantly hear them. Moreover, the second part of the people would like to find a solution to the problem as quickly as possible. After all, falling asleep next to a snoring person becomes almost impossible.

cap for snoring
cap for snoring

When no tricks help - turn a person on his side, close his nose, pinch and other manipulations, you have to look for additional help, otherwise poor sleep will lead to even more serious problems. Do not forget that aesthetically a snoring person looks completely unattractive.

One of the most effective options is a snoring mouth guard, this device is selected individually after consultation with a doctor.

A brief about the occurrence of the phenomenon

Snoring is a guttural sound that is made by a sleeping person. It appears when the muscles of the palate, tongue and pharynx are too relaxed, the passage of air through them is accompanied by a strong vibration. Sometimes heralmost inaudible, but often creates loud noises that disturb the sleep of others.

snoring cap reviews
snoring cap reviews

Every person can snore in their sleep from time to time, regardless of age. In this case, you should not even wonder about getting rid of this phenomenon. However, when this is repeated from night to night, something urgently needs to be addressed. A person himself can sleep poorly or not sleep at all due to snoring, over time, his nervous system weakens, chronic fatigue from lack of sleep appears, and subsequently depression and stress. Some people have never experienced such a problem, for others it is a real torture.

Causes of snoring

Anything that can cause relaxation of the muscles of the larynx causes snoring. This is alcohol intoxication or chronic fatigue. Other pathological causes are:

  • wrong structure of the nasopharynx;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • obesity;
  • nasal polyps;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • adenoids;
  • malignant tumors;
  • taking certain medications.

In any case, this problem will be solved after the exact cause of its occurrence is established.

Methods to eliminate snoring. Capa

Today there are quite a few remedies, both medicinal and mechanical, that relieve annoying sound, among which the snoring cap has won the most popularity.

mouthguard against snoring
mouthguard against snoring

In the event that the ailment is nota sign of disease and serious he alth deviations, the only question is to eliminate the loud sound. Using a mouthguard allows you to effectively deal with the problem. This is a special plastic product that is worn on the lower jaw and tongue. As noted, the characteristic sound appears due to weakened muscles of the tongue and pharynx. The anti-snoring mouthguard strengthens their tone, thereby preventing the appearance of vibration. It frees the passage of air in the larynx.

Such devices are made individually, so their cost will be higher than for other means. The use of internal devices has long proven its effectiveness. Before use, you must visit the dentist's office. The doctor, after examining the oral cavity, in the absence of contraindications, adjusts the cap.


  • loose, loose teeth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bite defect (pronounced).

Before tuning, the device is disinfected in a special solution, placed in hot water, then cooled. Then there is a sample. The patient bites on the mouthguard to correct the position of the tender jaw to avoid malocclusion. After that, the snoring cap still remains in the oral cavity until the material hardens. If an overbite has been made incorrectly, it is easy to correct due to the flexibility of the product.

snoring cap price
snoring cap price

The whole procedure takes half an hour maximum, on the same day you can already use the device.

How does the mouthguard work?

Nothing complicated and dangerous inmechanism of the device is not present. It pushes the lower jaw slightly forward, slightly opening the airways. This makes it possible to normalize the flow of air to the lungs. Moreover, the main task that the cap performs is to prevent the displacement of the lower jaw during sleep. After a snoring cap is installed, the majority of patient reviews are positive. Remember that the procedure should be carried out by specialists.

The product is made in such a way that with closed jaws a person can breathe freely thanks to special holes. It is impossible to swallow a mouthguard in a dream or bite off a piece.

It is completely safe to use, made of environmentally friendly durable plastic. It is odorless and tasteless, its installation does not require surgical intervention. It is important to understand the process that occurs while wearing a mouthguard so as not to expect instant results. The jaw needs to get used to the new position, which takes an average of 20-30 days.

Instructions for use

As far as we know, a snoring person is not only a source of unpleasant loud sound that irritates and interferes with sleep. Such an ailment may indicate serious pathological processes. The Custom Snoring Mouthguard is designed to provide a secure fit in the mouth without additional devices, devices or straps.

snoring custom cap
snoring custom cap

Self installation:

  • the product is placed in a vessel with hot water (70-80 °C), kept there for 20 seconds;
  • carefully shake offexcess water;
  • using a special holder, the cap is placed in the oral cavity;
  • the product is pressed from all sides until the device takes a clear shape of each tooth.

Effective fixture

There are several factors that will affect how effective a snoring mouthguard will be. Efficiency depends:

  • from the type of cap;
  • from the causes of snoring and sleep apnea.

The dentist prescribes a test mouthguard that the patient wears for two weeks. The simplest product is silicone-based. After this period, a control test of breathing during sleep is carried out, where the number of stops of breaths per hour is estimated. If the readings are lower, then the wearing of the device will be effective, and then an individual mouthguard is made.


  • light weight and size;
  • affordable price.


  • feels uncomfortable at first;
  • reducing the space in the oral cavity for the tongue;
  • soft mouthguards are short-lived;
  • changing the appearance of the temporomandibular joint.

Silicone products

The most simple and uncomfortable. They are used as a test option or when it is not possible to purchase a more expensive product.

Individual non-adjustable

They are made according to individual casts of teeth, exactly repeating their shape. This method reduces the load on the teeth due to uniform pressure and a snug fit.

Customized adjustable

The best option, the adjustment function allows you to adjust the product to your liking for convenience. Such a cap against snoring has won extremely positive reviews. It is the most effective for treatment. Before its manufacture, a neuromuscular diagnostic procedure is performed.

mouthguard against snoring effectiveness
mouthguard against snoring effectiveness

Such a device is considered a relatively new way to get rid of rochnopathy in Russia, but this technique has long proven its effectiveness abroad. The bottom line is the constant use of an intraoral device worn directly on the jaw.


When using a device such as a snoring mouthguard, user reviews are very contradictory, but there are still more positive opinions. Probably, the negative is associated with the negligence of the patients themselves, who buy and use the device without consulting a doctor and a preliminary examination. After all, only after an examination by a specialist can one understand whether there are contraindications to this method of treatment.

There are opinions among users that this device does not help at all. In most cases, the inconvenience of wearing it is noted.

Many share positive feedback, saying that the problem disappears completely after 2-3 weeks, and the cap itself does not cause any inconvenience or discomfort. Describing negative cases when a snoring mouthguard was used, reviews of some users mention bleeding gums. If such symptoms are observed, then you need to remove the device, disinfect it in a special solution,wipe dry and put on again when the gums stop hurting. If the situation has not improved, then you need to go to the doctor.

Side effects

Others, on the contrary, note that only in this way they were able to escape from the disease, and inconvenience arises only at first. A snoring cap, according to users, is a very necessary device on business trips, at a party, in nature or on vacation. Side effects and inconveniences may include the following:

  • slight dry mouth;
  • increased salivation.

This happens in the first few days, during the adjustment period, and after a week, all symptoms disappear.

capa against snoring reviews
capa against snoring reviews

The device is sold at any pharmacy, you can also buy a mouthguard at a specialized medical center, where they will install it. The average cost of the device is 3-5 thousand rubles. If an anti-snoring mouthguard is offered, the price of which is lower, this is a sure sign of a fake.
