The appearance of a person, along with his inner content, plays an important role, because it is not in vain that they say: they meet by their clothes, but see them off by their mind. Representatives of the weaker sex are especially attentive to their appearance. And how much disappointment arises when a hated wart forms on the face. After all, it is hardly pleasant for someone to communicate with a person who is covered with warts and papillomas.
Unlike pimples, warts and papillomas do not disappear by themselves, it is necessary to carry out treatment. And here there are two options: either seek help from a clinic, or get rid of the disease with the help of alternative medicine. The conspiracy against papillomas has already been tested by more than one generation, and its effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Previously, medicine did not exist at all, and healers turned to healers for the healing of diseases. One of the main goals was getting rid of warts. Since early childhood, everyone has heard about such wonderful healers, who were treated not only with serious illnesses, but also with minor ones.ailments. However, it is not necessary to go to the grandmother, you can independently use the conspiracy. Today, there are various conspiracies and prayers for warts and papillomas, among which you can easily choose the appropriate method, depending on the availability of the necessary items for the ritual.
Why do warts occur?
Warts were previously thought to be transmitted from person to person. However, over time, it was found that warts are a virus, and most of the sexually active population is its carriers.
However, the carrier of the virus, if he has good immunity, may not be subject to the appearance of papillomas. As soon as immunity decreases, the virus makes itself felt by the appearance of formations on the skin.
Women very often develop warts during pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs, gynecological diseases.
There are more than 60 types of papillomavirus, some of which can cause malignant tumors. It is almost impossible to stop the spread of the virus, but you can get rid of neoplasms on the skin, this will help conspiracies and rituals from papillomas.

Wart Treatment Methods
Warts and papillomas can be removed in various ways:
- physical (laser therapy, cryosurgery);
- chemical (drugs);
- combined (combination of different treatment methods);
- removal of papillomas by conspiracy.
How the conspiracy works
The besta plot from papillomas - the one that was advised by people who tried it on their own experience.
Warts don't just disappear, they need to be translated into something. The essence of the conspiracy is to, by pronouncing certain words, treat the wart with some means. In this way, the disease is transferred to him.
Conspiracy Rules
Why is it that a huge number of cases of getting rid of papillomas with the help of conspiracies are known? No matter how many studies have been carried out, traditional medicine still cannot find an effective medicine that would quickly and permanently get rid of the disease. In addition, after the use of certain drugs, warts become even larger. For this reason, patients who are disillusioned with medicine seek help from conspiracies.

For a conspiracy against warts and papillomas to be effective, you need to believe in its action, and if you are skeptical, then there is no point in resorting to this method at all.
Faith and following all the rules will help to achieve the desired result. Conspiracies are selected depending on the intensity of the disease, so you should carefully consider the choice of a specific method.
It is also very important to focus on the lunar phases when healing. Conspiracies are best read during the waning moon, because at this time they have maximum power.
You should not abuse such methods if the problem does not disappear immediately, it is better to try again for the next phase of the waning moon or change the plot.
According to the rules, it is better for women to read conspiracies on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
Conspiracy with a dry blade of grass
To utter a conspiracy from papillomas, you need to be extremely concentrated on the desire to eliminate the disease, after that you should go out into the field or go into the forest. There we look for a dry blade of grass or spikelet. Upon arrival home, we apply a blade of grass to each wart, repeating: "As this blade of grass dries and dries, so the wart on the body of the servant of God (name) itself melts." Then we look for a dried grass bush on the street, make a hole near it, put a blade of grass and bury it. Once it rots, the warts will disappear.

Thread Conspiracy
To read this conspiracy from papillomas, you need to find a cotton thread of 30 cm. In the phase of the growing moon, you should go outside, thread through all the warts, count the formations and tie the same number of knots on the thread. Then we say three times: "Month, month, you are young, take my warts with you."
After that, it is necessary to bury the thread in the ground at a distance of about 20 cm from the surface. When the thread rots, then you can wait for the warts to disappear.
The Potato Conspiracy
This will require three potatoes. Take the first, cut in half. Half drive over the warts, reading the prayer "Our Father", then bury it, and throw the other half over your head, saying: "You, potato, fly, and the servant of God (name) or baby, child,wart gone". Repeat for two more days.

There is another way. You will need potatoes and matches, their number is calculated based on the existing warts. It is necessary at the fork in the road to touch the match to the wart and stick it in the potato, while saying: "One match - one wart." Do the same with the rest of the matches. After that, leave the potatoes at the fork, turn around and say: "Here are the roads for you, go wherever you want, but don't come back to me, but come back - get out." Without looking back, you need to go home.
Conspiracy with a coin
A conspiracy against papillomas using a coin is also considered quite effective. To do this, you need absolutely any coin, you need to attach it to the wart and say the text: "From my womb - to someone else's. From the itchy, sick place - to clean, dry. As hands change, so ailments will dissipate."
After that, the coin should be thrown into a crowded place, and when someone takes it, then the warts will disappear.
For each wart, you should use a new coin, but no more than 9 at a time. If there are more papillomas, then you can repeat the treatment of papillomas with a conspiracy after 40 days.

Conspiracy with celandine
To make this conspiracy from papillomas work, you will need celandine. Squeeze the juice out of it and leave for a day. When there is a young moon in the sky, you need to go outside in the evening and smear all the warts with juice. Then you needstretch out your arms to the moon and quickly say three times: "Young month-month, take me with you, take the warts, and return me as soon as possible."
Apple conspiracy
Conspiracy of warts, papillomas with the help of an apple is performed as follows. We take a red apple, a red thread and cut the apple with it. Grate the warts with halves of the fruit, then connect them together and tie with the same thread. Next, you need to bury the apple on the road. Once the apple rots, so will the warts.

Plot with mountain ash
You can get rid of warts with the help of the forces of nature, for example, mountain ash. It is necessary to approach the tree, baptize each wart three times with a needle, repeating also three times: "Rowan-rowan, I am spoiled, remove all warts from me!" After that, you should stick the needle into the bark of the tree and leave without turning around. A week after the ritual, the warts should dry out and disappear.
Various ailments overtake a person suddenly, and it is not always possible to urgently seek help from a doctor, and in some cases traditional medicine can do little to help. However, you can always use all sorts of conspiracies that were used by our ancestors. Everyone can perform conspiracies on their own, except for this, no incredible attributes are required.
Bow Conspiracy
You will need a purple onion and a knife. It is necessary to cut the onion in half and rub the warts, saying: "Into the bulb of the wart, into the bulb!"You should read over each wart three times. After that, you need to leave the bow on an empty road and return home without turning around and not talking to anyone along the way.
If you have long been tormented by the question of how to get rid of papillomas, a conspiracy will help solve this problem. The effectiveness of such methods has been tested for generations, so there is no doubt about their effectiveness.
People have resorted to alternative medicine at all times. It is difficult to say that such methods help everyone unconditionally. However, there is no smoke without fire, so there are people who have been healed of the disease, and those who need a different way. In any case, there is no single remedy suitable for everyone. Through trial and error, it will still be possible to find that very middle ground and heal from a boring ailment.