In the article, we will consider how the plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin is carried out.
A short frenulum, or narrowed foreskin of the penis, is a fairly common pathology. It seriously impairs the quality of life and causes many inconveniences. However, at present, this problem is easily solved by the usual intervention of a surgeon - plastic surgery of the foreskin. Such an operation is common, simple, done for adults and children, easily tolerated.

Indications for surgery and contraindications
Plasty of the foreskin is indicated for complete or relative narrowing of the foreskin - phimosis or paraphimosis. At the same time, plastic surgery is an alternative to circumcision when the patient wants to leave the foreskin for some reason.
Surgery is contraindicated for: sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system, blood diseases, tumors located near the genitals, duringexacerbation of acute or chronic infectious diseases, HIV infection.
In some cases, the operation in the presence of contraindications is possible or it can be performed after their elimination. An experienced surgeon should be consulted to determine if a patient is eligible for plastic surgery.
The indications for plastic surgery of the foreskin are clear. Now you can get acquainted with the problem itself in more detail.
Types of phimosis
So, phimosis is an ailment that can be congenital and acquired. Congenital is divided, in turn, into pathological and physiological, pathological further - into hypertrophic and atrophic.

Phymosis of the physiological type is observed in many babies. However, by the age of two or three, as the tissues of the penis differentiate and grow, this problem is solved by itself, and physiological phimosis does not need treatment. True, a violation in some children still remains if, due to atrophy (thinning) or, conversely, hypertrophy (lengthening) of the tissues of the foreskin, the head is not exposed.
Acquired phimosis is the result of scarring in a man's foreskin. Its causes: infectious local processes that proceed according to the type of balanoposthitis and balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis), traumatic injuries.
Depending on the nature of the severity, four degrees of this pathology are distinguished. In the initial stages, exposure of the head is possible, but with difficulty. With this pathological condition, the head is infringed in a narrow ringpreputial foramen. This complication can cause head necrosis and often requires emergency surgery.
Preparation for plastic surgery of the foreskin
Preparation procedures are standard. It is necessary to pass a general blood and urine test, an analysis for various kinds of viral diseases and the concentration of various elements in the blood. Additionally, fluorography is performed, blood clotting is tested. All referrals for research are issued by a urologist. It is imperative to clarify whether the patient has drug intolerance.
Of the specific preparation, only shaving of the genitals and pubis is necessary.

Progress of intervention
Plasty of the foreskin is mainly performed under local anesthesia, but for boys under the age of twelve, it is performed under general anesthesia - in this case, more tests are needed.
The operation is quite fast and without complications. The foreskin is retracted, then it is cut lengthwise in the area of maximum narrowing. The length of the incision is selected depending on the length of the narrowed area.
It happens that exposing the head and too much narrowing is impossible. Then a small incision is made, and then the head opens and the incision continues.
The seams are placed across. Threads can be ordinary (in this case, they are removed after two weeks), and self-absorbable.
A very short frenulum of the foreskin is also a common pathology. It can be purchased fromthe result of trauma or congenital. It differs from narrowing in that the head could well open on its own, but the fabric is not pulled to the desired distance.
Physoplasty is a simple operation that takes only 15-20 minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia.
The bridle is cut across with a scalpel, a ligature is applied to the crossed artery. Then the edges of the wound are sutured in the longitudinal direction. If a scar is found on the frenulum, the surgeon immediately removes it.

Rehabilitation period
The importance of manipulation after foreskin plastic surgery should not be overlooked. On the first day, dressings are made with antibacterial ointments. Additionally, baths with chamomile and oak bark are prescribed, which have a calming effect.
In the first two or three weeks, the member must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent infection from entering the wound. Also, at this time, sexual intercourse is excluded. It is also desirable to limit physical activity for a month.
Washing may be uncomfortable. The first week is better if the water does not get on the penis. A condom can help out a patient - it is put on during hygiene procedures, then removed.
For better wound healing, strong friction should be avoided. For this purpose, during an intimate relationship for a month, it is better to use a lubricant. In the postoperative period, men are advised to wear tight underwear, which makes it possible to fix the organ. Similar restrictionreduces the chance of injury.

It must be remembered that only the timely elimination of phimosis eliminates the expected complications. If there are indications for an operation in childhood, this method of eliminating the pathology should not be abandoned.
The recovery process in childhood is much faster due to the active production of collagen.
Possible Complications
Complications are quite rare. The main reasons for it: neglect of the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period, contacting a surgeon with a lack of experience in dealing with similar problems. Infections, severe bleeding, and palpable pain may develop. At the first sensations of discomfort, you should consult a specialist.
The operation, on average, costs about ten thousand rubles (preparation and actions after the intervention are taken into account). It depends on the clinic and region. Patients claim that the procedure is more expensive in private clinics than in public hospitals.
Circumcision or plastic surgery?
Circumcision is too radical a procedure, and many men do not agree to it. However, there are times when it becomes the only option. These include inflammation of adhesions on the foreskin, inflammation of the head of the penis, genital warts and other inflammatory processes. Experts believe that such indications are a serious reason for circumcision.
This method is becoming the most common in the treatmentmale phimosis in different age categories. The technique is based on excision of the foreskin with further ligation.
After the operation, a sterile bandage is applied to the penis. The duration of the operation is no more than half an hour.
There are several methods of circumcision: clip method, dorsal incision, circular resection.
The appropriate method is chosen by the surgeon according to his own skill.

After the operation, the patient will have to recover for a long time. The healing process is easier in children.
Laser foreskin plastic surgery
Now it is laser surgery that is becoming the most acceptable and preferred way to rid men of phimosis. During the operation, the surgeon makes a tissue resection with the removal of the foreskin.
The head of the penis remains open. The difference between laser intervention and circumcision is the first operation without a scalpel.
Advantages of the laser method:
- simplicity, no need for anesthesia;
- lack of a long recovery period;
- no pain or swelling;
- no need for hospitalization;
- the chance of complications is minimized.
A significant disadvantage is the high cost of the operation. State clinics do not provide such a service due to the lack of equipment for its implementation.
If you look at the reviews of men, then those whoused laser plastic surgery, more satisfied with the result. Since the operation is quick, almost painless, the recovery period is shorter.
Such a method of plastic surgery of the foreskin of the penis is not an independent method of eliminating phimosis. It can only be used as an auxiliary, along with interventions to excise the tissues of the foreskin of the penis.
During the operation, the surgeon narrows the urethra through incisions and then stitching. Such a manipulation can be done simultaneously with plastic surgery and circumcision.
Radio Knife
This is an alternative way to replace laser surgery. The advantage of this method is the absence of a long rehabilitation period and painlessness. The intervention mechanism is based on the operation of the electrodes.
Tissue incision does not lead to a large loss of blood and does not cause pain. The method has no drawbacks of its own, however, radioknife surgery is only done in certain private clinics.

Reviews about plastic foreskin abound, mostly positive. Such an operation is cosmetic and less traumatic, performed in a polyclinic on an outpatient basis, lasts 15-20 minutes.
The main thing is that the intervention should be carried out carefully, without the formation of a rough scar, otherwise simple phimosis easily develops into cicatricial. Reviews confirm this. During surgery, doctors should only useabacterial, cosmetic, high-quality material that is not capable of causing inflammation.
Patients say that if done correctly, unpleasant complications are excluded. People are very satisfied with laser plastic surgery. The only negative is the high cost.
Plasty of the foreskin requires precise actions from the surgeon, experience in microsurgery and plastic urology. If the operation is performed qualitatively, then repeated interventions on the foreskin will not be needed, everything will recover perfectly. Men who have experienced this problem argue that it is better to choose a more experienced doctor who has already performed such operations. Since it is important to do everything carefully here. And novice surgeons sometimes make mistakes.