Cystitis often catches a woman by surprise during an emergency at work, a business trip, or even during pregnancy. Constant urge to go to the toilet, pain when urinating, fever - all these symptoms greatly complicate the life of the fair sex. "Cyston" from cystitis helps already in the first days of admission. It is a safe herbal preparation made in India. At the moment, "Cyston" from cystitis is one of the safest, cheapest and most effective options.
Causes of cystitis
Cystitis is a pathology in which the development of inflammation of the mucous surface of the bladder from the inside is characteristic. Most often, the process is inflammatory in nature. In the advanced form of the disease, antimicrobial therapy is required. "Cyston" for cystitis can be used both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of the disease in the initial stages. If the infection is already"rose" along the ureters and the inflammatory process began in the kidneys, then most often it is also necessary to connect antimicrobials.
The most common causes of cystitis:
- hypothermia of the whole organism;
- low immunity, unable to resist even minor infections;
- sitting on a cold surface for a long time;
- long exposure to cold water;
- inflammation of the genitourinary system is often accompanied by cystitis;
- urogenital infections are also often the cause of the disease.
Cystitis can be both acute and chronic. Both options relate to urological pathologies - you need to visit a doctor and pass all the prescribed tests in order to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process. The use of "Cyston" in cystitis is justified in both acute and chronic course of the disease. In both cases, one should not refuse to consult a nephrologist or urologist: often a parallel administration of an antibacterial drug is required, without which the cure will not be complete.

Possible he alth effects of cystitis
If you do not pay due attention to the treatment of cystitis, it will turn into a chronic form. The causative agents of the disease can migrate higher up the ureters, as a result, an inflammatory process also begins in the kidneys. This eventually leads to the development of chronic pyelonephritis. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, such a pathology over the years canlead to the development of chronic renal failure.
In order to make sure that cystitis is completely defeated, after the course of treatment, you should donate blood and make sure that there is no inflammatory process in the body.

Composition and release form of "Cystone"
The drug is available in the form of tablets. Country of origin - India. "Cystone" refers to homeopathic herbal remedies. Each tablet contains the following ingredients:
- horse bean seed extract;
- extract of the rhizomes of the membranous;
- Rough Straw Flower Seed Extract;
- teak seed extract;
- Osma bract extract;
- trigus terrestris fruit extract;
- extract of saxifrage reed;
- flower extract of bicarp stalk;
- fragrant pavonia extract;
- extract of ashen vernia;
- fragrant basil extract;
- horsetail extract.
All these extracts have a complex effect: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, mild diuretic, and also increase blood flow to the pelvic organs. In addition, the extracts together can reduce the concentration of calcium and oxalic acid in the urine - as a result of this action, the risk of developing urolithiasis is reduced. If there are already stones, taking Cyston on a regular basis helps to crush them and turn them into sand, after which they come out (the exact resultdepends on the nature of the stones and their size).

Price and terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Pills are packaged in plastic packages of one hundred pieces each. The cost of one package is about 400 rubles. The price may be slightly higher or lower (depending on the region of the place of purchase and the markup of the pharmacy chain).
The drug can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is not required for this (the instruction also informs about this). "Cyston" with cystitis practically does not cause side effects and drug dependence, it is intended for use in long courses. It can be taken in parallel with other drugs.
Indications for use
The drug is effective not only for cystitis. Instructions for use for Cyston informs that the drug can be used as an independent drug or as part of complex treatment for the following pathologies:
- infections of the bladder and urinary tract of various etiologies;
- chronic and acute pyelonephritis;
- urethritis;
- urolithiasis;
- crystalluria;
- gout.
It is also advisable to take it for people prone to swelling due to chronic diseases of the urinary system.
Possible side effects and contraindications
According to reviews, Cystone helps with cystitis well. Patients report that the drug is well tolerated, the therapeutic effect is noticeable already on the second or third day of admission. However, due to the plant composition, the development of allergic reactions is possible: itching, urticaria, exacerbation of atopic dermatitis (if the patient has previously suffered from such an ailment).
Some patients complain that diarrhea and indigestion develop in the first days of taking the drug. However, after two or three days, if you do not stop taking Cyston tablets, digestion will return to normal. If this does not happen and diarrhea continues, it is better to stop using the drug.

Drug Interactions
Clinically significant and life-threatening drug combinations have not been identified. However, it should be borne in mind that when taken simultaneously with drugs with a diuretic effect, tissue dehydration is possible. Therefore, before combining certain drugs on your own, it is better to consult a nephrologist.
"Cystone" with cystitis in women and men can cause dehydration, so you should drink as much pure water as possible while taking the medicine. This will help not only prevent dehydration, but also remove sand and pathogens.
Recommended dosages
How to take "Cyston" with cystitis? Instructions for use informs that the optimal daily dosage is two tablets twice a day. It is optimal to use the medicine after a meal - so it is guaranteed not to cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Individuals with gastritis and peptic ulcers may reduce dosage if symptoms worsen.up to one tablet after breakfast, lunch and dinner. If, after reducing the dosage, the organs of the digestive system will signal an exacerbation, you should choose another drug.
During the period of acute cystitis, it is recommended to use two or three tablets of Cyston three times a day.
For the prevention of cystitis, it is advisable to slightly reduce the dose: the instructions prescribe one tablet twice a day.

Special instructions for admission
It should be noted that when taken in parallel with alcohol, the diuretic effect of the drug is enhanced, which can lead to dehydration. During the course of treatment, it is better to give up alcohol. Consumption of alcohol-containing drinks during an exacerbation of cystitis increases the load on the organs of the urinary system, as a result of which recovery can be delayed indefinitely.
You can take the drug on your own at the same time as antibiotics only after consulting a nephrologist. Usually, before prescribing treatment, it is required to take tests beforehand in order to select a drug to which pathogenic microorganisms will be sensitive.

Patient reviews of "Cystone"
With cystitis, this drug has established itself as one of the fastest and safest. It is ideal for those who, due to individual he alth conditions, cannot take potent drugs. Reviews about "Cystone" atcystitis from women are positive. Most patients note that the cramps during urination are no longer so strong on the second day of admission. On the third day, as a rule, portions of urine excreted are normalized.
If there is a suspicion of acute cystitis or blood is found in portions of the urine, you can not hesitate: medical help is needed. If the following symptoms are observed, then taking Cyston is no longer appropriate, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible:
- temperature rises above 38.5°C;
- urine portions have become too small (about 30-40 ml at a time);
- blood found in urine.
Judging by the reviews, Cyston will not help with acute cystitis, doctors also confirm that in this case the drug is practically useless. When the disease transitions to an acute stage, the patient needs an integrated approach in choosing therapy. So if acute cystitis is suspected, it is better to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.
List of effective analogues
Modern pharmacology offers the following analogues of the drug "Cyston":
- "Phytolysin" - a paste with a characteristic herbal taste and smell. As well as "Cyston", it is a homeopathic preparation with components of plant origin. Effective in chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis. It has a mild anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.
- "Renel" - a tablet preparation for inflammation in the organsurinary system. With regular use, it has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. It makes no sense to take both Renel and Cyston at the same time, since these drugs have a similar principle of action.