How to establish breastfeeding after childbirth: feeding regimen, ways to establish and maintain lactation

How to establish breastfeeding after childbirth: feeding regimen, ways to establish and maintain lactation
How to establish breastfeeding after childbirth: feeding regimen, ways to establish and maintain lactation

Modern manufacturers offer the widest range of mixtures designed for artificial feeding of babies. However, none of them can replace mother's milk. The fact is that a natural product has a unique composition. Mother's milk contains more than a hundred components, including fats and proteins, a variety of macro- and microelements, minerals and vitamins, hormones, amino acids, a wide variety of active substances and other nutrients. All of them are in optimal proportions for the baby and are perfectly balanced. And in this matter, mother's milk cannot be compared with an artificial mixture, which, at best, contains only up to 40 components.

A natural product that the baby receives from the first days of his life, provides him with everything necessary for normal development and growth. Valuable components of mother's milk contribute to a better resistance of the crumbs to infections. They are also necessary for the development of immunity. That is why young mothersshould know how to breastfeed after childbirth. This will allow the baby to grow strong and he althy.

In the hospital

When to start breastfeeding?

newborn baby
newborn baby

You will need to do this immediately after giving birth. In order to cope with the task, it is important for young mothers to follow some rules. The following will help to establish breastfeeding in the hospital:

  1. Attaching the crumbs to the breast. Even in the delivery room, the baby is placed on the mother's stomach. After that, it is applied to the chest.
  2. Early first contact for obstructed labor or caesarean section. As a rule, in this case, they begin to apply the baby to the mother's breast a few hours or days after birth. However, if such an opportunity is still available, it is better to make contact immediately. The fact is that such an action will stimulate lactation in a woman.
  3. Accommodation of mother and child in one room. Being constantly next to her baby, a woman gets the opportunity to feed him on demand.
  4. No artificial supplementation. If the mother is not yet producing milk, colostrum will also be useful for the baby. This thick liquid is highly nutritious. If in the first days of a baby's life it is fed with a mixture, then this is very likely to upset the digestion of the baby, preventing the formation of the correct intestinal microflora.

How to properly breastfeed newborns in the hospital? If a young mother has any questions or shefaced with any problems, she should contact the medical staff, who will always come to the rescue.

Feeding routine

How to provide a nursing baby with mother's milk? To do this, a woman must know how to establish breastfeeding after childbirth. Reviews of young mothers indicate that there are a lot of different nuances in this matter. And the first one is the feeding regimen.

mom lying down feeding baby
mom lying down feeding baby

The baby should be breastfed by the hour or on demand. Which option is preferable? Most experts are of the opinion that it is better to feed the baby on demand. That is, when he begins to smack his lips and turn his head, while making inviting sounds.

How to establish a newborn breastfeeding regimen? According to many experts, the child should receive mother's milk as often as possible. After two weeks have passed since the birth of the crumbs, the frequency of feeding will noticeably decrease. There will be at least two hours between them.

Young moms who are wondering “How to breastfeed after giving birth?” Should know that frequent attachment of the baby to the breast is a great way to stimulate lactation. At such moments, signals are sent to the brain that increase the production of prolactin. As a result of this process, a woman's breasts produce more milk.

How to establish a breastfeeding regimen? Mom does not need to artificially limit the time of suckling. The baby should be at the breast for as long ashow much he wants. It is quite possible that at the moment of artificial interruption of sucking, the baby has not yet reached the “hind” milk, which is the most nutritious for him. This will prevent the growing body from getting the fats and proteins it needs to support normal weight gain.

What to do in a situation where there is clearly not enough milk for a baby in one breast? In this case, the newborn should be offered a second breast. But this must be done only when the woman realizes that the first of them is completely emptied. At the next feed, the baby will need to offer the breast he last suckled.

How to breastfeed after childbirth? Mother's milk the child should receive at night. And this point is very important for lactation issues. After all, the largest amount of prolactin is produced in a woman from 3 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the morning. That is why, in order for a mother's breasts to be full of milk the next day, she must feed her baby at least twice a night.


How to breastfeed after childbirth? For this, a young mother needs to express herself. Such a technique is extremely important for hyperlactation and is necessary at first, when the baby eats up very quickly, and the woman has a rush of milk at this time.

You can pump both manually and using a breast pump. If there is no need to stimulate lactation, it is not necessary to achieve a completely empty breast.

Nipple Gripper

How to properly breastfeed after childbirth? For thisit is necessary that the baby properly grasps the nipple and areola near it. If he does it right, then a vacuum forms between his mouth and the woman's breasts. Mom will not experience any pain.

Let's continue to consider how to properly establish breastfeeding. Mommy needs to watch the baby's breathing. At the same time, she needs to hold her chest. The thumb during this process, the woman must be placed on top.

Mommy should be sure that the baby has completely captured the areola. This will cause effective stimulation of the nipple and allow the baby to empty the breast as much as possible. It should be borne in mind that in case of improper capture of the areola, the newborn will swallow air. It will fill most of the newborn's stomach, preventing milk from entering the body.

How to breastfeed? It is also important for a woman to be in a comfortable position. This will allow you to relax and not experience pain and discomfort.

Nipple ban

How to breastfeed? Mothers should not offer pacifiers and pacifiers to their child. Once used to them, the baby may refuse to breastfeed completely.

Do not overdo hygiene

How to breastfeed newborns? For this, there is no need for frequent washing of the mammary glands. It is enough to wash them with warm water before each feeding. In addition, baby soap can be used. A woman should know that there are glands on the areola of the nipples. They secrete a special lubricant thatprovides natural protection. If you wash off this substance, then the skin near the nipples will immediately begin to dry, due to which cracks will appear on it.

Breastfeeding after caesarean section

If the baby was born on the account not naturally, but with the help of an operation, then the situation with the provision of his mother's milk may become more complicated. It is especially difficult to establish breastfeeding when a caesarean section was not previously planned, and the woman was simply not ready for such a turn of events. In this case, a number of problems may arise with the child's nutrition.

woman with a baby in her arms
woman with a baby in her arms

How to establish breastfeeding after caesarean section? For this you will need:

  1. Agree with the medical staff so that the child is given the opportunity to go into labor. The fact is that this physiological process not only has a direct impact on the hormonal level, but is also important for enhancing lactation.
  2. Talk to the doctors, asking them to breastfeed the baby in the delivery room after the operation is over. Of course, mother will not have milk at this moment, however, contact in the first hours after the baby is born is important for both him and the woman.
  3. Constant contact with the child. And this is despite the fact that after the operation, the mother’s milk appears, as a rule, later. The baby needs to be breastfed more often (8-12 times a day), remembering that lactation will depend on this in the future.
  4. For problems with milk production caused by pain after surgery,it is necessary to massage the chest, shoulder girdle, back and collar zone.
  5. Choose the appropriate position for feeding the baby. After a caesarean section, not all of them are suitable. The best option for this would be to use a special pillow or chair with low armrests. It will be convenient for mom to feed the baby lying down or from under her arm.

How to establish breastfeeding after caesarean section if the baby is lethargic and inactively captures the nipple? In this case, experts recommend that mom be in close contact with her baby as often as possible.

Psychological comfort

How to breastfeed newborns? Sometimes a mother does not produce enough milk. In this case, she will need to stimulate lactation. Consider the most effective measures that will achieve the desired result.

Any mother worries about her baby. And this feeling is inevitably present in every woman. The main thing at the same time is that momentary short-term unrest does not turn into constant anxiety. After all, nervousness, a sense of burden of responsibility and fear of doing something wrong can cause chronic stress. In the blood of a woman, the level of adrenaline rises. This is an obstacle to the release of milk. It is worth noting that it is produced enough, but the mother cannot “give” it to the baby.

How not to get into a similar situation? To do this, a nursing woman should learn to relax. A bath with aromatic rose, bergamot or lavender oil, as well as a warm shower, will allow her to do this. Pleasant music, massage and other ways to create a comfortable and calm environment will help a young mother.

Good sleep and rest

A woman at home with a baby feels a heavy burden of domestic problems. This does not allow her to enjoy a full eight-hour sleep. However, physical overload and lack of sleep are one of the reasons for the decrease in the volume of milk in the breast. To normalize lactation, a woman should certainly take time for daytime sleep and walk daily in the fresh air. In the most ideal case, mom should stick to the baby regimen. That is, at a time when the baby is sleeping, she also needs to rest. This will provide the baby with milk.

Drinking regimen and nutrition

What does a nursing woman need for normal lactation? Milk in her breast will be produced in the required volume in the presence of useful substances and liquid in the body. At the same time, it is especially important that the drinking regimen and nutrition are complete, but not excessive.

In the daily diet of a nursing mother, there should be foods that contain high-quality proteins (eggs, dairy products and meat), unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils, fish), as well as various trace elements and vitamins. The mode of eating is also important. Eating at strictly defined hours will contribute to the rhythmic production of breast milk. Experts recommend that a nursing mother eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day. At the same time, it is better to have a snack 30-40 minutes before the start of feeding.

With insufficient lactationa woman should include in her daily menu products such as lettuce and carrots, dill and parsley, Adyghe cheese and seeds, sour cream and cheese, as they have lactogenic properties. If the baby is not allergic, you can drink carrot and blackcurrant juice.

woman drinking water
woman drinking water

Maintain the level of lactation will help a woman and the drinking regimen. She will need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day in the form of purified and mineral non-carbonated water, fruit drinks and compotes, tea, fermented milk products and broths. This rule does not apply only to the first 7 days after childbirth. Indeed, during this period, milk begins to be produced, and drinking plenty of water can provoke its stagnation in the chest.

Homeopathic remedies and herbal medicine

Scientifically proven that some plants can stimulate the production of milk in the breast. Among them are cumin and anise, fennel and dill, oregano and lemon balm, nettle and some others. When taken, lactation increases due to the essential oils and biologically active components that have a hormone-like effect. These plants are consumed in the form of herbal teas and infusions individually or as part of collections.

cup with herbal tea
cup with herbal tea

Homeopathic remedies also contribute to the increase in lactation. They must be selected for a woman by a homeopathic doctor on an individual basis.


How to increase lactation with insufficient milk production? Vitamins A, C, E have a stimulating effect on this process,PP, as well as B1 and 6. Normalize the production of milk magnesium, iron, calcium and other trace elements. The elements listed above, being in the body, activate cellular metabolism, increase microcirculation in tissues and improve the composition of milk produced.

drug "Apilak"
drug "Apilak"

As a rule, these vitamins and microelements are recommended for nursing mothers in the form of various complexes specially designed to enhance lactation. The most effective drugs sold in the pharmacy network are:

  1. "Lactogon". It contains royal jelly, ginger, dill, oregano, nettle and other components.
  2. "Apilactin". The basis of this drug is royal jelly and pollen. Taking this remedy allows you to fight hypolactasia. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, preparations that contain bee products must be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. "Laktovit". This rather effective remedy contains cumin, anise, nettle and fennel. These herbs have a beneficial effect on the mother's body, increasing lactation.

In most cases, with an increase in the number of feedings, with adjustments in nutrition and daily routine, organization of good rest and sufficient fluid intake, lactation is getting better.

children crawl
children crawl

Positive results become noticeable in the period from 7 to 10 days after the start of the necessary activities. If athis did not happen, the woman is advised to consult a doctor for advice.
