Fish oil or omega 3: useful properties, difference, reviews

Fish oil or omega 3: useful properties, difference, reviews
Fish oil or omega 3: useful properties, difference, reviews

Products and many medications containing Omega-3 are successfully used to normalize lipid metabolism in the human body. These substances are found most of all in fish oil. However, they can also be obtained from other animal and plant products. Therefore, the question of which is better - fish oil or Omega-3, is very interesting. To answer it, you need to understand the beneficial properties of each of these substances.

what is the difference between fish oil and omega 3
what is the difference between fish oil and omega 3

Useful properties of Omega-3

So, to understand which is better - Omega-3 or fish oil, you need to consider the properties of these substances.

Omega-3 is a complex of fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic, alpha-linolenic and docosahexaenoic. Such acids are called polyunsaturated. They are the most important nutrients because they perform structural, bioregulatory, storage and energy functions.

The list of their useful properties includes the following actions:

  • potentiate the synthesis of tissue hormones(eicosanoids), which are involved in all biochemical reactions in cells;
  • reduce the concentration of low-density lipoproteins and "bad" cholesterol, resulting in a decrease in the likelihood of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke;
  • take part in the formation of germ cells in men (spermatozoa), retinal membranes, neuron membranes in the brain;
  • regulate the production of hormones and steroids such as testosterone;
  • participate in the processes of oxygen transfer to tissues;
  • regulate serotonin metabolism, reduce psycho-emotional stress, prevent the development of depressive conditions;
  • improve the contractile function of the heart muscle;
  • support the plasticity of the joints, reduce the intensity of pain in arthrosis and arthritis;
  • increase insulin sensitivity (by slowing the passage of the lump through the intestines);
  • reduce the severity of inflammatory processes in the body, preventing the occurrence of autoimmune pathologies and allergic reactions;
  • increase the cognitive functionality of the brain (attention, memory, learning);
  • improve the condition of the skin;
  • suppress increased appetite;
  • increase immune status;
  • contribute to the growth of lean muscle mass;
  • increase neuromuscular function, endurance, tone;
  • suppress the synthesis of cortisol (stress hormone).

Can I replace Omega-3 with fish oil? Let's figure it out.

which is better fish oil or omega 3
which is better fish oil or omega 3

Useful properties of fish oil

This product is no less effective than the Omega-3 complex. The benefits of fat are as follows:

  • normalization of the heart;
  • decrease blood cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of myocardial rhythms;
  • better eyesight;
  • supply of vitamins to the body;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes, fat burning;
  • improvement of the condition of the internal membranes and skin;
  • strengthening hair, nails, teeth;
  • production of serotonin, which improves the psycho-emotional state;
  • stimulation of brain activity, improvement of attention and memory;
  • preventing seizures;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • immunity boost;
  • normalization of bile production processes;
  • eliminate pain during menstruation;
  • neutralization of symptoms of alcohol poisoning.


It is very difficult to say unequivocally which is better - fish oil or Omega-3. It all depends on how appropriate the concentration of polyunsaturated acids in a particular product. The level of such acids in fish oil depends on the variety and habitat of the fish. Omega-3s are also included in some pharmacological preparations, so the content of useful substances in them is usually optimized in accordance with the daily requirement of the body.

So, what is the difference between fish oil and Omega-3? The first is a food product that is obtainedfrom sea fish. Omega-3 preparations are a combination of fatty acids present in fish oil and other nutritional elements. EPA and DHA are not produced in the human body, but can be produced from alpha-lipoic acid in very small amounts. That is why it is extremely important to eat food enriched with Omega-3.

difference between omega 3 and fish oil
difference between omega 3 and fish oil

Which do you prefer - Omega-3 or fish oil?

Expert Opinion

According to experts in the field of medicine, it is best to take preparations based on Omega-3, as they contain a normalized amount of fatty acids. Fish oil, according to doctors, is also useful, but what exactly the content of useful substances in this product in individual cases cannot be known. If you buy fish oil in a pharmacy, then such drugs are equated to Omega-3 drugs, they are absolutely identical in pharmacological action. This is the answer to the question if there is a difference between Omega-3 and fish oil, and if a replacement can be made.

Scope of application

Fish oil and Omega-3 are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • violation of the formation of teeth and bone tissue;
  • prevention of frequent colds;
  • diseases of the visual apparatus;
  • in order to restore the condition of nails, hair and skin;
  • in the prevention of thrombosis, osteoporosis and atherosclerosis;
  • at the first sign of rickets;
  • for the purpose of rapid regeneration of bone and wound injuries;
  • obesity(particularly for diabetic pathologies);
  • rheumatoid-type arthritis;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin diseases;
  • fat metabolism disorders.
  • what is the difference
    what is the difference

When should you limit consumption?

Fish oil and Omega-3 have some contraindications. If a person has allergic reactions to fish products, then fatty acids obtained from plant foods can be consumed.

So, contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hemophilia;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas and gallbladder;
  • hypervitaminosis A and D;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • severe kidney damage;
  • cholecystitis at the stage of exacerbation;
  • gallstones.

As you can see, the contraindications for the use of fish oil and Omega-3 are absolutely identical, and this is due to the fact that fatty acids are the main constituent of fish oil.

can you replace omega 3 with fish oil
can you replace omega 3 with fish oil

Application features

Products that contain fatty acids may be available in ready-to-use oil or capsule form, but for pediatric use, the liquid formulation is more convenient.

Concomitant use with anticoagulant medications requires special care and control over blood properties.

Co-administration with multivitaminscomplexes containing vitamins A and D can cause an overdose.

With long-term use of the Omega-3 complex and fish oil, it is necessary to control blood clotting indicators.

Before surgery, it is recommended to interrupt therapy with such drugs a few days before surgery.

When Pregnant

Omega-3s and fish oils are not recommended during pregnancy. If necessary, the decision to prescribe such drugs is made by the doctor. Such a restriction is associated with the antithrombotic effect of drugs on the blood system.

fish oil or omega 3 difference
fish oil or omega 3 difference

It should be noted that the difference between fish oil and Omega-3 may not only be that fish oil is a finished product obtained from fish, but the second is the substance that is part of this product. Polyunsaturated acids can also be provided in the form of herbal products, which is very convenient for people who are allergic to fish.

Fish oil and Omega-3 are good for the prevention and treatment of disorders in the functionality of the cardiovascular system, skin, visual apparatus, bone tissue. These funds perfectly normalize lipid metabolism, eliminate signs of obesity and bring great benefits to the body.

Do people understand the difference? Fish oil or Omega-3 they choose? Read more about this in the reviews.

fish oil omega 3 complex
fish oil omega 3 complex


Medical websites have a large number of reviews and opinions of people regarding fish oil andOmega 3. Many do not even know what their difference is, because they were sure that Omega-3 is fish oil itself. However, other patients are more aware of this issue and note that the use of Omega-3 gives a more pronounced positive result than taking simple fish oil. At the same time, Omega-3 is only a component of such a product, while preparations directly with fatty acids without the presence of fish oil are the most concentrated and have the highest activity. This is supported by many medical professionals who claim that Omega-3s can be obtained not only from fish oil.

We looked at which is better - fish oil or Omega-3.
